Chapter 8: Misfire

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"Hey!" I yell suddenly, realising why the prophetic Unique brought us down here. Maybe it's even the same reason I came anyway despite understanding her trickery. I take a last look at Cy, her normally straight blonde hair was matted and tangled around her headphones. Her eye was shimmering in the flames, making my heart swell with purpose and power.

"I think I found a way for us to make it up to 8P013." I mouth to her, hoping she understands. She smiles and nods to me, tears brimming again as I turn away.

Electricity at it's very core is energy, something you can find anywhere in the world. Right now, as I stand stupidly closing my eyes in the middle of a battle, I can feel it. It's overwhelming, coming from the flames surrounding us. The weapons and tasers held by the guards sizzle in my mind, and I begin to draw everything in. I don't have to look to see fire dancing it's way into my hands and my body, my blood converting the energy like I do this every day.

This was just a theory my teachers have talked to me about, I'd never thought to actually try anything like this before. And the fact that it was working just spurred me on faster.

I could hear someone yelling for me, before a crash rings throughout the room and I finally open my eyes. All the fire is gone and my body is surrounded in red electricity. Nix is on the ground, staring up at me with bewilderment and there is a hole in the wall where I can clearly see Isis and Benny fighting. The guards are gone, maybe I scared them off?

After turning I know that's not the answer, because robot spiders are flooding down the stairs. 45U00 is freaking out, telling me we have to go. "I didn't foresee this part! This is really BAD!"

I look at her through the electricity surrounding me, vaguely wondering why it doesn't hurt when a cackle echoes down the stairs and Benny appears beside me, Isis forgotten while she tends to her fallen sister. "Some ending." I whisper, but Benny's face only hardens. "We have to go, a face to face battle with all of this clutter in the way will only put us at risk."

I give him a look of curiosity before beginning to obliterate the annoying metal things, they had gotten too close to Cy. Only a thin line of my red electricity was enough, so I sent out several with incredible precision. This is really weird for me, but I definitely enjoy it.

Soon as spiders flood my senses, I begin to forget why I was afraid of my powers in the first place. It was so intoxicating, so empowering. A smile touched my face, something I have rarely done the past few days.

Benny tries to tell me something, panic rising in his voice, but I ignore him. This was too fun to pause, even for a second. The laugh rings down the stairs again, and I grin harder in response. Huge metal legs, much larger than the other spiders, walk down the steps slowly. A man with a silver mask appears, and on the back of his contraption there was a beautiful Unique with light blue almost clear hair and eyes, and light caramel skin. "Amanda!" Benny yells, and vaguely I register who the Unique is, but I can't bring myself to care.

I'm getting tired of these stupid metal things, and I know that if I kill this guy they will stop. Wait, kill? I don't think- Yes kill. You want the spiders to stop? Well yeah... Then kill.

I shake my head, the thoughts sinking away as I lift my hand. I begin to pull a charge through my fingers, making a ball. I hear shouting, but distantly, as if I was no longer inside my body. As if I'm far away as I charge a blast of energy I never dreamed I could ever create into my palm.

Just as I'm ready to release it, a strong force of very cold air knocks me over and my blast cuts through the building before I pass out.


My world is dark and numb, voices hit my thick skull but the words don't penetrate. They roll like vague sounds off of my subconscious, forgotten and meaningless. A spec of light forms in my mind's eye and I walk towards it, realizing suddenly that I must be dreaming again.

This time I walk into an absolutely massive room where foreign figures dance on the colorfully painted ceiling, the images mimicking the real life party jumping and throbbing in front of me. My steady gait cuts through the crowd like butter, they move willingly without fear or hesitation. It only takes a brief moment to realize that everyone has only one eye, just like Cy. Looking up at an empty throne, I can easily tell that once again, I'm a cyclops too.

I whip my head around the room, eyeing the crowd of people in blindingly shimmering clothing. Their equally blinding features kept drawing my eye as they were all oddly familiar, but I dismissed the thought.

I was looking for something, desperately. I wanted, no I needed to share something huge but I cannot figure out what. I was racking my brain when huge crackling sounds broke my train of thought and the throne in front of me cracked in half.


I tried to open my eyes, but the blinding sunlight hits my pained face and I groan loudly. My head is pounding and my body feels like it was on fire, every muscle is burning and throbbing. I hear screaming and turn towards it, wishing they would stop, but I come face to face with a pile of rubble.

The ceiling is coming down around me, bits and pieces smacking each other with thunderous claps as a thin slice of sunlight peers through the broken wall. I slowly push myself up, fighting every bone in my body that was screaming at me to lie back down. I don't see anyone around me at first, and start to panic. Did they abandon me? Did I do this?

A low moan on my right brings my attention to intense red hair trapped underneath rubble, making me feel a surge of hope and- at the same time- despair. Something horrible must have happened for Isis to abandon her twin.

I crawl over to her slowly, biting my lip against the painful bits of ceiling grating my flesh. "Nix! Are you awake?" I call to her, making my way beside the rubble keeping her down. She looked mostly okay, with her leg being trapped under a metal beam as an obvious exception.

The poppy haired Unique groans again, pushing her head up with her chin to glare at me with dusty eyes. "Unfortunately."

I push hard against the metal, well as hard as I can with pain lacing my every cell. What the heck happened?

The last clear thing I remember is fighting spiders in the hallway, then bits and pieces of fighting and running. And another dream...

I groan again, fighting the slicing sensation in my skull. Everytime I think about right before I passed out my brain feels like sushi being beaten by a club.

Finally I find enough strength in my limbs to move the beam just right to free her leg, which she uses to kick at me. "You're an idiot!" She screams, half at me and half at the pain she had caused for herself with the sudden movement.

I back up, barely dodging her kick while I pull myself up onto my knees. "What the hell, Nix?" She growls in reply, tossing a bit of ceiling at me while her once smooth braids flare with heat. Their messy appearance was hardly a shock, but her next words hit me hard.

"You stupid electric woman, you killed my sister!"

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