chap 13

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   sorry if it's shorter by a bit PS pic above is pretty much Ashley's outfit but with the bandana
  The other night was absolutely amazing and I couldn't thank Ashley enough for all he had done. During lunch Alex, Juniper, and I had to go up to the office and drop off the songs that we were doing. Of course they got most but I had shooed them away. After school i had walked to Junipers house with Alex, Aries, and Juniper to stay the night and truth be told, as dumb as it was, was my first sleep over. Mr and Mrs. Johnson were incredibly nice and energetic people I could see where Juniper had got it from. We stayed up all night talking and singing, being girly girls which caused me and Aries to wince at. We had watched Annabelle which completely freaked the hell out of Alex and Juniper and we had gone over make up ideas just to clear their minds.i had texted Ashley all night out of a little bit of boredom And that's when the alarm went off, of course it didn't bother me because I was an early riser but everyone else groaned
    "Curse that damn piece of machine and its babies I don't wanna go to school" Aries moaned out turning on her side and pulling her face into the pillow elbowing Alex on the process. Suddenly Alex and Juniper's eyes opened wide as they both shot up
   "OH MY FUCKING GOD TODAY IS THE FESTIVAL BLESS MY FUCKING SOUL HELL YEAH" they both shouted at the same time before accidentally head butting each other in the process. Me and Aries laughed hysterically as they rubbed their heads
   "Nice going Juniper" Alex said playfully, shoving Juniper off the bed. She hit the wood floor with a  thud and threw her hands up dramatically
   "Go on with out me" she said before flopping back down on the floor. We cheered as she sprang back up.
   "Excellent acting skills" Aries said clapping as we all got up. I set my phone on Juniper's night stand and carefully maneuvering around the traps we laid before walking over to my bag pulling out my outfit for the day
   "Well I don't take theater for nothing" Juniper said excitedly. Suddenly I hear a high pitched squeal and I look over to see Alex on my phone
  "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you and Ashley send each other cute good morning texts" Alex said looking at me. I blushed quickly and reached for my phone knowing that at any second Ashley would send something perverted like last night as he sent me dozens of sexy pics of him that would make any girl crazy. I felt my phone buzz again and look down
   SexyOutlaw: I can't wait to see your sexy ass baby girl. I love you
   Me:funny. I love you to
   I put up my phone and walked into Juniper's hall bathroom. I took a quick shower before drying myself off and throwing on my outfit which was a red and black corset, black leather shorts, shell bohemian sandals in which I was pretty much bare foot, a small diamond choker,black and red long Gothic gloves, a small silver ring with a blue gem, and a hair chain that rested atop my head. I let my hair dry naturally so it fell in light waves. Just for the hell of it I added a sparky whiteish silver eyeshadow and cat like eyeliner. I walked out of the bathroom to see the rest of the girls dressed.
   Aries wore a a black Lacey crop top, leather pants with a cross cross pattern down the sides, a black Jean jacket, a black bracelet with a heart down the side, and a green day beanie with black lipstick and amazing winged eyeliner. Alex wore a black open back lace up crop top, black mini skirt, black choker, fire ear rings, a cat ring, and purple head phones. Juniper wore a beautiful black ,with hints of red, steampunk high low dress with black heeled boot. Her eyes were framed in a beautiful red color with amazing eyeliner and her lips were black? They all looked amazing
   "You guys look awesome..." I said in complete awe
   "Why thank you" Alex said dramatically
   "We all know that I'm queen around here I have to look bomb" Juniper said flipping her curled hair before laughing "but look at you sexy their is no way Ashley is going to tear his eyes off of you"
I laughed
   "Ve vill see von't ve" I said. Juniper just playfully glared at me
   "Oh we all know he will. I am staying by your side so he doesn't try anything" Juniper said
   "You said dress sexy so I did"
   "Yes but not that sexy" she joked. I just smiled and waves it off as we walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Alex and Juniper fought over who was getting the last pop tart as I hummed to myself to calm my nerves. I was excited for today, a whole day of school and you didn't have to do anything but have fun. Alex began telling us about all of the rides that they were going to have and all the game booths and stuff. I zoned out as I picked absent mindedly at my toast
   Luke: hey are you going to the festival?
   Me: yea. Are you?
  Luke: yup. Is Juniper going??
