Chap 44

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   As the weeks dragged on it was finally spring break, two full weeks off of school. Juniper and Alex had come over to help plan out our Disney trip. Eva, Juniper, Alex, Alexandria, me, Ashley, CC, Kellin, Jake, Lexi, Andy, Jinxx, Aries, and Lucy were all going for a week. Michaela and Vic had been getting a lot closer, a lot closer, and they were heading down to Mexico for the spring break.
    And Allen, the boy who Ashley had warned me about, kept trying to hang around and occasionally trying casually flirt with me. A few complements here, a few gifts for unnecessary reasons there. The list went on and I could tell Ashley was getting annoyed with it.
    Out of the whole band, Andy and I were best friends. I did get along with everyone else but Andy and I were close, like twins, the male version of me. Andy and I had decided to go to hot topic, which we had spent most of our money on band t shirts.
    "So are you ready for Disney tonight?" I asked. We had to leave tonight for our hotel at Disney seeing we were staying a week
   "Oh yes, I can not wait I don't even remember the last time I went" Andy said. I laughed
   "I've never gone to a theme park before, so this should be interesting" I said
    "You lived in Florida how did you not go to a theme park?" Andy asked as we walked out if hot topic, out hands full
    "I had no childhood and ve couldn't afford it" I said
    "Ahh that's right, I forgot about that" Andy said. His phone rang and he looked down, groaning, and put his phone up
    "You aren't going to answer that?" I asked curiously
    "No" he said. He seemed a bit stressed when he said that.
    "Vhats vrong?" I asked. Andy sighed. I pulled him over to one of the benches near the fountain and set him down "come on and talk to me, Vhats going on"
    "Its Lucy and Eva" Andy admitted before looking up at me and biting his lip "they're staring to drive me crazy"
    "About vhat? Start vith Eva first"
    "I love Eva I do. But she gets upset when I talk or even hang out with Lucy. Lucy had been my best friend for a long time and we're still trying to catch up. Eva usually also just mumbles something or just says random hateful things about Lucy and it just gets on my nerves because like I said she's my friend" Andy said
    "And Lucy?" I asked
   "Lucy is just getting to clingy ever since we ran into each other at the festival. She always tries to flirt with me, even when Eva is around, and I keep telling her that I'm not interested her. When Lucy, Eva, and  I are hanging out Lucy just always excludes Eva from everything on purpose and its like she doesn't even care that I am right there. They always bicker and she literally picks out every one of Eva's flaws. Their is to much drama between the two and I don't know how much more of it I can take"
    "Vell I'm going to give you both their sides. Lucy is your best friend, you've known her for a long time and their vas a reason you guys vere friends. Its been years since she last saw you and she's glad that she's back in her life so its sort of normal to be a bit clingy. But vith eva, she's your girlfriend she only sees Lucy as a threat because she thinks she is going to take you away from her. You've known Lucy longer, which makes her feel left out because she's never going to know you as long and all those memories that you guys share. Vith Lucy coming in more, she's getting the feeling of being pushed aside
    "You need to make the both of them see how this is affecting you"  I said
   " I've tried but they don't seem to understand" Andy said. I thought about it for a minute
   "Get them in the same room, give them an ultimatum if it comes to that"
    "But I don't want to lose any of them, they are a major role in my life" Andy said
   "But vho is more important in your life, Eva or Lucy? Both are beautiful, amazing girls vho love to be around you. I'm not saying to cut them out of your life but you have to have a firm hand even if it hurts someones feelings in the end" I said 
   "I know..." he said trailing off "I just didn't really want any of them to get hurt"
    "No matter vhat Andy, someone vill always get hurt. Ve all try to avoid hurting the ones ve love,  it in certain times ve have to. Its better to be told the painful truth then a pretty lie that ends up hurting people even more and digging yourself into a even bigger mess, and none of this vill ever be easy especially vhen it comes down to something you love" I said. Andy looked at me and smiled
    "Thanks Anubis. I'm really glad that I got to know you, you are such and amazing helpful girl. Anyone who says otherwise is either stupid or fucking blind as fuck" Andy said. We both laughed
     "They actually are both" I said as we finished laughing
    "True. Ashley is lucky to have you, you're really good for him I've never seen this side of him before at all really" Andy said. I laughed
    "Oh come on, I didn't do all of that. He had it in him the vhole time" I said
     "You clearly haven't met him before. He had a new girl practically everyday, maybe two at a time of the girls were OK with it. Parties almost every night as drunk as can be. He had scared his grandma with that a few times, and he didn't always do his work" Andy said " but ever since he laid eyes on you that first day and gone a bit crazy he's never been the same. You guys are like half of  the way closer to your one year, he's done his work and actually tried on it because of you. His world is literally you, and he stays out of trouble because of you"
    "Really?" I asked. I never know all of that. Andy nodded
    "Hell yea. Like I said you made him a changed man and he truly does love you. Im glad that he has you in his life"
    " Im just vorried that he'll find someone a lot more prettier smarter and more talented in general"
    "Dude their is no one above you quite literally. You want to know what he told me once you two started to dating? He said that he couldn't have been anymore happier in his entire life, how he knew that you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He even said he would fight for you, give everything up for you even if it were his life. He said you were worth the heart ache and a miracle in disguise"
    "I..." I started
    "Hey, this is your first time ever in a relation ship, with someone who loves you and wont leave you don't be scared of that" Andy said
    "Vhen did the roles switch and you become the therapist?" I asked jokingly.  Andy laughed.
