Chapter 9: A Sister's Nightmare

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Trapped beneath a mountain of rubble wasn't exactly how Isis liked to wake up, but she found herself blinking her eyes to the view of a barely held together sheet of glass from the box anyway. One of the metal wires dug into her cheek, which was probably what woke her up.

Isis tried to curse, but couldn't say anything. And the more she tried, the more it hurt her neck. Finally she stopped moving her head after some struggle, realizing the danger she was in.

She took a minute to pay attention to her surroundings, analyzing every part of her body. Isis found that her right leg was relatively free, it stuck out into the light and she hoped that could be her escape. The right leg however was trapped under what felt like more glass and wire, which should be easy enough to move depending on what's on top.

Her right arm was the same, but the left was covered in something hot and prickly, like a broken lightbulb or ECSU clock. But her neck is where the issue really was, something sharp dug into her skin making it hard to breathe or speak. Time was running out and because of the stupid glass above her using her powers would be deadly.

Painfully she pulled her left arm from underneath the broken bits, inch by inch until she finally got some room to move it. Isis pushed her now very injured arm against the glass in an effort to free her head at least but it only budged a little, making a thin wheeze escape her lips from the effort.

Something fell from the top, making hope surge through her body. So she tried again and again, each time the load above her got just a little bit lighter. Eventually she could hear voices somewhere on the right of her, an intense argument of some kind. That was all the adrenaline she needed for the last huge push, and her face was exposed to the dusty room. A little pressure was lifted from her neck, but she still couldn't speak.

Finally! She thought to herself, hoping Sydney was near. After a few moments of silence, the voices returned. They were aggressive, and very very familiar.

Syd? Nix? Syd help me! Please say that's you and Nix!

A gasp echoes through the room, followed by a grunt of pain. "Isis? Is that you?" Her spoken words were clear now that nothing was blocking Isis's ears, and she tried to lift her hand towards the sound. Yes! Help me! I'm trapped under the special glass from the Box.

Another couple grunts of pain followed Isis's plea, and the zing of electricity was clearly heard. "Nix, stop! Isis is alive! We need to find her, she is trapped under wired glass!"

She could hear a growl, and knew her sister was fighting with herself. She probably thought Syd was faking to stop the relentless stream of what was likely furious fireballs.

Feeling panic rise in her body again, she lifted her free hand through the hole she had been peering through and tried to speak, succeeding only in making a gurgling sound.

But it was enough, and soon two pairs of hands were clawing at the debris around her and pulling Isis into safety.


That bitch almost killed her.

Nix's thoughts dug into her own mind like acid, the anger palpable even while she kept up a very solid mental wall from the two Uniques in front of her. Isis could communicate with her twin through thoughts like a mental telephone, it was a two-way street that happened when they were experimented on as children and they both developed mental walls because of that. After all, there are some thoughts you just don't want to hear.

Nix kept her walls up for fighting Syd, but hadn't thought about letting it down to listen for Isis and that hit her hard emotionally. She was angry at herself, brutally so.

She felt her jaw clench as she gently pulled her sister from the rubble, examining the tiny scissors stuck into her neck from the library above. Syd pushed some books aside to clear a spot to look at her, with a nice patch of sunlight to see the wound better.

Nix set her down and yanked it out, the blood squirting a bit and Syd gasps. "Hey! You're not supposed to-"

"Shut up." Nix growls, cupping her hands over her twins throat and kissing her forehead gently. Isis started choking as the blood flow went wild, her body fighting to stay alive but calmed down as Nix's hands began to glow. They became connected mentally and physically, their souls entwined as Nix fought to fix the flesh that was damaged in her neck. Wounds became scars, and a sharp gasp from the Unique beneath her made her twin yank the healing hands away to grasp either side of her face.

"I thought I'd lost you." Nix whispered, bright red tangled braids brushing the vibrant blue ones of her twin's, the contact making tiny puffs of steam frame their faces.

Isis swallowed softly before she opened her mouth to speak, but only a wheezing sound escaped. Her lips moved silently for a few moments before grunting, bringing up her newly fixed arm to tap her forehead, signifying to her twin to let down the wall.

She did, and even though it was obvious what had happened emotional pain still flooded through her body at Isis's thoughts. I can't speak. I think my neck is too damaged to ever talk again.


One big blue eye watched as lines of those creepy robots marched across the floor just feet from where the blonde Cyclops was strung on artificial metal webbing. She still had the earmuffs, and wasn't sure if taking them off would be a good idea since the one Unique was moving her mouth like she was screaming.

The reason was probably the spider that stabbed her with a needle filled with some kind of liquid, and Cy finally let her eyelid droop closed, too tired now to stay awake. She had fought sleep for as long as she could, but had to drift off into the warm darkness that clouded her mind.


The haze behind her mind subsided and Cy opened her eye to a delicately painted ceiling framed by a sparkling red metal bed frame.

It was as if she had woken up, but something inside her told Cy that this wasn't real. She sat up to look outside the huge windows, noticing the mass amount of gloriously smooth fabric that moved with every small movement she made. What is this?

She wondered to herself, scanning more of the extravagant bedroom curiously. Is this a dream?

"Yes, and no."

Came the ethereal answer to her inner thoughts. It was her own voice that kissed her ears but she had not moved her mouth or made any sound. Cy jumped, sliding off the bed with dainty steps and a face covered in confusion. The elaborate night dress curled away from the floor making it impossible to step on and look like a white and pink flower swaying with every step the pretty cyclops took.

"Come here, young one." Came the voice again, and she noticed it sounded older and wiser than her own voice normally sounded. Cy stepped into the hall and came abruptly to a huge mirror, and noticed her reflection. The woman in the mirror had her face, her big blue eye, and hair that was the color of rich cream and sunlight mixed into a waterfall of flowing silk.

"My name is Celvira, and I am you, but you are not me."

The reflection spoke, making Cy step forward to be inches from the glass
"What does that mean? Am I supposed to know you?"

The regal reflection shook her head of massive blonde locks, a smile curling the edge of her lip. "No youngling, you do not know who I am. But you are a piece of history wrenched from dust and created wrongfully for reasons only Vel'harlka Shiim can know."

"Wrongfully? Do you hate me then?"

Her reflection closed her eye and shook her head again. Sound began to float in from a distance as she gave the younger version a reply. "Hardly, I could hold no hate for the new beginning of my people. I believe you have been created for a reason, wrong or not."

Cy opened her mouth to say something, but a sharp slap to her cheek brought her back to reality. A gravelly and grated voice hit her ears as she realized the madman smirking before her opening eye had taken her headphones. "Wake up, one eyed brat. It's time for your medicine." He grinned to himself, sinking a needle into her neck and making Cy start to scream.

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