Chap 40

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   Ever since that day, which was like a week ago, Joshua has sat with us. Jake got really defensive of Lexi, especially when he found out what had happened when he wasn't there. I hadn't seen jake so pissed before ever and today was no different.
   Ashley had laid down on one of the bench seats and I had laid on top of him, hands intertwined as we looked at the clouds. Jake had Lexi on his lap arms wrapped around her waist. Aries and Jinxx were telling each other cute things and kissing each other. Andy and Eva were talking about a weekend out.
   Suddenly Joshua walked up, grinning like a love struck fool carrying a thing of purple roses, lexis favorite flowers before sitting down
   "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Ashley asked growling. He wasn't fond of Joshua at all after my breakdown and he had gotten really protective, especially because he had harassed me on a day to day basis
    "I'm just here to be friendly" Joshua said. The side of his face was black and blue, with a lot of swelling.
   "When have you been friendly?" Juniper growled as her and CC got back and sat down.
   "I've been friendly this whole entire week" Joshua defended
   "Hardly" Ashley snapped as jake and the guys laughed bitterly.
  "I have. And I'm not here to argue, I'm here to give these to Lexi" Joshua said before he set the roses in front of Lexi. Jake nearly leapt out of his seat and lunged at Joshua, but not before Lexi had stopped him. I sat up quickly along with Ashley
   "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Alexandria said
    "Lexi I love you, I really do. You belong with me not your fuck face of a boyfriend." Joshua said "you don't belong with all these freaks"
   "Why you Little-" Jake started
  "Newsflash I don't love you at all, in fact I hate you. You are rude, creepy, selfish and a whole bunch of other things that I'm not going to say. You are a bad person and I don't have feelings for you. I am perfectly content with my boyfriend so back off and do me a favor and leave me alone,"Lexi hissed before taking the flowers he had got and throwing them away.
    He just looked at her before getting up and storming off grumbling something under his breath. I rolled my eyes
   "Why cant he just leave me alone" Lexi groaned as she set her head in her hands
   "Well their is one way to get rid of him" Jake said 
    "No Jake you cant kill him" Lexi said. I laughed
   "I was just going to say scare the living shit out of him but murder works to" Jake said
   "Hey, ill help hide the body" Juniper said
   "Oh I see how it is" CC pouted "ditch me for jake"
   "Oh shut it we agreed that if it came to you or burying a body it would be burying a body" Juniper said laughing before cc looked at her "I'm joking"
   "Are we so sure about that?" Alex said as she flung a potato wedge at her  
  "Yes I am sure" juniper said sassily, flipping her hair dramatically
    "So Anubis do you want to go with me to go get nails done?" Eva asked. I bit my lip
   "I cant go me and Michaela are going to look for some guitars for her" I said. Michaela and I had texted like crazy, and she even shared her dream job with me. Starting her own band.
   "Really?" She asked, more like stated, looking at me
  "Yes really" I said. Nobody had noticed but when Eva had said really, she had said it almost sounded prissy
   "What about you juniper?"
    "I told you me and CC are going out, its our three year anniversary" Juniper said  slightly annoyed "I already told you this"
    "Congratulations" I said
    "Thanks" juniper said smiling
   "Well what about you alex? Alexandria? Lexi?"
   "I have theater auditions down town" Alex said
   "I'm spending the rest of the night with Frank before he leaves for tour tomorrow" Alexandria said getting up and pulling out her phone"which I have to call him real quick, ill be right back" and with that she walked off
   "In going to meet jakes parents for dinner" Lexi said 
   "Don't even bother asking me, jinxx and I are going hiking so I can get some pictures" Aries said. Eva groaned      
   "Ugh now I'm going to have to tell my mom that I'm cancelling the appointment" Eva said
   "Why are you canceling it, just go by yourself" Ronnie said
   "Because I had already told my mom two and I am not going by myself" Eva said
   "Yay that means we get to have ever a Batman Marathon" Andy said happily as he kissed Eva's cheek. She laughed and blushed.
    "When were you going to tell me that you and Michaela were going guitar shopping?" Ashley asked in my ear before kissing my cheek
   "A vhile ago actually, I thought I told you" I said as I turned, straddling him he set his hands on my ass, his beautiful brown eyes seeping into mine
   "So you are leaving me all alone?" He asked pouting. He looked adorable as he stuck out his bottom lip. I laughed
   "No, ve should only be gone a hour and then I vill be back in you strong loving arms" I said. He laughed
   "You forgot sexy but I'm going to let that slide" Ashley said.
   "Oh vhatever" I said before giving him a small kiss, and placing another one just under his jaw.
    The rest of the day seemed to just absolutely fly by and blurr and before I had known it me and Michaela were searching through the isles of a guitar shop looking at guitars
   "So do you have a name yet?" I asked curiously 
    "Well I was thinking something like Deaths Resurrection" Michaela said
   "That's actually pretty good" I said "vhat about this one?" I asked as we stopped to look at a steampunk designed guitar
