Chap 34

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Sorry if its short, perverted people are hitting on my friend
It was finally Halloween and we were heading to Ronnie's Party in a couple of hours. That meant in at least a few minutes the girls and everyone were going to come over here to get ready. The whole school had been buzzing about Ronnie's party, how awesome they were like Ashley's. Ashley had talked me into going as a slightly, in my opinion, slutty inmate to match his police outfit. I was against the idea but he used his puppy dog eyes ad he pleaded with me. I gave in, I couldn't help it Ashley knew just how to get to my soft spot. And on top of of that the guy at our show had loved us and signed us, we were officially starting our dreams. It was a happy moment for all of us but if course Ashley and I were never told right away about the news and found out about the whole thing until the next day
   We were on the couch, still I  our pajamas because we were having a lazy day, me straddling Ashley his lips locked with mine. He bit my bottom lip as his hand slowly slipped up under the large red shirt I was wearing and grabbed my boob, rubbing it hard through the gray lace. I moaned just a bit into the kiss.
    Suddenly I heard the door get thrown open, hitting the wall with a loud bang startling both me and Ashley. Wide eyed we both looked up as the guys, Juniper, Kellin , Eva, Lexi, Alex , Alexandria, Frank, Gerard, and Naomi walked in before staring at us, sort of shocked.
   Naomi was Luke's girlfriend since last month. Luke had moved on and found her, some obviously dumb slutty preppy ass cheerleader in his biology class. She had brown hair that faded into a neon pink and hazel eyes that sat on her pale skin, well the pale skin you could see through the caked on clown make up. She was short, at least five eleven and very skinny she may have been anorexic.
    "We weren't interrupting anything were we?" Lexi asked clearing her throat.
    "No you weren't interrupting anything at all" Ashley said rhetorically.
   "Good" Alexandria said as she threw herself on the couch. Naomi just snorted, looked at Ashley licking her lips real quick, before running upstairs most likely to Luke's room. What worried me was why they had always gone up to his room, but I respected his privacy, after all he was growing up and he was going to need his privacy wither I liked it or not.
    Juniper had a huge back of candy with her, along with CC. The party didn't start until ten so they had gone out and went trick or treating along with egging and tepeeing (?) A few houses. They had all just sat around the coffee table just sharing
    "Long time no see Gerard. How have you been?" I asked as I wiped the shock from my face. I turned myself around and Ashley wrapped his arm around me. Gerard smiled
   "Good, tired the usual crap that you guys go through but a dozens of tines worse" Gerard answered.
   "You guys know each other?" Aries asked in shock. I nodded
    "Yea for a vhile now actually" I answered. She looked at me, faking disappointment
   "And you couldn't bother to tell me this, I am officially offended" she pouted playfully. I just laughed along with a few others as Jinxx kissed her. Alex whistled as the guys, being loveable asses they were, had clapped
    "Oh get some" Juniper said as she began sucking on a lollipop. I laughed as Aries flipped off juniper before she broke the kiss and looked at juniper
   "Tell that to Anubis, her and Ashley have been going at it like crazy" Aries defended. Juniper looked at her
    "Anubis is still a virgin, what the hell are you talking about?" Juniper asked curiously. She slowly looked over at me and Ashley, a parenting type look crossing over her face "you are still a virgin, right?" I chuckled nervously as my face was no doubt completely red by now.
     "Shes officially a Purdy girl now" Ashley said. Juniper glared at him
   "Shut it ash. I was asking Anubis" juniper said before she looked back at me
  "Uh.. vell... not anymore" I said, avoiding her eye contact
    "WHAT" juniper asked screeching "WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?"
   "like a month ago, a veek before I got put in the hospital" I answered
   "Juniper its fine" I told her. She just pouted as she sat down on a hyper CC's lap. Frank cleared his throat
   "Well this had just gotten awkward..." Kellin stated
    "So, I have make up for our costumes who needs make up done?"
Alex asked.
    "Me" Eva said, waving her hand around in the air like a mad man
   "Same" Alexandria said "and Im going to need a lot of it"
  "Im going to have to steal some" lexi said
   "Like all the green cards" I said jokingly. She just looked at me before flipping me off
   "No Janet That's my job" Ashley said laughing
   "So Im guessing everyone needs some sort of make up?" Alex asked.
   "Not me and Ashley. Ours doesn't require make up" I answered
    "What are you guys going as?" Alexandria asked.