   "When did this get all soppy and feely?" He asked laughing. I couldn't help but laugh back
    "Exactly. Hey I need to try and find a new bathing suit, do you vant to help?" I asked 
    "I don't know is Ash ok with that?" Andy asked sarcastically. I glared at him and playfully punched his arm "owww I think you broke my arm"
     "Oh vhatever biersack. Its a bathing suit, it isn't like you haven't seen me in one before" I said as I got up "are you coming or not?" I asked
    "Im coming Im coming. Gosh mom your so pushy" Andy said smirking​. I laughed
    "I can show you pushy" I said as we began walking, looking for a swim store.
*Ashley POV*
    I had called Juniper to help me pick out an engagement ring for Anubis, reason being Juniper and Anubis were close. U was going to ask Alex to but she was meeting Kellin's parents for lunch. Of course when I first called Juniper she was frantic and yelling as she had been packing for our Disney trip. But once I had told Juniper on what I was planning on doing she hung up and the next minute I heard a knock on the door only to find juniper there
     "Lets go Purdy" Juniper said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me out to her 1967 metallic blue chevy impala.
    "Damn im not even ready" I said as she pulled me into the passenger seat, slammed the door, got in, and hauled ass. I was wearing flip flops, jeans, and a black tank top.
    "Put on a jacket. CC's is in the back seat. I sighed and grabbed CC's jacket before pulling it on and zipping it up.
   "You got here fast" I said as I looked out the window, houses and buildings passing in blurrs.
   "Well you are proposing to my best friend, practically sisters, and you need the best ring. Im not going to let you screw this up" Juniper said. I chuckled
   "When did you approve of this relationship?" I asked jokingly. Juniper just reached over and punched my arm "hey that hurts"
    "That's what you get for asking stupid questions." She replied "I may not like the idea of you and her fucking but you make her really really freaking happy, this is probably the first time she experienced love or happiness like this. And you're a really good guy Ash, she deserves the best, and that's you. But just know that if you ever hurt her in any way and I will be there to kick your ass. You will nit be able to hide"
    "Don't worry about that, because it will never happen" I said before looking out the window again
    What would people think about this? A nineteen year old boy proposing to an eighteen year old girl fresh out of high school. Most people would have seen that as to fast, too stupid, young love that would never last. But they didn't understand, I was absolutely head over heels in love with Anubis and nothing could ever change that. I never felt so sure about anything. And I knew Anubis had felt the same, she showed me a side of her nobody ever saw, how even her tough exterior she still felt pain and took things to heart. She showed me her actual self, not the one she hid behind.     
      So people could call it ignorance, stupidity, rushing I don't care. I was going to ask Anubis, it was now it never. Because for her, for Anubis, it was worth it. I imagined us at our wedding day, Anubis looking like a goddess walking down the isle in a beautiful white dress, flower petals in her hair
     "Ashley were you even paying attention to me?" Juniper asked, snapping me out of my day dream.
   "Sorry.... I was thinking. What were you saying?" I asked
   "I asked how are you planning on proposing to Anubis?" Juniper asked. I thought about it for a moment
    "When we graduate. After the validictorian (?) Speech, coach and Mr. Fuentes wants me to have a small speech about the year. I'll propose to her there, they shouldn't have a problem with it" I said  
     "Awwwwww that is so adorable" Juniper said squealing. I laughed
    "Speaking of which, I should probably tell grandma what I'm planning on doing" I said as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket calling grandma
    "Hello" grandma answered.
