Sentimental Sabotage

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Requested by Biggzyismyname

I had A LOT of fun writing this. It's a little bit rushed towards the end because it was getting a little too long but it's safe to say that I am quite happy with how this oneshot turned out!

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all my readers for 300K reads. I seriously can't believe that I managed to reach this milestone and I have no words to express how grateful I am. Thank you so much, everyone! It seriously means the world to me ♥♥♥


Unlike popular belief, the vicious, unforgiving, coldblooded and dangerous Moriarty is not a person. It's an organisation. People fear them, respect them and above all, try their hardest to avoid them. If you find yourself on the radar of Moriarty, you know that sooner or later, you're going to die in the most evil and painful way possible. 

This was what Moriarty did. Rule the criminal world by spreading fear, hatred and intimidate those in power. They had control. They knew everything about everyone and no one- absolutely no one was safe from them. 

And despite their big reputation, there hadn't been a single person who could find out exactly how this organisation operated, where they were located and how large this group actually was. No one dared to go anywhere near even the littlest bit of information about them, fearing that if they did, they'd be killed in an instant. Moriarty had eyes everywhere. Everyone was too scared of them. But there was one person who had stood out above everyone around him his entire life, who was smart, witty and supposedly fearless. This man's name was Sherlock Holmes. And he had to be eliminated as soon as possible...

An operation as well organised and maintained as Moriarty was, had to have a leader, strong allies and a lot of trusted people to use. It was suspected by many that this group was immensely big and controlled by those who possessed power; the most dangerous criminals out there. 

This perception wasn't false. Moriarty consisted of a select group of a few people; the ones trusted by the leaders. They were given orders and assignments to execute. They were sworn to secrecy and as long as they kept their mouths shut, they could continue to work for Moriarty. This part of the organisation was small, however. 

The biggest part of Moriarty was the pawns. They were the people who infiltrated companies and other things in exchange for what they thought was a huge sum of money. They collected the information, spied on potential hazardous people and future victims. 

None of them knew who exactly they were working for, they only knew what they were supposed to do. The promise was money, making them rich but this was just a form of manipulation that Moriarty liked to use. As soon as they were no longer useful or they were a threat to the organisation, they'd disappear from the globe without a trace. 

And, of course, every organisation needs a leader to control it all. At the top of Moriarty were the consulting criminal, James Moriarty, and his most loyal and trusted companion, (Y/F/N). 

They were the brains and the power behind the entire operation and had been for years. Only a few members of the organisation had ever seen them in person and barely anyone possessed information about them. They seemed to be ghosts; invisible, powerful and scary. No one dared to cross them, betray them or hurt them in any way. And if you did, death would be the price to pay.

It was how Moriarty had operated for years. And there hadn't ever been a problem. The fear it spread at the mention of the name took care of all the nosy people and they stayed out of your business. It had worked for so long. But then Sherlock Holmes got bored and stuck his nose where it didn't belong, trying to find out every single detail about you and your partner in order to take the organisation you both had worked so hard on down forever. 

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