Chap 32

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 sorry if its short again... I know I know I apologise to much but It's a habit. School started today so updates will be late at night like this or every other day idk yet but well see just a fyi
*Ashley POV*
   I was currently sitting on the couch cleaning, tuning, and adjusting my bass. Anubis and Vic left a hour ago to go and hang out and watch this new movie. Something about Vic made me nervous to let Anubis around him I just couldn't place it.
   "Hey Ashley" Luke said. I don't know if it was a dose of reality or something but he went back to his old ways and didn't cause anyone anymore trouble especially Anubis.
   "Hey luke" I said as I tightened my string, barely glancing up.
   "Getting ready for your guys's concert tomorrow night?'" He asked leaning against the door frame to the kitchen
   "Yea just trying to make sure the basses are good to go" I said
   "Oh by the way I've heard that you vant to find out vho has been putting those love notes in Anubis's locker" he said. I looked at him, completely dropping the task at hand. The notes had kept coming, someone was getting ballsy and if course the whole school knew so it actually made everything ten times harder.
    "Do you know anything about it?" I asked. Luke nodded
   "I know vho it is to. It vas Vic I caught him slipping notes into her locker. And later I heard him and mike talking about it" Luke said
   "What did they say?" I asked sitting on  the edge of the couch
    "Vic said he vas going to take her to the movies, some restaurant later and tell her how he feels and something about a kiss I don't know. Mike told him not to seeing that it vas going to spill trouble but he didn't listen" luke said. My eyes widened, I knew something off about Vic ever since Anubis got here on her first day. I can't believe that I had been so blind to the fact that Vic had a crush in my girlfriend. It was obvious that he was crushing hard on someone, how could I not have noticed?
   I got up quickly setting my bass down on the couch and grabbed my phone running out the door. I called Anubis, running past my bike, their was honestly no time for that at all I needed to find her and Vic quickly. The sun just began to set as I ran downtown. But she didn't pick up.
   I called again and again but no answer and I grew more and more worried with each passing minute. She must have turned her phone off.
   "Dammit" I growled. I called Mike hoping he would know where Vic and Anubis were. Call me over protective and clingy but I wasn't letting another man that wasn't me kiss her ever 
    "Hello?" Mike asked answering groggily
   "Thank fucking god that you answered. Where the hell did Vic take Anubis?" I asked hurriedly as I turned a corner appearing at one of the many movie theaters around here.
   "Shit I didn't think he would actually go through with it" mike said, almost shocked
   "Not to be rude or anything but Im sort of in a hurry so I really need to know where Vic and Anubis are" I said agitatedly
   "Sorry. I know that he went to take her to the theaters next to Clementines. But the movie should have ended an hour ago, so he's either at the  Santiago's pizza parlor or He's at the skate park" Mike said
   "Ok thanks" I said quickly before hanging up. I shoved my phone in my pocket and took off towards the pizza parlor. Please hope to fucking god that I make it in time. When I get my hands on vic I swear to god
*Anubis POV*
  Vic had taken me to see the Annabelle movie because I had been just absolutely dying to watch it. It was really sweet of him to take me, but I found it weird how he knew I wanted to see that specific movie I had only told Ashley that. But I brushed it off.
   Of course Vic had to take me out to eat also he was just the sweetest. I felt bad though because he kept buying me all these things and I couldn't pay him back. He had insisted that it was fine and I didn't need to worry about it, but it just didn't sit right with me. I needed to figure out a way to pay him back. We were currently sitting on one of the ramps at the deserted skate park. The ramp was settled near the trees but it still had a great view of the bright crescent moon and all the sparkling stars up above in the inky Black sky
    Surprisingly there had been no cars along the road behind us, which was also very odd. But it was nice to not hear the cars fly by and just listen to the sounds of nature the occasional owl hoot and the chirping crickets. I could see why Juniper had lived nature, it was breath takingly beautiful and simple. I was a simple kind of girl, I didn't need anything fancy to keep me satisfied.
    "This is beautiful" I said as I laid down
   "Yea" Vic said before he muttered something under his breath. I cocked an eyebrow and looked at him
   "Hmmm?" I asked humming. He shook his head, looking at the stars filled sky again
   "Nothing" he said. He had been acting nervous all night and I was starting to get a bit worried. Brushing it off I shrugged and pulled out my phone before turning it on. I had turned it off during the movie so I wouldn't be disrespectful. I had at least twenty missed calls from Ashley. Odd. I sat up
   "Thats odd" I murmured
   "What is?" Vic asked curiously
   "Ashley called. He never tries to call this much, maybe i-" I started
   "No don't" Vic said quickly "lets just forget about Ashley for a bit"
   "But Vhat if it is an emergency?" I asked  
   "He can wait. Im sure their is no emergency with him, and if their was he can handle it" Vic said as he took my phone from me and put it in his pocket. I looked at him poutingly as he just smirked
   "Vic give me my phone" I whined trying to reach into his pocket and get my phone back but he just grabbed my wrists, stopping me. He looked at me with a smile on his face before laughing
   "Not happening A. You're spending time with your first friend here. No need for all that outside drama or people" Vic replied casually
   "You are a jerk taco" I pouted
   "Yea but Im a loveable jerk taco" Vic pointed out.