   "Hey grandma, how have you been?" I asked
    "Oh I've been fine. Your aunt and her kids are a handful sometimes, and I'm missing my favorite grandson" grandma said before chuckling. I laughed
   "Im sorry" I said
   "Oh your fine dear. So how have you been? And how has Anubis been?" Grandma asked
    "That's what I wanted to talk to you about.." I said
    "Ashley please tell me that you didn't do anything to lose her" grandma said, almost chiding
    "No no, grandma nothing like that" I said as I bit my bottom lip "on graduation Im planning to propose to Anubis"I said. I got nervous as grandma didn't say anything
    "Are you serious?" Grandma asked cautiously
   "I am but grandma before you get up-" I started
   "Why would I be upset Ashley? This is absolutely amazing, you finally found someone to settle down with for the rest of your life. Anubis is an amazing woman, your lucky to have her. I am so proud of you Ashley" grandma said happily. I let out a sigh of relief
    "Oh thank god I thought you were going to yell at me" I said
    "I have no reason to yell at you. I have to tell Marcy, your proposing at graduation right?"
   "This is wonderful Ashley, absolutely wonderful" grandma said "I have to call you back, I have some very amazing news to Marcy" and with that the phone went dead.
    Smiling I shook my head and put my phone up
    "So im guessing grandma approved?" Juniper asked smiling, stating the obvious
    "More then approved" I said laughing.
*Anubis POV*
Andy and I walked out of some beach store that I never caught the name of  mainly because all the employees were staring at me like I didn't belong a do giving Andy googly eyes. Well Andy walked, I had made him give me a piggy back ride because my feet were killing me.
     I laughed as Andy spun me around and held on for dear life.
    "Andyyyyyy" I whined playfully " you are going to make me sickkkkkkkk"
    "Man your no fun" Andy said. I smacked him upside the head as he set me down "this is abuse, your an awful mother"
   "Haha funny, im not as bad as Ashley. If im your mother that makes Ashley your dad" I said
    "Oh my god why did I say that" Andy groaned "its bad enough they made gay ships for all of us"
    "Hahaha that sucks" I said. Any looked at me
   "I, for some reason, get pairs with your boyfriend. And don't think you get an easy ride out if this because our fans have also shipped you with the guys" andy said. I shrugged
   "I could care less about those ships, you know vhy? Because one of those is real. And that's Anuley" I said
    "Yea yea" Andy said as he ruffled my hair.
    "Hands off the hair Biersack or your hands get cut off" I said    
    "Hey at least Im not graying yet," Andy said. I punched him in his ribs
   "I happen to like the ashy gray hair color smart ass" I said
   "Fuck" Andy said as he looked forward
   "Vhat?" I asked curiously looking where he was
   "Its my ex vivian. She's a psycho and stalker. I need you to do me a really big favor and it may make you feel uncomfortable"
   "Vhat is it?" I asked 
   "I need you to pretend that were dating until we get past her"
   "I don't know...." I said. I did feel uncomfortable with it, but it wasn't cheating if I was helping out a friend right? Im sure Ashley would understand, especially if it wasn't like kissing or anything, just holding hands.
    "Please" Andy pleaded.
   "Alright" I said 
   "Thanks you so much" Andy said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked "keep your head down so she doesn't see you"
    "Oh my god Andy its you" a girl said.
    "Fuckkkkk" he groaned under his breath before faking a smile "hi vivian" he said as a tall, lean, pale girl with long autumn colored hair and emerald eyes skipped over. She definitely looked irish, just a bit. She looked like a bitch.
   "I've been looking for you everywhere" she said happily
   "We've been broken up for five years" Andy said slightly annoyed. Damn this girl doesn't know how to let go I thought "besides I have a new girlfriend and I'm perfectly happy, happier then I've ever been"
    "This bitch? I highly doubt it" Vivian sneered
   " (1) also bist du die Hündin, die meinen Freund anstarrt. Ich kann sehen, warum er dich verlassen hat. Es ist Zeit, sich auf Sweerheart zu bewegen" I said. She looked at me funny
    "She's German, her English isn't that good" Andy said
  " (2) er will nichts mit dir zu tun haben"
   " (3) go maith leat cuma slut. ní mór duit é a chúlghairm, tá sé mar mhian" Vivian said smugly. I smirked 
   " (4) go maith leat cuma slut. ní mór duit é a chúlghairm, tá sé mar mhian" I said  she stared at me stunned before I grabbed Andy's arm and dragged him a way
    "Thanks" Andy said
    "Not a problem" I replied as we headed out to the car

Translation (match the number) 3 and 4 are irish
   1) so you are the bitch who is stalking my boyfriend. i can see why he left you. it is time to move on sweetheart
   2) he wants nothing to do with you
   3) you need to back off he is mine and always will be
   4) guess what psycho, im multilingual. leave him alone, now we must really be going

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