The first day went "not okay"

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YALL OMG I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE STILL READ THIS. I WAS 12/13 WHEN I WROTE THIS AND IM GONNA BE 16 ON JULY 28. I'm gonna keep it up bc people seem to like it and I'm sorry that it's the way that it is. I probably won't write more but if people want me too I'll write some more fanfics but I doubt it. I promise I'm way better at writing now and English is my best subject now. Anyways have fun reading :)

I had just moved to Belleville, New Jersey and Im starting my new school today. As I got up and put on my Misfit shirt, black jeans, and brushed my (Y/C/H), and did my makeup with black eyeshadow and a heavy coat of eyeliner, I had enough time to eat breakfast. Even though I wasn't that hungry my mom wants me to eat more. After I finished my Breakfast I walked to the bus stop. As soon as I walked there everyone stopped talking and looked at me, I got really uncomfortable so I just put my headphones in and waited for the bus. About 5 minutes later the bus came, I walked on and got into an empty seat. One of the guys had already started calling me names, but I ignored him. We finally arrived at Belleville High School. I got off the bus and I was immediately pushed down by one of the guys, as I tried to get up I was pushed again. I finally got up and walked to the main office for my schedule, and for my luck I had gym first I mentally thought "yay" to myself in a sarcastic voice.
~~~~~ time skip~~~~~ it's lunch now~~~~~
I didn't know where to sit at lunch so I sat at an empty table, about 10 minutes later someone walked over and asked if he could sit there, I nodded my head as a yes and he sat down. "Your new here, what's your name" the boy with fire truck red hair asked me, So I responded with "(Y/N)". "I like that name it's beautiful, oh and my name is gerard" you didn't look up you just kept reading until he said "oh here comes my friends" you looked up to see a tall boy with dirty blond hair, a boy with a fro, and A boy with beautiful jet black shoulder length hair. You put your head down and kept reading as you didn't want to make friends bc of the "incident" at your old school. As they walked up they all said "hey" in unison gerard said "hey" back but you stayed quiet. Finally the boy with the fro said "Gerard who is this beautiful lady we have here" Gerard responded with "thats (Y/N), she is new here" the three boys that you had just met all say in unison "hey (Y/N)" and they all told you there names the boy with dirty blonde hair said "hi I'm mikey", the boy with the fro said "hey I'm ray" and the boy with beautiful jet black hair said "hi I'm frank". you didn't even bother to stop reading you just waved. After a while of trying to get you to talk they all finally gave up, until Gerard said "hey what's on your arm", as you realized that your cuts were visible you got up and walked away really fast, Gerard was yelling after you but you didn't stop, he finally caught up to you and asked why you stormed off like that you responded with "I'm broken and I shouldn't have friends, I'm a freak and it's obvious, don't you see what i do to myslef, I just came here I already got pushed down this morning", "I know how you feel I can help you, your NOT broken your just hurt" he said with sadness in his voice the bell rang and when you went to  to get up from where you were sitting on the ground against the wall, all of a sudden you heard someone yell "look freak show is crying", and then someone else said "maybe it's because she has no friends", then someone else said "or maybe because no one will ever love her" these hurt you really bad, so you ran to your next class, which was music, you loved music as you were good at singing and you could play multiple diffrent instruments. As you walked in to music you realized that you had Mikey, and frank in your class, you ran to the back and sat at a desk, the boys came over to you "why did you leave lunch like that" Mikey asked "yea we didn't know why it was such a sensitive question" frank said. You hid your arm because you realized that they hadn't seen your cuts yet. You just sat there staring at the ground, the teacher walked in "please sit down, as some of you know we have a new student (Y/F/N)" {your first and last name}"please come to the front" as you walked up you heard names being thrown at you such as "emo freak", "goth bitch", "freak show" and more once you reached the front of the room you waved and hurried back to your seat, as you were walking back you saw Mikey looking at your arm, you started to feel uncomfortable the teacher announced "today we have a free period" you started to take out your book when Mikey walked over and said "I understand why you stormed out but please don't hurt yourself", "why do you even care, you don't know me we just met at lunch" you spat "I care because I wanna get to know you more" he said with hope in his voice "maybe you wanna come back to my place after school" he asked "fine" you hissed as you didn't have plans that day
~~~time skip to the end of the school day~~~
Mikey's locker was a few down from yours so he waited for you as you guys walked to his house you told him all about your "incident" and he felt bad "don't try to be my friend out of pity because I told you that" you said "I wanted to be your friend when I saw you at lunch so no need to worry about that" he said with a smile, you finally reached his house, as you walked inside and to Mikey's bedroom he put on blink-182 and you guys danced around.

I heard music coming from Mikey's room so I walked in and I saw him and (Y/N) dancing when they saw me they froze "why are you in here" Mikey asked "well I heard music coming from your room which doesn't really happen often" I said "well me and (Y/N) wanted to dance" Mikey said blushing "can I talked you you mikey" Gerard said pulling Mikey out of the room "I told you that i like her and I want a chance with her" Gerard spat "Well maybe I like her too, plus she opened up to me not you" Mikey hissed back

I heard the boys fighting and it was over me I started getting really uncomfortable so I grabbed my stuff and I ran out of Mikey's room and out the front door, they were yelling after me, then Mikey called me "shit I forgot that i gave him my number" you whispered as you approached your driveway, so you simply hit ignore, then you start reviving multiple text messages from mikey which you didnt respond to either, you took a shower and went to bed

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° what will happen next, and this is my first chapter and I wanna see how it goes before I continue writing the story

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