chap 8

210 9 2

  sorry of it suck or is short
"Hey Baby girl we're here" I heard Ashley say before I was nudged slightly. Slowly I woke up, the lights blinding me. I covered my eyes and got up memories rushing back to my head.
   "How long vas I out?" I asked as I got out of the ball I was curled into on Ashleys lap.
  "The whole ride, which was like at least two or three hours long" Ashley answered "by the way Andy's parents are going to stay here and we are going out into the woods a few miles back away from here so we're going for a little bit of a hike"
   "That's fine" I said yawning. I stood up and stretched before Ashley got up. We grabbed our bags and walked out of the RV
   "Well good morning to you sleeping beauty" Alex said laughing. I give her a small smile and flick her off
   "Obviously not a morning person" Jake said
  "Here let me help carry some of that " I said as I walked over to them. I grabbed all five tents, a drag along cooler and a huge bag filled with food which was half of the stuff that they brought with them. Their eyes widened
   "You can't carry all that, you'll hurt yourself" Jinxx said concerned
  "Jinxx I'll be fine ok, I've carried alot heavier loads then this" I said reassuringly. Suddenly Mrs. Biersack walked around the RV
   "Well you kids have fun and be careful ok. If you need anything you know where we are and don't do anything you're not supposed to, Ashley" Mrs. Biersack said. Everyone laughed as I blushed
  "What, you don't have to worry about me you have to worry about Andy especially after yesterday" Ashley said holding his hands up in defeat.
   "Busted" CC said laughing
  "Andrew Dennis Biersack" Mrs. Biersack gasped in shock as her eyes widen "we are going to have a talk when we get back home"
   Suddenly Juniper appeared out of nowhere with a look of utter joy on her face. She squealed in excitement as she stole a camera from one of the bags Ashley was holding and ran off again
  "Wait for meeeeeeeee", CC shouted as she disappeared straight ahead into a cluster of trees.
  "Well their goes our help" Kellin said. Alex playfully punched his arm and he chuckled before we headed off to where we were going. This place was beautiful, the trees were so tall and green like a rainforest almost and tons of animals ran around or the birds chirping. The sunlight peeked through all the open spaces between the leaves. I breathed in as a light breeze passed through. People kept checking in on me with carrying the 'heaviest load' and we're surprised when I didn't need any help or got tired. Like I said it wasn't the worst I've carried. We walked at least two miles and everyone was exhausted
    "How are... You not ...tired?" Andy asked, clearly exhausted. I laughed
   "I'm German that's how" I said back chuckling. Finally we found a beautiful grassy open clearing that sat settled on a beautiful stream which was sparkling underneath the mid evening(?) Sun. It was a perfect place to make camp, and off to the side was a small hiking trail.
   "Finally" Eva exclaimed as she sat down dropping her bag. I scoffed under my breath it wasn't that bad and she didn't even really carry anything except a bag but oh well
   I set everything down as we, well they, all caught their breath before Andy cleared his throat
   "So the sleeping arrangements is Me and Eva, Ashley and Anubis, CC and Juniper, Alex and Kellin, Jake and Jinxx" Andy said
   "That was sort of obvious dude' Ash said sassily
   "I know but it's so fun to actually be like the leader and say it officially "
   "Who made you leader?" Kellin asked
   "I did, because I have the looks of fucking Jesus" you can say that again Eva cheered. I rolled my eyes
   "You maybe Jesus Andy, But Ashley is Fucking God like damn" I said.
   "Let's see who's better Ashley or Andy? Both of y'all shirts off" Alex said. I laughed as Ashley got up and walked to Andy
   "Nice Alex a stripping contest" I joked
    "For as long as I've been friends with these two I haven't seen them shirtless. I would say Kellin's the sexiest but this is between Ashley and Andy" Alex said. Ashley threw his Jacket at me and I caught it laughing before pulling it on "let's go boys, times waisting"
     Ashley and Andy removed their shirts as Bryanna whistled lowly. Andy was pale and a bit lanky, not with much muscle. But Ashley well you could see the outline of his abs and chest beyond the outlaw tattoo across his abs. I bit my lip
   "Is this even a contest, it's clearly Ashley" Alex said looking at Eva. Eva just pouted as Ashley cheered
  "B...but how?" Andy asked shocked
  "You have your looks in the face, Ashley has it everywhere and the tattoos help pull it off" Alex said
  " I need tattoos" Andy grumbled jokingly under his breath
  "Haha I'm god Andy " Ashley said jokingly. Suddenly CC and Juniper came running up
  "Guys theirs a freaking waterfall over on that trail can we please go swimming?" Juniper asked pleadingly.