   "Ugh" I groaned. I tried to wiggle my hand free but it didn't work and I somehow ended up laying flat on my back on the cold wood ramp, my linkin park (rip chester) tank top rising up some, with vic hovering right above me. I blushed from embarrassment.
   "Um... vic can you please move now.. this is sort of awkward" I said. Vic didn't hear as he just looked at me, staring. A light blush covered his cheeks as he looked at me, before quickly looking me up and down.
   I tried to move to get out from underneath him but he placed his hand on my hip quickly, preventing me from moving at all. I started to grow a bit worried as my heart raced in my chest like no tomorrow
    "Vic Im serious this isn't funny any more and Im staring to feel uncomfortable" I said
   "Anubis their is something that I have to tell you" vic said as he bit his lip nervously "I don't think I can keep it in anymore'"
   "Vhat are you talking about?" I asked confused 
   "I was the one giving you all those love notes because... Because Anubis I am super deeply in love with you. You are super smart, absolutely amazing, you have the biggest heart I've ever seen, and you are so fucking beautiful. You make my heart fucking flutter everytime someone mentions your name or you are around. Seeing you and you happy makes me smile. There isn't  a day that you aren't running through my mind and you knock all the breath out of me with one look.
    "It breaks me down knowing that I couldn't tell you just how exactly how I feel about you. It literally killed me inside and I  just want to make you happy, I want to make you smile and laugh.... I want you by my side I want you to be with me so badly that its hurts" Vic Said. My eyes widened as my mouth fell open.
   I had always thought Juniper and Alex were just joking around about that I didn't think that they were actually being serious. Had I been that blind not to see it?
   "Vic... that's really nice, it really is, and all but Im sorry I don't love you like that I see you as a friend. I love Ashley... I really am sorry" I said. Vic's face fell and I felt really bad, I didn't want to hurt him "ve can still be friends"
   "That's the problem I don't want to be just friends I want to be more" he said almost pleadingly.
   "Vic, Im sure you vill find someone for you Vho vill make you feel special like how Ashley makes me feel. You're a nice sweet attractive guy and tons of girls are out there, they vill find you. Im just not that girl" I said.
    All the sudden Vic's soft lips were slammed against mine. My eyes widened even more before I struggled as hard as I could before pushing him off of me. Then it was his turn for his eyes to widen
   "Vhat the hell vic?" I practically shouted as I moved away from him some
   "Oh my god... I an so so sorry Anubis I didn't mean to... god Im such an idiot I couldn't control myself I had to do it at least once... I hope I didn't fuck up our friendship" Vic said worriedly. I grabbed his shoulder
  "Vic, its fine. You didn't ruin our friendship ok" I said reassuringly. He looked up at me sadly
   "You won't say anything to Ashley about this will you?" He asked. I bit my lip, I didn't want to lie to Ashley. I didn't want to lie to him about anything period it didn't sit right with me whatsoever.
   But at the same time I knew Ashley would kill Vic if he found out that Vic had kissed me. The guys had told me just how crazy he had gotten, one story of him going ape shit on a guy who groped his ex. Ashley ended up going to jail for a night until his grandparents bailed him out and the guy was in the hospital for a while. Of course it wasn't really worth it because he caught her fucking around with one of his fake friends. I didn't want vic to get hurt
   "Alright. I von't tell Ashley but you need to stop putting those noted in my locker ok" I said sighing. This was definitely going to come back and bite me in the ass
    "Aright..." vic said quietly. I gave him a small smile
   "Don't be sad taco" I said trying to cheer him up "where is my energetic Mexican taco?"
    He laughed, already looking a bit happier then he already did. I smiled 
   "There he is"
   "VIC YOU BETTER NOT HAVE DONE ANYTHING TO HER OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WONT EVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY" Ashley screamed. We both looked over to see a tired Ashley ran over. I hopped off of the ramp, after getting my phone back, and walked over to Ashley
   "Babe, its ok nothing happened I promise I vouldn't lie to you about that" I cringed a bit when I said it. "He told me how he felt and I told him that their vas someone else out there for him. And their vill be no more notes"
   Ashley just seemed to glare Angrily at vic. Vic just swallowed, sort of scared at what would happen next. I bit my tongue nervously. Ashley sighed before looking at me
    "And nothing else happened?" He asked looking at vic
   "Nothing happened" vic said
   "You're so lucky that nothing did. And I am warning you, and this is your only warning, don't try anything else on MY girlfriend, you got that?" Ashley asked growling slightly as his eyes burned into Vic's 
    "Of course" Vic said
   "Great, now that that is settled lets go home you have a bass to prepare for tomorrow night" Ashley said as he wrapped his arm around my waist
   "Alright. Bye vic, ill see you at school tomorrow" I said waving as we walked off. Vic waved back "so how long did you run? How did you even find us?"
   "Well I called Mike and he told me all the places Vic was planning to take you. I ran all the way to those places and when I couldn't find you I moved onto the next place. I got lost a few times but I found my way back. I think I ran for like an hour or so I don't know" Ashley said.
   "Aww did you miss me and get jelly?" I asked teasingly as I laid my head on his shoulder
   "Yes I did and I am not ashamed of it either" Ashley said proudly. I laughed. We walked home, me mainly teasing ash. As soon as we got home I changed into my pajamas and tuned my bass as we rehearsed our songs for tomorrow night. It was going time be great and I was super excited yet very very nervous

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