Chapter 14

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Anne: I need your help
Charlie: What for?
Anne: To get revenge on Gilbert.
Charlie: That's the thing... I need to tell u something
Anne: Later
Anne: So will you help me?
Charlie: But I need to tell you, it's important!
Anne went offline

Jerry and Gilbert
Jerry: hey
Gilbert: Let me explain.
Gilbert: It wasn't me.
Jerry: I just want to move on and forget about it.
Gilbert: No
Gilbert: Listen
Jerry: I'm listening...
Gilbert: I didn't recite the poem to Ruby! The light was supposed to fall on Anne, that was the plan! But Charlie admits him and Rubs made sure it went wrong.
Gilbert: I have screenshots if you want them
Jerry: We need to tell Anne!
Jerry: She hates you right now and wants to hurt you too.
Gilbert: She blocked me so you have to tell her.
Jerry: She won't listen to me when she's mad... I doubt she would even listen to Di.
Gilbert: Who would she listen to?
Jerry: Someone firm who wouldn't lie and maybe isn't involved in any of this?

Charlie and Anne
Charlie: If I help what will you give me?
Anne: I'll go on a date with you
Charlie: Deal. But don't blame me later that you refused to listen to what I have to tell you.
Anne: Whatever. Are you at your house? I'm on my way there.

Gilbert and Jerry really need to hurry before Anne goes through with whatever she's up to with Charlie... But who could possibly help them?

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