Chapter 4: The End of Us

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I was released the next day, and even though I hadn't had much to eat, I wasn't very hungry. My calves had ripped sometime in the night, so I woke up in a puddle of blood in my tube. When Agent Riley came to get me in the morning I was coated with my own blood and sweat.

After a shower and a visit to the nurse's office, I was mostly ready for the day.

Before I was released Agent Riley pulled me to the side into a small room. There was nothing but a table and two chairs by a mirror. I couldn't help but be nervous, even though she was smiling. "What's up Agent Riley?" She smiled sadly, gesturing for me to sit across from the chair she was sliding into.

She puts her hands together, and for the first time I notice bruises on her knuckles. "Well C5119, as you know you are being sent to Facility 001. However, because of the... impact your situation might have on the other Uniques, it has been requested of me to keep the truth a secret."

I blink, realization setting in. "You want me to lie to them?" her smile falls and she sighs. "No, I've already done that for you. I took the rumor they seem to like the most, of the Uniques villages upstate." I perk up, brought slightly out of the electric fog that had been haunting my thoughts since this morning. "You mean, those are real?" She shakes her head, rubbing her temples. "No, I'm afraid not. But it's a nice idea, that will give them hope when you go."

Suddenly I feel angry, not specifically at her exactly, but electricity marks the floor anyway. "So you are using me going to the most dangerous place we have ever heard of to give my friends false hope? What kind of monster-"

She raises her arms slowly, softly cooing at me to calm down. "Hey, hey, it's okay Syd. Relax for me sweetheart. Facility 001 is not nearly as bad as the rumors say. Yes the training is quite a bit harsher, but trust me, murder is the furthest from anyone's mind. They have medics and doctors at every training session to keep you safe. I think this may actually be good for you, it will help you control your powers. I know how much they scare you."

I sigh, slowly giving in. I was so afraid of what was coming next I didn't even notice she called me by my real name. "Fine, but I can't lie to P7014. She can keep secrets better than I can anyway."

Agent Riley shakes her head. "I know you have deep feelings for her-" It was my turn to shake my head. "No Agent Riley, I love her. I don't want to go at all, if I leave her behind with only lies I know I will die."

"Well, if you tell her the truth, she'll only worry about you. At least this way she will be able to rest easy thinking you are free."

"No Agent Riley, she will feel like I abandoned her."

"Fine, If you tell her, make sure she knows how important it is to keep this quiet." Her world-weary face was stern but full of regret, and I knew why. She wasn't going to be my handler anymore either.

All I can do is nod, fighting the urge to vomit while we sit in silence for what feels like years, and finally she rises to let me leave.

Honestly, I felt like crap. I didn't really want to see anyone else at this point, except Cy. She makes everything better, like neosporin or bacon. Even though I'm about to break her heart.

Stepping into our hallway, I'm met with a wall of eyes and multicolored hair. "Whoa, what?"

Everyone in our wing was there in the pocket of living space, waiting for me. They stand up from the couches, chairs, and some from the floor. I blink surprised at them, and they cheer. "C5119! Welcome back!"

A tall girl, whose facility number I do not remember, claps me on my shoulder. "Congratulations C5119."

A shorter girl with vibrant green bangs nods at her, smiling warmly at me. "I can't believe it! Everyone wishes you good luck!"

Numbly I walk through them, thanking them occasionally, and soon my hands feel the soft arm I'm looking for. Cy looks up at me, angry tears filling her eye. My face twists and she pulls me from the commotion to our pocket, pushing me into the chair by our tubes. "Why, Syd?!"

I watch her sweet face, tears streaming down her nose and lips as her silky hair and hands fly in frustration. "Why are you leaving me?! I thought we would... That we would get out together. Did you at least mention me? Did you think about me at all?!"

I wait until she falls silent, her sobs filling the air before I pull her close. The other Uniques are still in the living area, out of earshot. I whisper anyway, petting her silky blonde hair in an effort to soothe her. "Sweetie, I'm not getting out. I don't want to leave you."

She twists around to look at me. "What are you-"

I put my finger against my lips, to signal to stay quiet and point to the crowd on the other side of the hall. "That was a crowd control lie Cy-cy. I'm really going to another facility for more intense training."

Cy scans my face, realization setting in. "You don't mean..." I nod sadly, and tears brim again in her beautiful eye. "No..."

I try to smile, rubbing her back while her tears had become hiccups. "Agent Riley said it's not as bad as they say. My safety and survival is their top priority. And Cy, this may be my shot at controlling my powers."

She whimpers through her hiccups, and I couldn't help but hug her closer at how adorable she is. But she pushes against me, sudden strength in her little body. "I don't care, you can't go. You will not go, I won't let you."

"Cy..." My words fade out, I no longer have much strength to argue with my better half.

She stands up to face me, her hands resting on either side of the chair. A tear drips onto my leg and I feel my own eyes well up at her statement. "No! If you don't escape with me before you leave, I won't be your girlfriend anymore. No emails, no visits, nothing." She trembles as she speaks, and walks back to the living area, wiping her tears and faking a smile for the people still chattering excitedly.

"Wait, Cy!"

There was no answer, and she even closed her thoughts to me. Closing my eyes, I bury my face in my hands.

It's her or the First Facility, and as I feel the sting in my legs from last night, I know what I have to do.

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