Chap 9

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I hope you like this chapter😊
*Anubis POV*
   I woke up early, wrapped in Ashley's arms. I smiled and carefully got up and changing into an old tank top and jeans, pulling my hair up into a mess pony tail and walked out just as the sun began to rise. Juniper was outside at painting the sunrise as Alex was on top of kellin sleeping in the hammock not even using the tent         
  I walked over to the edge of the stream, placing my feet in the cool water. I started to think about dad, would he have liked it here? Would he approve of the way we were living or my love life?
   I couldn't get the feeling of sadness out of my stomach. I really did miss him, what would life have been like?
After a while, which was more like four hours, I dried my tears and walked over to Juniper. She had her tongue out as she concentrated on her painting. I looked at her painting and my jaw dropped in awe. It was a painting of the sunset over the stream and I saw me sitting down near it, she captured the colors of the sunrise so perfectly everything looked real that o could have walked into it
   "Juniper... This is amazing" I said. She looked up at me and smiled
  "Thanks. Buy the way did Ashley ask you to go to the schools festival coming up in a few weeks?" She asked
  "Yea he did, vhy?" I asked
  "I think you're going to love it, it's not like an ordinary festival. Since Vic's dad is the principal Vic talked his dad onto doing something so not allowed but the school board will think it's appropriate for kids. I think it's because he has a crush on someone" she looked at me and I rolled my eyes and playfully nudged her shoulder
  "Vell vhat's the theme?"
  "It's supposed to be like a upbeat fun steampunk/rock/ popish like thing. The actual theme is a mix of romance and sexuality. Im surprised their doing it but basically the whole day of school is cancelled for the festival and it's pretty much like the fair but better with more rides and stuff plus theirs a singing show. And then the second half is the dance, the dance is formal but the festival you can wear what you want, but they have music and set off fireworks. Last year's theme was the undead" she explained. I grinned
   "That sounds like fun"
   "Oh and if I were you I would wear something sexy for Ashley trust me, I know he's changed but their will be alot of girls there -,"
  "I got it" I said. That was easy, I had a few things I collected over the years.
  "And you'll stay with me and Alex the night before the festival so you can get ready with us especially for the dance" Juniper said as she looked at me
  "Alright. Hey... Nevermind" I said shaking my head
"Keep up the amazing vork" I said
  "Who do you think I am you're talking to the great Juniper here I am nothing but amazing" she said grinning
  "Yea yea I know. Oh and don't forget we're swimming today so you should get changed"
  "I'll do that after Ashley is away, I don't vant a repeat of last night"
  "Oh what happened last night?" Juniper asked excitedly
  "Nothing" I said blushing
  "I highly doubt it was nothing this is Ashley were talking about" she said rolling her eyes.  I laughed
  "I guess ve'll never know" I said laughing. She playfully punched my side
   "Hey wanna help me make lunch for our swimming trip, the guys are going to be asleep for a while they sleep like you wouldn't believe" she said jokingly. I laughed "but it is alot of people"
  "Here you finish your painting and I'll make lunch" I said. She looked up at me
  "Thanks" she said smiling. I walked over to all our supplies and grabbed stuff for sandwiches, chips, a bunch of fruits, and a few other things. I grabbed a bag and put everything in it before I made sandwiches for everyone. After a while Alex got up and yawned before she got up and drop off the hammock falling face first
    "Oh my god are you ok?" I asked laughing as I got up and ran over to Alex, helping her up. She just looked at me
  "No the damn ground just Freaking attacked me" Alex pouted. I laughed even more
  "Alex that ground is mad at you because you keep stealing it's plants for your smoking" Juniper called out sassily. Alex just flicked her off
   "Thanks for helping" she said,
   "Not a problem, I've fallen out of plenty of hammocks before to their awful" I said before I returned to my task when I felt my phone vibrate
  Victhetaco: hey, how are you?
  Me: I'm good, what about you
   Me:why are you bored?
  Victhetaco: because your with the guys and not spending time with your FIRST bestfriend
  Me: awww I'm sorry
  Victhetaco: it's fine, I have band practice anyways. How's your trip?
  Me: it's been pretty interesting
  Victhetaco:hey I got to go I'll text you later have fun
  Me:ok byeeeeeee
  I put my phone up and continued on.
  "Noooooooooo" I heard Ashley cry out "my baby girls goneee" I laughed and turned around to see Ashley running towards me before tackling me in a hug causing me to drop what I was doing as we rolled