    "That is a surprise" Ashley said
    "Should we even ask, I mean this is Ashley we're talking about" Andy said
    "That is true" Jake stated "I mean He is probably going to be half naked again"
    "Hey, we're all naked underneath our clothes just saying'" Ashley said as he shrugged.
   "Well since so much make up is going to be done, lets just get ready now" Alex said getting up "starting with Alexandria"
   "But I don't want to get uppppl" Alexandria whined as Alex grabbed her arm and tried dragging her off of Frank who she clung to for dear life
   "To bad" Alex said
   "Frank  help me pleaseeeee" Alexandria cried out desperately. He only laughed
    "Nope you are going to get your make up done now go" Frank said  she just pouted as Alex drug her to the hall bathroom.
   "Well then lets get dressed people" Juniper said. Groaning I got up as everyone went in separate rooms as me and Ashley walked into our room and changed. I wore a orange very neck short sleeved crop top that said guilty across the back in gray, orange mini shorts with a hand cuff belt, fishnet stockings, fingerless leather gloves with chains, and ankle high Black heeled lace up combat boots.
    Ashley wore a leather police vest with a little sheriff star, a police hat,  black jeans with his usual studded and shiny belts and chain, boots, fingerless leather gloves, and his aviators. He looked amazing and I blushed as I saw his muscular chest
   "Look at my handsome man" I said, slightly purring. He looked at me, smirking his little smirk, before he walked over to me, setting his hands in my hips as he stared at my body like candy, biting his lip as he stated at my chest before looking at me
   "How did I end up with someone as sexy as you. I mean you put that costume and outfit to fucking shame"
He growled. I giggled
   "So you like it?" I asked grinning
  "Like it hell no... I fucking love them but I would love them even more if they were on the floor but you already know that"
   "Oh I know, but you are just going to have to vait" I said as just walked away from him and towards the door before giving him my own little smirk "are you coming outlaw?"
   "Yea Im coming" he said and I walked out.
*Ashley POV*
   I watched as Anubis walked away. Mainly her ass, it was so perfect and there wad something satisfying in the way she walked, the little sass she has in her walk. Damn you are seriously going to be the death of me
   I groaned slightly as she slipped away, tonight was definitely going to be hard and my focus only on one person. I walked out and towards the living room, settling on the couch again, laying across it.
I heard giggling front down the hall just as the guys came out. Andy was dressed as Batman as usual, Jinxx was a fancy vampire, Jake was dressed as a pirate of some sort, CC was dressed as a steam punk prince Eric from the little mermaid, Frank was Frankenstein, Kellin was dressed as a zombie and Gerard was some sort of comic book character
   "So cop huh?" Frank asked "original"
  " Oh whatever, it matches Anubis's costume and that's all that matters" I said.
   "So what is she?" Gerard asked curiously. I really hoped we weren't having a repeat of Vic
  "Something" I said. After a while of talking, the girls had come out. Juniper was dressed as the steampunk version of Ariel, Alex was a vintage belle, Eva was Harley Quinn , Alexandria wore a white long sleeve leotards with thigh high socks and garters with black skeleton bones printed on them, and her face had been painted to look like an actual detailed skull. Aries wore a guardian dress almost similar to a Roman dress and wonder woman combined. Lexi wore a black and white  t shirt, a poorly black and blood splatter design skirt, black an white stripped stockings and heels. She looked like a killer clown circus leader and that's when Anubis walked out.
    I just stared at her beauty and winked at her causing her to blush like crazy
   "Come here sexy, Daddy wants a kiss" I said. She just looked down at the floor embarrassed as she walked over to me. She had never called me daddy in front of people and I hadn't said it publicly in front of them because she was so shy and embarrassed about it. She only really called me that when we were in bed giving her the time of her life or she did it just to tease me. As soon as she got over her I grabbed her hand cuff belt and pulled her to me before kissing her. Juniper cleared her throat by I kept the kiss going. Just to mess with Juniper a bit I flicked her off as I grabbed Anubis's butt
  "Excuse me Purdy but I think your hands should be somewhere else right now" juniper said as everyone was whistling.
   "Oh Juniper relax OK, you and CC do the same. You guys ready to head over and get this party started?" Lexi asked excitedly
   "Oh Lexi you are always such a drama queen, just don't die" Alex said laughing as Janet stood at a stool
   "That's why you love me" she said. We all laughed as we stepped out side the door and licked it before heading off
To be continued on the next chap

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