  I ignored the last text. I knew where this conversation was going to lead. But I was excited, today it's been a week since I've moved to LA and me and Ashley's one week anniversary and I couldn't help but grin
  "What are you all happy about~?" Aries asked nudging me. I shot her a playful look
  "Me and Ashley have been going out for a veek. And it's been a veek since I moved here and met all of you amazing people" I said
   "Aww that's so cute. "Alex said "I'm so used to Ashley going from girl to girl almost everyday that I sort of forgot you two had been dating that long"
  "Nice Alex, real nice" Juniper said as she tossed the pop tart wrapper at Alex but failed because it only floated like paper
  "Why you piece of shit" juniper shouted at the wrapper laying on the floor "you traitor how could you?"
   "That's what you get for eating the pop tart" Aries said "we should probably head to school now"
   "Yea I want i get this party started" Alex said as Juniper threw the wrapper away before we left the house and walked to school. My heart skipped in my chest as we got closer
   "Do you know where the guys are?" Aries asked
   "Kellin hasn't answered my text" Alex said
   "Neither has CC which is weird. Unless he's doing something stupid with Andy. Anubis you should text Ashley since you guys seem to answer each other right away" Juniper said.
   "Fineeeeee" I said playfully pulling out my phone
   Me: assshhhhhhh the girls want to know where you guys areeeeee
   SexyOutlaw: we're at the entrance by the ferris wheel. I'm hurt you didn't want to know
   Me: oh whatever, we'll be there in a few
   "He said that they are by the entrance near the ferris wheel"I said, putting my phone up. Eventually we walked behind the school to a large field behind it that the school owned before my mouth dropped in awe. The girls weren't lying, it actually looked like a fair but how had they put all those humongous rides upon so little time? And quietly?
     Huge tents in colors such as dark blue, purple, and green mixed with black sat around everywhere, all incorporating the steampunk/ rock look. Music played loudly as the smell of sweets filled the air as people began to file in all dressed up and taking excitedly to one another. I fidgeted with the arm bands the administrator gave us as we walked through the large gated entrance. People crowded around looking at all the stands. Finally after we had squeezed through the mass I spotted the guys, Eva, and Lexi.
   Eva wore a a AC/DC crop top and necklace, Josh waisted black shorts, vans, sunglasses and a white beanie. Lexi stood next to her talking. She wore a black lace crop top, sea green skater girl mid thigh skirt, vans, a black leather choker with a rose on it. Her hair was pulled into a fancy bun and her eyes had the same eyeshadow as mine only gold
    Andy and Jake had looked like Gothic pirates, CC looked like Edward Scissor hands minus the scissors, and Ashley was in his casual attire which was black ripped skinny jeans, cowboy boots, fingerless leather gloves, and a leather jacket. But his hair was poofed out some and he wore a bandana around his head with his war Paint, a picture he showed me last night. Damn
   Andy had CC in a head lock and CC flailed his arms trying to get away. Jake just laughed as he held Lexi close. Ashley just shook his head
   "ANDY BIERSACK YOU LET MY BABY GO RIGHT NOW"Juniper screeched before hauling ass towards right towards a now startled Andy as everyone looked at us. I bit my lip and hid behind Aries a bit suddenly feeling very self conscious of what I was wearing. Andy instantly let go of CC and CC ran to Juniper jumping into her arms as everyone laughed.
  "I'm sorry Juniper I won't do it again" Andy said apologizing like crazy as he tried hiding behind Eva. Eva laughed and looked at Andy
   "Awwwwwwwww I'll protect my little baby" Eva said laughing
  "What happened?" Alex asked as she calmed down
  "CC said that Andy wasn't Batman and that Batman wasn't better then Superman" Jake said. Suddenly Alex squealed and I looked over to see Alex being lifted up and spun around by none other then Kellin before he kissed her cheek
  "Good morning beautiful" Kellin said as he held her. She just blushed and laughed
  "Good morning to you to sleepy head" Alex said back. Kellin wore a gray t shirt, leather jacket, black jeans and vans. His usual attire.
  "Where's my baby girl at?" Ashley called out playfully. I could hear the smirk in his voice
  "Oh don't be shy, you were fine this morning" Juniper said as she dropped CC
  "Owww" CC pouted before he got up and brushed himself off. Juniper walked over to me and grabbed my waist. I quickly grabbed onto Aries as Juniper pulled me
  "Let go of Aries" Juniper said
  "No, let me go" I said defiantly struggling against Juniper's strong grip
  "Let me go, I'm to young to die" Aries said as she pried my arms off of her. Juniper yanked as hard as she could and fell back. I let out a small shout as we both fell to the ground. I groaned as Juniper got up and quickly grabbed my arm dragging me over to Ashley and throwing me into his arms. I blushed as he held me closely but not before his eyes roamed over my body, a glint of mischief in his eyes as a smirk crept up onto his face.