  "Holy shit" Alex said as we finally stopped rolling. Ashley laid across my stomach as I laid on the ground, my head missing the tree next to me by only an inch
   "Vhat the hell?" I asked as I looked up at him. He gave me a nervous smile
  "Hehe... Sorry" Ashley said getting up and helping me. I look at him
  "And vhat exactly made you tackle me?" I asked
  "I woke up and you weren't their. I was going to tell you about this fantastic dream you had but you were gone" he answered as we walked back as he tried giving me a kiss
  "Sureeeee" I said jokingly "vell you can finish making everyone lunch vhile I change into my bathing suit and only then I vill forgive you and give you a kiss"
   "Damnnnn Ash you got rejected" Juniper called out
  "Aww man" Ashley pouted before he sat down and made everyone's lunch
  "Well if you're changing I will to" Alex said
  "Same, this painting needs to dry anyways and CC needs to get up" Juniper said as she set down her brush on the easel in the faded blue water cup and put the paint back
  I shook my head and smiled before walking into me and Ashley's shared tent. I changed into the black strappy bikini and pulled out a semi see through black cover up that looked more like a blanket with little fringes off the side, and a pair of aviators. I took my hair out of its ponytail and let it fall in its messy waves which had always seemed so perfect and I grabbed Ashley's LA hat and out it on backwards before walking out
  "Their I finished bab- fuck" Ashley said as he looked up at me. I laughed and walked to him. He stood up quickly before I wrapped my arms around his neck and giving him a small kiss ad he wrapped his arms around me holding me close
  "I forgive you, my outlaw" I said smiling as I traced the outlaw tattoo across his abs. His face light up
  "Yayyy" he said as Juniper walked out with a tired looking CC, his hair all sorts of directions. Juniper wore a white slightly paint stained fringed bikini, a pair of sandals, and aviators with a small bag that said beach hair don't care.
  " Look at you sexy" I called out to Juniper. She smiled and bowed
   "Why thank you, I could say the same for you", she said. Just then Alex walked out
  "What do you guys think? " She asked nervously as she bit her lip. I looked at her and smiled. She wore a sea green one piece, the top was made out of sequences.
   "Great. Just like a mermaid if that vhat you vere going for" I said smiling
  "Thanks, I was. You guys look great also"Alex said. Kellin groaned and sat up as he looked at Alex
  "Damn, Christmas came early " Kellin said jokingly as he yawned. I laughed as Alex  blushed and walked over to Kellin before pushing him off the hammock. He hit the ground "heyyy" he pouted
  Suddenly Jake and Jinxx woke up and walked out joining us
  "Nice to see you fully clothed Anubis" Jake said laughing. I blushed brightly and hid in Ashley's neck flicking Jake off
   "Hey" Ashley said as he held me. CC practically spit out all the water he had just drank
  "YOU SAW ANUBIS NAKED"CC screamed flailing his arms around. Juniper clamped her hands around his mouth
   "CC you can't shout something like that out loud" Alex said
  "What were you two, I should say three, of you doing last night?" Jinxx asked
  "Nothing" I said quickly trying to hide "all we did was make out"
  "Yea on your back in your underware with Ashley between your thighs" Jake added
  "You were what?" Juniper screeched before running towards him "Ashley Purdy I'm going to kick your ass for ruining my innocent Anubis"
   Ashley let go of me and ran for his life. As much as it was funny I was still a blushing mess.
  "Oh get some~" Kellin said jokingly. I walked over to Jake and punched his arm before sticking my tongue out. He just pouted and rubbed his arm
  "Ashley get back here" Juniper shouted as Ashley hid behind me
  "I swear to god it didn't go further, she's innocent I swear she's still innocent" Ashley's shouted in return as Juniper ran around me as Ashley ran from her
  "How do you know she's innocent unless you've asked her?" Kellin asked
   "Ashley is her first boyfriend ever that's your clue" Jinxx said. Kellin's and Alex's face fell "then who was making moaning noises last night?"
   "Andy and Eva, who else?" Alex said
  "Juniper, he's telling the truth I'm still a virgin" I said. She stopped and looked at me before sighing
  "Fine I'll let it slide but just this  once, don't let me find out about this again Purdy" Juniper said glaring daggers at Ashley
   "How far is the falls Juniper?" Alex asked curiously
   "About three miles, but it should about an hour walk. I wanna get there early because it has the perfect place to get some sun" Juniper said
   "I guess that means we have to get ready" Kellin said. Alex grinned and smacked his ass
   "Yup now you guys go and get ready" Juniper said as she dragged CC back into their tent
