Chap 28

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  Sorry for the shortness trying to make this last three chapters
*Ashley POV*
I haven't been the same since the accident with Anubis, I was depressed and I had drank. Its been a week and I visited Anubis everyday just talking and singing to her hoping she would wake up soon. Everyone visited her the little girl Amber, grandma Jake and Aunt marcy, everyone. And our fans, even though we weren't that famous yet and the fans that supported me and Anubis's relationship, had sent get well soon  cards. Hell Luke even came and he looked like hell especially because juniper told him straight up that she didn't love him and made out with CC right in front of him.
   I watched as her she breathed softly, she looked so peaceful. I held her hand 
   "I've been a mess without you baby girl I can't sleep, can't dream, can't eat... I don't know what to do. You have me worried sick" I said. Suddenly her hand squeezed mine hard and the heart monitor picked up speed just a bit. For the first time in a week she had moved and I watched her eyes start to open.
  "Guys! Someone! She waking up" I shouted in joy as I stood up, my heart racing with anticipation. Finally her beautiful blue eyes opened up, and my heart skipped happily in my chest. I smiled happily
   "Thank god you're ok" I said relieved. Her blue eyes met mine and they looked confused.
   "Vho are you?" She asked. And that's when my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.
*Anubis POV *
   Everything was completely Black and I felt trapped. For a week I was like this, but I could still hear. I listened to this stranger, with this most amazing and sexy voice. He told what sounded like memories. Of course their were others but I was memorized by his voice, it seemed oddly familiar and soothing.
   My body ached and the smell around me was clean and sterile, I must have been in a hospital but how did I get here?
"Guys! Someone! She's waking up" the guys voice shouted happily as I squeezed what felt like his soft, yet somehow rough, warm hand. Finally I opened my eyes only to be blinded with lights as I head a soft beeping sound
   "Thank god you're ok" the guy said. I looked over to see a very sexy man next to my bed. He had the most brilliant pair of chocolate brown filled with relief, concern and... love. He was the most handsome man I've seen yet. He looked so happy but I had no clue who he was
   "Vho are you?" I asked. I watched as his face fell I disbelief as sadness washed over him. I felt terrible and for some reason I felt as if I knew him and that I should have comforted him.
   "You... you don't remember me?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. I gave him a small sad smile and shook my head
   "Im sorry but I don't know Vho you are" I said "Vho are you?"
   "Ashley, Im your boyfriend" he said hurt. I looked at him, how did I not remember someone like him, come to think of it I only remembered everything about myself and where I was from or moved to. For some reason I couldn't remember if I had a family or not.
   All the sudden a huge group of people rushed in as a dark purple hired girl hugged me 
   "Oh thank god you're OK don't ever scare me like that again" she said
   "Ummm the concern is really nice and all but... Vho are you guys?" I asked. Suddenly the girl let go of me and looked at me smirking
   " nice one Anubis, acting like you don't know us its clever" the girl Saif back as everyone crowded around me.
   "Guys she isn't joking" Ashley said. I could hear the sadness and heaviness in his voice.
   "Oh my god... Ashley Im so sorry you must be going through hell right now" Another girl with purple hair said, only hers was lighter, before she hugged him. I sorta of just glared at her, a surge of jealousy rushing through me. I didn't know why though.
   "So you don't even remember your brother?'" A tall black haired guy asked.
   "I have a brother?" I asked looking completely confused "do i... do I have a mother? And father?"
  "Oh my god..." a slightly Hispanic girl said. They all had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces. I felt bad "I think its better we didn't talk about your parents right now"
   "Ashley hasn't left your side since the accident, unless the hospital kicked him out. But he stayed a couple of nights to make sure you were ok, he was worried sick" one girl with light blue hair said. Somehow that brought me comfort in a odd way
   Suddenly a doctor and a nurse walked in talking among them selves as they looked into one of the folders in there hands. The doctor looked up and smiled
   "Ahhh miss. Armbruster I see that you're awake how are you feeling?" He said as he began to check the Iv in my arm and the monitors next to me
   "Awful, Vhat happened?" I asked
  "Well you got hit by a truck. You are very lucky you're alive" the doctor said "especially after the hit you took. You'll have to stay here for the week so you can recover"
   "How come she can't remember anything?" Ashley asked 
   "Hmm.." the doctor said before he pulled out  a light and checked my eyes. "You may have a bit of amnesia, we'll have to do more tests to make sure"
    "Do you know if she'll be ok?" Another girl asked worried.
    "She may have temporary amnesia but I can't know for sure until I do some tests. But if she's held up this long she should get past it pretty quickly" the doctor answered.
   After talking for a few more minutes he had cleared everyone out of the room and had begun his tests, a few were X rays and I had felt extremely tired before I had fallen asleep again. I had woken up and hour or so later just as Ashley had walked back in. A wave of guilt washed over me, yea I couldn't help it but I still felt bad.
    His style though was definitely something I would go for, a punk rock but with a bit of a southern side.
  "So..." I said biting my lip as I shifted uncomfortably  in the hospital bed "you're my boyfriend"
   Ashley looked at me, a small smile. But I could see the sadness, it was a shame I couldn't remember him.