    "Oh that's really pretty" Michaela said as she admired the body
   "I know right" I said the bell on the door rang and I looked over to see none other then Vic walk in. I grinned and waved my arms in the air
   "Vic vhat are you doing here?" I asked, more like shouting. Vic looked over and smiled before walking over to me and Michaela. A light blush covered her face and I smiled slyly
   "Im here for a new guitar, what about you I didn't expect to see you here" Vic said
  "Vell im helping my friend Michaela over here find a guitar for her band" I said as I pilled Michaela close to me and patted her back. Michaela looked up, smiling shyly.
   "H-hi-i" Michaela stammered. Vic chucked as his eyes began to sparkle
    "No need to be shy, I don't bite. Im Vic" Vic said smiling. Michaela only blushed even more before looking at the ground. They would make a really cute couple and I smiled to myself
   "So what and are you in? If you don't mind me asking?" Vic asked
   "Oh, its not a problem" she said "I actually play guitar for Deaths Resurrection which is currently down to one member"
    "Of you're looking for band members I actually know a few people who would love to be part of a band" vic said. Michaela's eyes light up excitedly
   "Really you can help?" She asked happily. He nodded
   "Anubis I how you don't mind but I'm stealing Michaela way from the rest of the night" Vic said. I laughed
   "Oh i don't mind I have to get back home anyways and finish dinner before Luke and Ashley tare down the house" I said
    "Bye Anubis. I'll text you later" Michaela said. I smiled
   "Alright. You to be safe and have fun. (1) guten Nacht"
   "What does that even mean?" Vic asked. I face palmed and Michaela laughed
   "I don't speak German but I'm assuming that means good night" Michaela answered
    "Yes it is. All hope isn't lost" I said jokingly. They laughed as I walked out into the chilly dark blue night before heading home. I pulled Ashley's jacket around me tightly trying to fight of the cold. I kept my head down, looking at the concrete as of walked and counting each stray leave ob the ground. After twenty minutes of walking I finally made it home. I honestly did lice to walk, it helped cleared my mind like music had.
    As I got closer to the door I heard arguing, one a woman's voice and the others, was Ashley's. Odd. I had never heard this voice before. My heart racing in my chest I grabbed the door handle, my hands beginning to shake before I opened the door, my jaw dropping at the scene in front of me.
   Naomi stood only in her underwear as she had just pushed a completely stunned Ashley down on  the couch, before she practically jumped on Ashley and kissing him. Ashley shoved her off. She hit the ground with a thud
    "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" Ashley screamed.
   "Vhat the hell is going on?" I demanded as I walked in slamming the door as loud as I could, most likely breaking the hinges themselves. I didn't care at that moment I was filled with full on rage and hurt. Of course Ashley did nothing wrong, but its still his seeing all of that. Naomi looked at me, trembling and with wide eyes
   "Answer. The. Fucking. Question. Vhat. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?" I growled lowly
   "Nothing I promise" Naomi said nervously as I walked towards her. She shrank back in fear as I glared at her.
    "You better not fucking lie to me" I said  
     "I swear-"
    "Don't start vith that bullshit, it all ready sounds like a lie. Figures because it comes out of a preppy as vhores mouth"
   "You know what, you don't deserve Ashley I do you bitch so why don't you back the fuck off. I can give him a better time then you ever could" she sneered. She just smirked at me, did she seriously think that I was going to give in just like that? I laughed before I grabbed a handful of her hair and drug her out if the house screaming and only in her underwear, throwing her clothes out with her
     "What the hell are you doing?" She screeched, scrambling for her clothes
   "I don't ever vant to see you anywhere near my house again, and you and Lukes relationship is over" I spat
   "You cant do that" she said
   "I can and did. I am in charge of him now go before I call the police" I said angrily
   "You're a psychotic bitch"
   "Oh honey I am not even being a bitch, and lets just say you don't vant to see the psychotic bitch side of me so I suggest you leave now before you do" I said before I shut, more like slammed, the door behind me and looked at Ashley
   "I didn't do anything I swear to god-" Ashley said as he held his hands up. I shut him up with a rough kiss, grabbing the straps to his tank top and pulling him against me.
    He instantly kissed back, his arms wrapping around me. I moaned into the kiss before he pulled back and looked at me
    "What about dinner?" Me asked jokingly bit quietly.
    "Screw dinner" I growled. He just flashed me his famous perverted smile  
    "I think I have a better idea for dinner" he said winking as he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist before holding me up by my ass.
   I tangled my hands in his soft hair before kissing him again as he ran  I fo our room, slamming the door behind him and tossing me on the bed before climbing on top of me. Tonight was going to be a really long night, and thank god it was Friday.

Sorry to cut this one a bit short had a bit of writers block and I have to go to sleep early for a amazing day tomorrow but enjoy

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