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Last month in a interview with Billboard, Lynn was asked more about her coming out to her parents.

[Interviewer]: I really enjoyed the letter you wrote for Billboard's Pride Month, about how your first came out to your parents by leaving a letter under their pillow before you left on your first tour. What made you want to do it that way?

[Lynn]: I had just started dating my first girlfriend. I was so wrapped up in that and so in love. It genuinely made me so happy and I felt so free from it. All of my friends knew and my family didn’t know at the time, and everybody had just been so supportive and so loving that I was like, "Ah, f--- it -- I need to be fully free, and my parents need to know." I was just so happy to be with this person and really just wanted to share that with everybody and have my family on board, but I just didn’t know how to verbalize it in person. I would always try to bring it up and I would just completely choke. My girlfriend at the time had told me one of her friends had written her parents a letter, and that was the way they went about it. Looking back now, I really wish I had told them in person, but yeah, I literally wrote a letter and left for my first tour ever, so it was like two of the most liberating and freeing things to be happening at the same time -- leaving for the first time and also dropping this huge bomb on them. It was the ultimate freedom and liberation when I did that.

[Interviewer]: What was it like waiting and waiting for your parents’ response?

[Lynn]: It was nerve-wracking. I remember driving off, and I’d kissed my mom goodbye and I was like, “Hey, I left you something under your pillow and I would really like for you to read it,” and she was all excited. She probably thought it was a present or something... I just remember sitting in the back of the van, putting my headphones in, and I feeling like I was going to be sick. My brother knew at this point because I had confided in him a while back about it… He was home because it was around the holidays, and I was texting him like, “Did mom read it yet? What’s going on?” and he was like, “No, she hasn’t.” Eventually when she did read it, he was like, “I’m not going to lie. She’s really upset right now.” But her reasons for being upset were totally unrelated to the actual situation. She was more concerned about not what our immediate family would think, but what our grandmother would think and the fact that I left my mom to tell my dad... But she’s been super supportive ever since… Through all of my family, it’s been amazing, so it was just that initial jump off that was a little scary and a little rocky at first.

A/N: I know I already did a fact on this but it's just so interesting -- hearing her story. She's honestly so brave. On another note, I don't really have a clear direction for this book but I know it will be a mixture of quotes, facts, and pictures of Lynn and band updates of course.

Lately I've been getting back on track and keeping it updated because I love providing facts for you guys! I started this book back in the summer of 2016 and never imagined people reading or voting. I'm a huge PVRIS fan and I can't believe how much this book has grown. This book has come a long way and I'm so happy that people vote and are enjoying it. More lovely facts coming soon!

-V 💕

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