   "Yea" he said
   "I heard you, vhen I vas sleeping Or vhatever... those stories or memorise you were telling they vere fascinating" I said
   "You're a fascinating girl" he said as he grabbed my hand. A jolt raced through me, my heart skipped a beat and I felt myself blush. He laughed, which was adorably cute, "Look at that I can still make you blush like crazy"
  "Shut up" I defended "how did we meet?"
  "Well" he said, smiling as if he were looking back at a happy memory "it was your first day, you just moved here. I never told you this yet but... I had seen you before you met me hehe... I was so caught up in your opinion beauty but when I Saw your eyes...
    "That was what sold me, they were so mystifying and captivating. I spent the rest of the morning going crazy and practically going stalker trying to just get anyone to see if they knew you. Finally lunch came around and I saw you, the most beautiful angel sitting right in front of me. You wouldn't believe how much of a nervous train wreck I was.
   "Thank god I had the courage to sit next to you. After a while this slut had come over and began annoying everyone. Seeing your short patience you told her off and one thing lead to another before you stormed off. I was angry because you had gotten hurt. I finally found you and I held you close, like no tomorrow
   "I finally had the guts to ask you out later that night when we were working on our German project which still have to get done"
  "That doesn't sound like me" I said "I always get my vork done"
   "Well lets just say Im a sexy good kind of distraction" he answered laughing lightly. I blushed furiously
   "Something tells me that Im  not a  virgin anymore" I said. The look in his eyes confirmed my suspicions
  "Haha, you've been free of your virginity for  a week. It happened once but it was five times in one night"
   "Oh my god" I said completely embarrassed as I hid my face in my hands. He just laughed even more. "Im glad you find this funny"
  "Well I cant help that blush is a wonderful shade for you"
   "You're such a jerk" I said sticking out my tongue out. He just laughed even more. This, whatever was happening between us, felt amazing and real.
   "You know its a shame I don't remember someone as amazing as you" I said
   "Me too. But im just glad that you're OK and you're safe now and that's all that matters. Im never ever letting you get hurt again god I've said that way to many times and still somehow managed to get you hurt" he said.
   I lent over, despite the dull pain in my side and put my hand on his cheek
   "Accidents happen, don't beat yourself up because of them" I said comfortingly
   "You don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now" he whispered, looking up at me
  "I can't give you back that girl you knew before" I said despite how much it hurt.
   "I don't care if I had the old you or new you I just want you for you, and we can create so many memories. I don't know how long your amnesia will last and if you want to wait before continuing our relationship until you're ready I will wait for you" he said
   "Now that just sounds like a dumb idea. I may not remember you but vhy the hell vould I stop it, it's really obvious to me that I have a huge attraction to you" I said. Ashley looked at me happily
  "Really?" He asked
  "Yes really" I said laughing a bit before I yawned.
  "I think you need to get some rest" Ashley said as he laid me down. I looked at him pouting
   "But Im not tired" I whined "I don't want to go to sleep"
    "Well the faster you sleep the faster you heal and then you can leave this dreadful place" Ashley said
   "True,i never vas a fan of hospitals" I said "but can you stay vith me, I don't vant to be alone"
   "Of course, I wouldn't dream of leaving your side. Now get some rest and I'll be here when you wake up" Ashley said as he kissed my forehead gently, like a father kissing his daughters head
   "Thank you" I said before I slowly fell asleep as the doctor came in and went to change my bandages and IV, Ashley's hand in mine
*Ashley POV*
  Anubis passed out and slept until the nurse came to get me, telling me that I had to leave. Despite today, it was amazing I still had my girlfriend and she woke up and that was all that matters. Suddenly Amber ran up
   "Hi Ashley" she said cheerfully
   "Hi Amber, what's up?" I asked
   "Did Anubis wake up yet from her nap? She's been sleeping for a really long time"
   "Yea, she's fine she woke up this morning but shes really tired" I answered
  "Can I meet her?" She asked excitedly
  "How about tomorrow" I said. She smiled
  "Ok, I have to go before mommy yells at me again. She's been visiting that doctor for a long time " Amber said before running off. Poor girl. Suddenly Juniper and Luke walked up
   "Is it true? She's awake?"Luke asked. He wasn't here this morning so he had no clue what was going on. I nodded.
   "Shes awake but she has to stay here for a week. She also has amnesia so she doesn't remember anything but the doctor said it's short term and something has to trigger her memories" I said. Luke's face fell
  "This sucks, I mean I practically lost my best friend she doesn't remember who I am or all the fun things we did together..." Juniper trailed off
   "Hey, we just need to find a way to help her get her memories back that's all" I said "trust me no one is more upset about this then I am"
   "I know. This whole week has been an absolute nightmare" Juniper said as we walked out and headed home for the night. As soon as I did I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with all of Anubis's favorite things, because in her eyes she was bored and lonely. being in that hospital room was boring and even the thought or even knowing that you were going to be in that room was torture. I just hope the week came by fast and Anubis would get her memories back


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