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In a recent interview with Rock Sound, yesterday Lynn emphasized that the world is in need of empathy.

"I still find it intimidating talking about mental health as it is such a unique and isolated experience from person to person..."

"Sometimes the most heartbreaking thing to hear as an artist is that you’ve provided others with strength when you can’t find it in your own self," she continued.

"I think anyone who has dealt with any form of depression / mental illness can understand this hopeless feeling of providing ‘light’ to others while sitting in your own darkness."

"My heart aches thinking of this concept and this specific feeling."

"Depression quite often has little to do with the circumstances of one’s life, one could hold the world in their hands and feel completely empty, or be handed the worst and still find a way to feel fulfilled," she added.

"There is no specific face to it, no guidelines and no requirements to determine who battles depression and who doesn’t. Much our society has yet to understand that our definitions of suffering and happiness are all completely subjective."

"Sending love and support out there to anyone dealing with this, in the spotlight or not. Everything you’re feeling is completely valid and real, don’t ever let yourself or anyone else make you feel like you’re undeserving of asking for or receiving help."

"We need more empathy in this world and in this industry," Lynn concluded. "There is no weakness in asking for help and there is no weakness in helping."

this woman 💕✨

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