   "Well well well look at you~"Ashley purred, his hand sliding down my back and grabbing my ass, before he whispered in my ear "you look so tasty, we could always get out of here and have our own fun"
   "Ashley" I gasped "no" Ashley just laughed before he looked at me biting his lip. Juniper just glared at him
  "You better not try anything puffy, I'm warning you" Juniper growled
  "No promises" Ashley said winking. Juniper huffed
   "So what do you guys want to do first?" Lexi asked curiously
   "Well we can save the rides and stuff for later, how about we all go and check out all some of the booths" Aries suggested. Alex and Eva grinned wildly
   "Let's go get henna" they squealed before running off. Laughing we followed them. Girls were dressed as slutty as possible, well the sluts anyways, and they did try to hit on Ashley but one glare from me kept them away. Ashley's hand had casually rested on my ass. After a while of walking we reached a large black and red swirled tent filled with thousands of beautifully crafted picture and statues lined the whole tent. At the center of the tent was two chairs and a paint tray. A tall skinny girl with long galaxy colored purple hair sat in the chair. She was slightly pale and had brilliant shining amber colored eyes and lip piercing. She wore a MCR tank top, gray beanie, and skinny jeans. she was humming to the light behind your eyes by MCR before she looked up and gave a friendly smile. She looked really familiar but I couldn't quite place where from though and that was bugging me
   "Hey guys, Im Alexandria do you guys want me to do a face paint?" She asked getting up quickly
  "You do henna right?" Lexi asked. The girl, Alexandria nodded
  "Of course I do. Hop on" she said patting the seat across from her. Alex was the first one to hop in the seat and Alexandria grabbed a book showing her all the Henna. Where had I heard her name before? And why had she seemed familiar. Aries must have been thinking the same thing because she looked as confused as I had. After a while all the girls had gotten theirs done before they forced me down in the seat and I pointed to one on specific one, it was black and curly and fit nicely down the side of my face. Her artwork she had done in the others was absolutely amazing I couldn't even do that. That's when it clicked as she had began to apply the cold paint to my face, she was Frank Leros girlfriend from MCR. Not only that but she was in my math class
   I had a hard time keeping my excitement in. MCR was one of my favorites and I was trying to save up for one of their concerts coming up soon.
   "You guys go, I'll be done in a few minutes" I said. Everyone except Ashley had hesitantly walked off
   "Are you sure?" He asked curiously. I nod and smiled
   "Of course"
   "We'll be by the booth game across from here"Ashley said, quickly kissing me before leaving. I glanced at Alexandria as she got more paint. The tent was filled with an awkward silence before I spoke up
   "I know vho you are" I said. She looked at me weirdly
   "Are you sure? I've never seen you before" she said.
   "You're in my math class. And you're Frank Leros girlfriend" I said. She looked at me wide eyed
  ",I-i think you have the wrong girl" she said. I smiled
  ", Don't vorry, you're secrets safe both me if you're worried about anyone finding out" i said. As soon as I did she looked relieved
  "So you know who I am" she said
   "Yup. I love my chemical romance and I'm a huge a fan of your art vork" I replied "plus I think you two are a cute couple"
   "Thanks. Not a lot of people think that"
   "Vell they're stupid" I replied
   "Their all done" she said smiling as she put the brush down and handed me a mirror. I took it and looked at the circular pattern running down my face and I grinned
  "Thank you, it's amazing" I said as I set the mirror down and got up. She hugged me and I hugged back before she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something on it and handing it to me
  "Call me, you're my friend now" she said. I smiled and took it
   "Thanks again, you have a vonderful day" I said before I walked back out to the waiting group
  "Finally, you took forever"Lexi whined joking. I just flipped her off and smiled innocently. She just laughed as Ashley wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side
  "The sexy lady has to stay by me at all times so no one tries anything"Ashley said. I only kissed his cheek and we walked off towards the next stand, eventually everyone sort of drifted off, doing their own thing in was just me, Ashley, CC, and Juniper agreeing that we would all meet back up at the ferris wheel and ride a few rides before we headed to the stage for our performance. I got a couple of wolf whistles and stared at and I could tell Ash was getting pissed but at the same time he was proud in a strange way. On our way to the ferris wheel Juniper Squealed excitedly and ran over to one of the booth games and by the looks of it, it was a ball toss game. I shook my head laughing at her childishness as we walked over
  "CC look at the cute little bee" Juniper said as her eyes light up. He chuckled
   "I guess I'm getting you the bee then" he said smiling. She looked at him and he chuckled pulling out his wallet

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