   "Anyone going to vake up Andy and Eva?" I asked curiously as Ashley kissed my cheek
   "Nah, its better to let them sleep in. Besides they can always find us" Alex said before all the guys walked off to get ready. I looked at Alex who looked extremely tired as we finished putting the food up
  " You looked exhausted, vhat's vrong?" I asked. She looked at me
   "Yea, it's just me and Kellin stayed up all night talking about his mom. She doesn't like me b
and she hasn't even met me at all but her and my mom know each other and they hate each other. Kellin wants me to meet her but I don't know if that's a good idea. I message if she doesn't like me?"
   "Alex just relax. Meet his mom, show her vhat you show Kellin that made him fall in love vith you. I may not have experience vith this stuff but I know it vill vork, don't be afraid to meet her because it can make you afraid of doing anything else in the future" I said resting my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled
  "Thanks, I'll do it just for you" she said. I smiled just as Juniper ran out excitedly
  "Guys I found a beach ball". Juniper squealed Excitedly
   "How much you want to bet that it's Eva's?" Alex said smirking as we stood up
   "I know it's hers I took it from her bag. She left it out last night" Juniper said shrugging "guys hurry up I wanna swim. You guys take longer then us to get ready" she shouted. I giggled before I was hoisted into the air and set on Ashley's back. I wrapped my legs around Ashleys waist
   "I know I take long, I have to look good" Ashley said. I laughed as I held onto his shoulders. The rest of the guys came out in their bathing suits and Alex Jumped on Kellin's back. Juniper refused to be carried due to the fact that she was running around taking more pictures. CC was hurt by her behavior and got her back when she wasnt paying attention, throwing her over his shoulders and running off. You could hear Juniper laugh and CC teasing her as me and Alex talked about favorite movies as the guys talked about the festival
  "So Ashley, you taking Anubis to the festival?" Kellin asked curiously "or did you ask Becky before Anubis got here?"
  Alex smacked Kellin upside the head
  "Of course their going together silly, the festival this year is made for couples really" Alex said
  "Yup I'm taking Anubis. Are you going to ask out Lexi?" Ashley asked Jake. Jake blushed as he looked down. Why did that name sound so familiar.
   "I want to but I don't know if I can man... What if I screw up? She's way out of my league" Jake said scratching the back of his head
  "Ohh let Anubis help, she probably could help. She talk me into meeting Kellin's mom" Alex said. Kellin's face light up
  "Really?" Kellin asked excitedly and looked at me. I nodded "thank you sooo much" Kellin said
" Do you mind helping me Anubis?" Jake asked as he looked at me. I smiled
  "Of course I'll help. The festival is this Thursday right?" I asked
  "Yea from seven when school starts to midnight" Jake said
  "Vhen ve get to school Tuesday show me this girl and I'll vork my magic. I vas known at my last school as a miracle worker because I always got people together" I said. 
  "Thank you so much Anubis, you're a life saver" Jake said
  "What about you Jinxx? You going?" Kellin asked.j Jinxx shook his head
  "I can't I have my Violin recital on Thursday over in San Francisco" Jinxx said.
  " Hey I'm Lexi" the girl in front of me said. I look up and offered her a small smile
  "Anubis" i said quietly. She smiled. She had long dark blue hair and grayish blue eyes. She looked slightly Hispanic and somewhat punk
  "It's nice to meet you Anubis. Do you want to be best friends?" She asked. I felt s huge grin find its way up on my face and my eyes widened
  "I vould love that" I said. She was the first friend I made in America. Her grin widened, of course my English wasn't very well at the time so I was surprised when she understood me
  "Great, well be friends forever" she said. A few years passed and it was me and Lexis eight grade year.
  "Anubis, I have some bad news... I'm moving to LA this weekend tomorrow is my last day" Lexi said. I felt my heart brake
  "You can't... You're my only friend, you said you vouldn't leave me" I said panicking "vhat if you forget about me?"
  "Anubis i won't ever forget about your we're best friends remember. Here I have a matching one. So you'll remember me" Lexi said handing me a small red and black beaded magnetic bracelet. I took it tears in my eyes before giving her a long hug knowing it would be my last
  "Hey Anubis are you ok?" Jinxx asked snapping me out of my memory. I nodded quickly
  "Oh yea I'm fine I just had an old memory" I said. Jinxx nodded nut kept his eye on me. Finally we reached a large clearing with a humongous rock waterfall that lead into a big River. This was a place that you could only find in fairy tale books and I gasped before sliding down Ashleys back. I was absolutely amazed. Juniper and CC had already set up