   "We still have to set up and you guys left us to carry all this stuff up here" Jake pointed out.
   "Awww you guys are no fun" CC polluted before crossing his arms and throwing himself on the ground
  "Fine" Juniper grumbled
  "How about ve go tomorrow?" I suggested. Junipers eyes light up
  "Can we do it tomorrow?" She asked excitedly
  "If you guys get all your stuff done and help us set up then we can go swimming tomorrow" Andy said.
  "Sweet" Juniper said before throwing her stuff down and beginning to start setting up. Andy laughed as we all got back up and each grabbing a tent. I helped Alex and Kellin set up a hammock before I went over to Ashley who seemed to be fighting with the tent
  "Do you need help?" I asked
  "No I'm good" he said as he tried folding the wires. I laughed
   "Ashley, this tent is kicking your ass. Let me help" I said as I walked over and grabbed the other side. After a few minutes we finally put the tent up and I walked over to him poking his chest "see now that wasn't so bad vas it?" Ashley looked at me
   "Whatever, I could have gotten that tent up" Ashley said pouting. I kissed his cheek
  "I'm sure you could have, but i think that you can do other things better then put up a tent, it doesn't look like your thing" I added jokingly
   "Oh~can we finish our game, I was so close to winning" Ashley said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him "and I really want a rematch, you didn't play fair"
    "Oh really?" I asked as I smirked and cocked an eyebrow "I'm pretty sure that you kept getting cocky and very distracted vhich vas on you"
  "If anyone was distracted it was you. I notice all the looks you gave me you know you want me" he purred. My heart leapt in my chest,i really did
   "Vell you're just going to have to vait" I said seductively. He chuckled and kissed me before one hand slid down to my ass. I giggled and tangled my fingers in his hair
    "Get some" Eva shouted before I heard Laughing.
   "You two stop making out and help us" Andy chided jokingly. Still kissing ash I flipped Andy off.
    "We'll finish this later" Ashley said breaking the kiss. I rolled my eyes sassily and helped Everyone else.
    Ash had put our tent further away from the others, why I don't know but it was a good thing. I did like everyone but sometimes I needed a little space and be away from everyone. All the sudden Ashley picked me up and spun me around.
   "Vhat are you doing?" I asked confused
   "Swimming," he said. I was about to say something when Ashley ran forward. I climbed to his chest as he jumped and before I knew it water had wrapped around us both as Ashley made a huge splash. I held my breath and swam up towards the surface, shaking my head as I heard laughter. I was  complete shock
   "Wait for us guys" Juniper said excitedly as Ashley came up. I playfully splashed him in the face.
   "Hey" Ashley said playfully before splashing me back
   "Thats for not telling me vhat you vere doing beforehand" I said back splashing him again. It became an all out splash war as Juniper jumped in. I giggled and swam back to the shore with Ash following behind men
   "Oh no you don't" Ashley said " get back here"
   "Catch me if you can" I teased as I reached the shore. I got up, dripping wet and ran off towards the woods
  "When I get my hands on you, you'll be in bog trouble baby girl" Ashley called out. His voice echoed through the trees as the sun began to start moving to sundown. Quickly i found a tree and climbed up, sitting on the branch. I pushed myself closer to the tree in hopes Ashley wouldn't find me
*Ashley POV*
  I chased Anubis all the way onto the Forrest.
  "When I get my hands on you, you'll be in big trouble baby girl" I called out. I continued on and still couldn't find her, where could she have gone?
   I looked around but she wasn't there and I started to get slightly worried. I slowed my pace and stopped
  "Baby girl" I called out. No answer. All the sudden someone jumped on my back, wrapping their legs around my waist before I heard a sweet familiar laugh
   "Yes?" Anubis asked as she held onto me. I smiled and got her off my back and pinning her to the tree. Her eyes sparkled brightly as a huge beautiful smile graced her face
   "I think it's time for your punishment now" I purred before pinning her hands and grinning before I began tickling her. She squirmed desperate to get away.
   "Nooooooo.....haha Ashl-ley-y st-,topppp...hahaha please" She pleaded in between laughs
   "And why should I?" I asked smirking as I continued tickling her
   "I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyy...... I von't d-do it again... Hahah"
   "Hmmmm on one condition" I said
   "Any-ything, just stopppp" she pleaded as tears of joy streaked down her face
   "You and me go to the schools festival, which has a big dance at the end, for your birthday we go on a double date with CC and Juniper because Juniper really wants that to happen. And I'll think of the other thing later" I said
   "Ok... Now please stoppp" she cried out laughing. I stopped and she caught her breath before looking at me and grabbing my belt loops, pulling me against her. I caught myself, placing my hand just next to her head
  "You are so lucky that I'm dating you " she said, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I looked down at her
   "I love you" I said suddenly, my heart soaring. Her eyes widened and softened before she smiled again
  " I love you to Ashley. Ich leibe dich" she whispered against my lips. I kissed her like no tomorrow and I felt her hand slide down my chest resting my heart as I set Placed my hand on her hip.  