   "Hey slow pokes what took you guys so long" CC shouted before laughing.
  "Come on guys" Juniper shouted in glee as she jumped into the beautiful clear blue water. I walked over to where they set up and threw off Ashley's hat and sunglasses before taking off my cover up off.
  " Wha...... "Ashley said as he stared at me, looking at me up and down. I rolled my eyes before I ran and jumped in making a big splash as the cool water wrapped around my body before I swam to the surface catching my breath. I smiled and shook my head
   "Come on in guys, the Vater feels great" I Called out as Juniper popped out of nowhere and pushed me under the water. I laughed
  Eva and Andy joined us at least an hour later right at lunch time. Eva wore a bikini similar to mine but a bit thicker ad had less straps, sandals, and a sun hat. During lunch everyone was cracking jokes or tossing fruits at each other as Ashley decided to feed me for no apparent reason but found adorable and let him do it. We played a few rounds of volleyball and chicken fight and a few splash wars. It was amazing, I felt like I had an actually had a real family for once, this is what I wanted
   Me and Juniper were currently climbing to the top of the waterfall to jump off because everyone else was to chicken to do it. I looked at Juniper and smirked, she was like me in a way but only more hyper and social. Finally we reached the top and walked to the edge , the smooth current falling over the edge as we looked at the twenty three foot drop
  "You thinking what I'm thinking?"she asked. She looked at me and grinned
  "Hey what the hell are you two doing up there?" Eva yelled before everyone looked up. We both laughed
  "Baby girl don't do it, you'll get hurt " Ashley called out worriedly. I rolled my eyes
  "I can take care of myself Ash, I am not going to get hurt" I called back down
  "Juniper what the hell are you thinking?" CC shouted
   "Anubis and I were thinking about jumping off this water fall because you guys are to much of pussies to jump off. We have guts" Juniper said shamelessly
   "Guys just come back down please" Ashley Said
   "No" I say defiantly. Juniper giggled " Fuck the system"
  "You ready?" Juniper asked offering me her hand. I smiled
  "Hell yeah" I said
  "You guys better not jump off that cliff" Andy called out. We walked back some as my heart raced
  "One" we shouted
  "Guys" Alex said
  "Their going to die" Eva said before I was splashing
  "Really?" Ashley and CC shouted. We laughed.
  "Two" we shouted
  "Baby girl you're going to be in big trouble if you do this" Ashley said. I looked at Liz grinning
  "You only live once, let's make it count" i said. She nodded.
  "Three" we screamed before running and pushing ourselves off the cliff. Me and Juniper screamed in joy as we flew before diving down, both hitting the water hard. Juniper looked at me and smiled before nudging me and putting a finger over her lips and swimming towards a frantic Ashley and CC. I chuckled quietly to myself as we heard people panicking. I snuck up behind Ashley before jumping up on his back, surprising him and dragging hi under the water. He turned around and I smiled, waving before swimming off quickly, Ashley following behind me
   Eventually he caught me and brought nus up before he kissed me roughly, his hands on me cheek, before looking at me panicked
   "Don't you ever do that again, you scared me to Death" Ashley said " I'm just so glad you're ok"
  " I said I was going to be ok"
  "Please dont do that again?"
  "Aww but it vas so fun" I pouted. He looked at me with huge puppy dog like eyes and my heart skipped a beat "alright I von't do it again"
   He sighed on sighed in relief and held me close before kissing me again.eventually every else left but me and Ashley we continued to stay and swim, have some private time as we watched the sun sink below the mountainous view. Ashley held me close as I kissed his cheek, talking about all the little things and what we loved about each other. Today was a wonderful day and Ashley made it special he had such a big heart and I loved him for it but I felt that I wasn't giving him enough love as he gave me and that was going to change. As Ashley stared at the moon in front of us humming softly I stared at him, memorizing every inch of his perfect face before I leaned my head on his shoulder before I felt a sudden wave of tiredness wash over me but not before Ashley kissed my head and saying
  "I love you my beautiful rose" he cooed before I was out


Anubis bathing suit

Juniper bathing suit

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Juniper bathing suit

Juniper bathing suit

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Alex bathing suit

Alex bathing suit

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Eva bathing suit

Eva bathing suit

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