   It felt as if fireworks had gone off on my heart, I was so glad that I asked her out when I did. After a while I broke the kiss and picked her up and set her on my shoulders
    "Ashhhhh vhat are you doinggggg? You better not jump in the Vater again " she said
    "Relax Im not doing that, Im taking us back to camp" I said laughing. She held my hands, intertwining our finger. I thought back to what she said about earlier, about being sent back
  "Do you.... Nevermind" I said
  "Do I vhat?" Anubis asked curiously
   "It's nothing" I said
  " It's not nothing. Ashley vhat is it? You can tell me anything" Anubis said concerned
  " Do you ever miss it... Miss your home?" I asked sadly
  "Of course i miss Germany, but I haven't been there in years. Ashley if you think im going to leave you and go back you're vrong, I vould never do that" Anubis said
   "I know but i can't help but think that you will"
  "I von't and that's a promise. God help me if I did leave I vouldn't know what I vould do" Anubis said.
    "You aren't going anywhere without me" i said. She laughed
    "I vouldn't dream of it" she said. We walked back to where everyone else was as Kellin piled twigs onto a fire pile and Alex played with a lighter. The sun was getting ready to set giving off a orange purple color. I grabbed Jake's speaker, my phone and a small crate before dragging it to the shoreline, away from the group. I set the speaker on the crate and turned on my phone playing make you feel wanted by hunter Hays. I set Anubis down an pulled her close setting my hand on her back. She looked at me confused
   "Ash?" She asked
   "Please tell me that ve aren't dancing" she said as her face drained
   "Of course we are, why what's wrong?"
   "Ashley, I can't dance I don't know how to" Anubis said. I laughed
   "You don't have to know how to dance, just follow my lead" I said. The song began to play and we began dancing. She tried to concentrate as I spin her around an pulled her close before accidentally stepping on my foot
   "I am so sorry" she said
   "Their is no reason to be sorry baby girl you're doing fine, don't panic" I said reassuringly. She was a natural but she had concentrated to hard "hey just relax, don't think so hard"
   "But that's hard" she pouted " my mind vont let me I'm always thinking about something"
  "Well how about you think about how our child's coming along then" I said. Bad move picking a school subject but it was last Second, but who said o was talking about our project.
  "Our child huh?" She asked grinning
  "Yes. She'll have your amazing blue eyes and your delightful personality" I said. Anubis laughed
  "My personality is anything but delightful" she said. "and if ve did actually have a child it vould take after your childish behavior, vho said it vas a girl?"
  "Intuition" I said "in the future i see us together as a married couple with at least three kids"
  "Oh really?" She asked laughing between her smile cocking an eyebrow
  "Hell yea, you will be the sexiest wife and mom in the history of the universe"
  "How do you know that?"
  "Because I can feel it. And I'm promising you right now, that one day I will marry you. Thay promise will never ever be broken or god help me for being the biggest idiot for losing you" I said
  "Ash, you're making me cry" she said happily just before I dipped her back. She laughed again and I pulled her back up, spinning her in the process before I pulled her closer to me. Her back was facing me as I wrapped my arms around her waist and set my head on her shoulder as we watched the last few minutes of the sunrise together. I heard Anubis gasp before letting out a content sigh as she set her hand on top of mine
  "This is beautiful..." She said
  "Not as beautiful as you"I say. She went to turn around but tripped and fell into the ground. I held her as she drug me down. We both fell and rolled down the small slope just a bit before we stopped, Anubis on top of me before we both burst out laughing. I brushed a stray hair out of Anubis's face as she blushed. She leaned forward as I placed my hand on her cheek, slowly rubbing it with my thumb
    I am one lucky guy I thought to myself how did I get so lucky
  "Hey you two love birds, Sorry to interrupt your moment but are you guys going to join us?" Eva asked "owwww"
  "You don't want anyone to ruin you and Andy's moment don't ruin theirs" Juniper said "which was adorable by the way". I looked over to see Eva rubbing the back of her head. Anubis chuckled and got up. I sat up and held her hand as we walked up towards the small fire
  "Vhat this fire needs is gasoline" Anubis said as I sat on the ground next to Kellin and Jake. Anubis sat between my legs, leaning back on me
  "I wanted to bring the gasoline but someone wouldn't let me" CC pouted
   ",Last time that happened you almost burnt the whole Forrest down" Jinxx stated matter of factly
  "Oh yea I remember that" I said as I began to take out Anubis's ponytail and bow that she still had as I started braiding her hair "CC and I were drunk as can be and I set my Jacket on fire"
   "Really Ash?" Anubis asked before facepalming. Alex picked up the bow "no don't touch That"
  Alex's eyes widened as she put the bow back "sorry, it just looked like one of ashleys bows"Alex said
  "I'm sorry for scaring you" Anubis said "it's ashleys but he gave it to me. It's my good luck charm and i don't vant to loose it, it's really special"
   "Awwww that is so cute" Juniper said.
   "You're fine " Alex said "Juniper did you bring your ukulele?"
   "Yea, what kind of person do you think i am. Not bringing my uke that's absurd" Juniper said as CC handed her her ukulele before she began playing. Everyone laughed as they heard the intro before singing along
  "Spongebob: I call this one, the campfire song song.
Let's gather 'round the campfire, and sing our campfire song.
Our -c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e- -s-o-n-g- song.
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster than you're wrong, but it'll help if you just sing alooong.
Patrick: bum, bum, buuum...
[Patrick attempts to sing in the background]
Spongebob [quite fast]:
-c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e- -s-o-n-g- song.
-c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e- -s-o-n-g- song,
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster than you're wrong,
But it'll help if you just sing alooong.
Spongebob [quite fast]:
-c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e- -s-o-n-g- song,
Song! -c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-
Squidward: [says nothing]
It'll heeeelp, it'll heeeeeelp, if you just sing aloooooong!
[Spongebob does guitar smash]
[Patrick comes along with a drum smash on top of spongebob]
[Spongebob then pops out of the drums and yells out]:
Oooh yeah"
   Everyone laughed as Juniper finished playing and put her uke up, smacking CC with it on accident in the process.
   "Whyyyyyyyy. My babe has forsaken meeee"CC whined. Juniper kissed his cheek
  "Awww I sorryyyyyyyyyyy" Juniper said. I finished Anubis's braid and carefully put the bow back in
  "Their all finished" I said as I straightened out the long braid and setting it over her shoulder. She looked up a me and smiled. As it got later we all had told scary stories which weren't all that scary except for Anubis's story which really worried me what was running through her mind. Juniper and CC kept telling jokes and being all cute, were they would whisper things in each other's ear or smear food all over each other because they fed each other while Alex had kept making bad puns which Anubis had laughed at and rubbing noses with Kellin or butterfly kisses. After Andy , spending a majority of the time on his phone taking pictures and posting them on Instagram him and Eva headed off.
   Anubis didn't eat much and Juniper had started a whole food fight. After Anubis and I had taken tons of selfies despite her hatred for any pictures taken of her although she looked amazing in them anyways before we called it a night. She quickly changed into one of my t shirts that I let her borrow before she sat down and took out her braid, her hair falling in waves
   "Can we continue our game now?" I asked as I sat behind Anubis, kissing just under her ear
  "Not now Ash" she said breathing out quietly as I kissed down her neck, lightly biting down "someone vill valk in and see"
   "No they won't" I purred as my hand slid down the side of her body and rested on her thigh toying with the hem of her, my, shirt "the guys know that I need... privacy. Besides I'm already half way their"
    "Ash~" she breathed out as I found a extremely sensitive spot down on the base of her neck. I smirked
  "Oh I found something~" I purred as I sucked on her neck, my tongue sliding over her smooth skin as I did. Her breath hitched and leaned her head back. My hands slipped up her shirt before turning her around. She looks at me, blushing, as I laid her down on the sleeping bag and took her shirt off. She laid in front of me in nothing but a lacy black bra and panties as my eyes roamed over her gorgeous body. I smirked as I slid between her thighs and hovered over her "god damn baby girl you're so sexy"
   I ran my hand up her body and she shivered, arching her back. I kissed her roughly as my hand slowly made its way around to the bra clip
   "Hey Ashley do y,- OH MY GOD MY EYES" Jake said as he walked in. Quickly i covered Anubis with my body as I looked at Jake
   "Dude what the hell?!" I asked, slightly pissed "out".
   "I was going to ask  if you had seen my  headphones but I see your busy" Jake said before he ran out.
   "That was close, you ok?" I asked looking at Anubis as she sat up and threw her shirt back on
   "I'm fine, but ve are not doing this again" she said "At least vhen our friends are around"
   "Of course" I grinned.
  "I'm sleepy, cuddle vith me? " She asked
   "And miss cuddling with you? Hell yes" i said. I quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants before laying down next to Anubis and holding her close before falling asleep


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