Chapter 11: Rescue (Part one)

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It had been a long time since Nix had let anyone besides her icy twin get close to her. Catching that delicate blonde cyclops was the first contact with anyone at all for quite some time, even Isis knew when to give her twin space.

As she donned all black clothing in preparation for the mission to rescue the girls, she reflected on the events of the past week.

First she learned their mother had passed from her long-standing battle with cancer, even if she hadn't seen her in a long time it still struck a chord in her soul. Her mother was the only one who still wrote to them, and showed any concern at all anymore.

They hadn't heard from their father in years since his stony gaze watched them disappear behind the high security gates that would become their home, until his letter telling them of her passing arrived. It was so cold, so impersonal.

And then Syd tore apart a building after absorbing her flames. Flames that stemmed from her anger, hatred, and mourning. No wonder she went nuts. It was maybe the only reason she agreed to this mission in the first place. Syd, while stupid and impulsive, had found and helped save Isis. And it had been Nyx's fire that had caused Syd to go crazy, nobody can control it except her.

She snorted in derision, drawing a glance from her sister. "Ni, what's wrong?"

Nix shook her head and gave her other half a small smile. "Nothing, Ice. Worried about you, though."

"I'll be fine, Ni. I'll only be doing a little of the work."

Nix sighed and tapped her shoulder, tucking a stray icy braid back into the black knit cap on her sister's head. After her and Benjamin did the scouting last night, they had another meeting and came up with the best plan they could think of. Isis will freeze the gates and remain outside with the tallest of their new members, a girl with lime hair named Kayla. She will be armed with a communication device she made from a few scraps of electronics they found in the abandoned warehouse's office, and using her X-ray vision will help the infiltration team find the girls.

It just worried Nix that Isis would have to fight alone against God-knows-what, and vowed to keep her wall down to listen for any kind of trouble. The communication devices were untrustworthy as far as her only real family was concerned.

Syd on the other hand, was pacing across the concrete floor like a caged lion, more than eager to get going. She was ready before dawn, sporting her all yellow suit from the facility for ease of movement and it's slight resistance to her powers. Fighting is what it was made for after all, which is why she snuck it under her black facility uniform while they were planning her escape from the facility.

She wasn't worried about hiding, and in fact would have just burst in the door with heavy electricity if Benny hadn't talked her out of it. A hand touches her shoulder, jerking Syd out of her aggressive pacing. "What?" She snarled, turning towards a steadfast pillar of lime hair and yellow eyes. "Oh, sorry Kayla. What's up?"

Her calm voice smoothly washed over Syd's raw nerves, replacing her anxiety with steel. "It's time."


As they approached the underground base where the Copy Cat reportedly has been staying, Kayla stuck close to her two friends that she arrived with. They were welcomed into the other Uniques group readily, if Nyx was a bit reluctant at first. Tyler, her best friend since they were toddlers, walked closely by Kayla's right side while his little sister Sarin walked on her right. The whole group would have been an interesting sight, had it not been for the caps cloaking their neon hair. Still, a group of teenagers in all black (except one) walking through a side street behind a row of shops must have been alarming anyway considering the massive breakout from the facility, but they had to risk it.

For the trio of lime, pink and purple eyes, their biggest concern was to keep an eye on the Unique that supposedly ripped a building in half, and to repay her kindness for providing a place to bunker down for awhile.

Speaking of, her bright yellow suit was a beacon in the dark night, and she made sure to stay ahead in case her sneaking and staying in the shadows was for nothing, and the others could hide while she fought off the guards hunting for her. After all, the group had unanimously appointed her as the strongest in the group, which made her deeply uncomfortable but gave her purpose. She didn't think she could have stood up to Nix's Chinese dragon (and there was no way she'd absorb it again) or Isis' Ice cannon, but decided it was best not to argue if they didn't. The last thing they needed right now was to fight amongst themselves when they had bigger fish to fry.

Finally they reached the edge of the woods, and the group walked slowly down the long dirt path that led to a pair of heavy iron gates nestled in the trees. Benny had said it used to be an old mental hospital, and Copy cat built his base underneath to use it as a cover.

The teenagers split up into three groups: Kayla and Isis were the only duo, Kayla would lead the two teams via x-ray and Isis was her protection; Nix, Tyler and Sarin would be the extraction team to actually rescue the girls; which left Syd and Benny as the distraction. It pained Syd to not be the one to go in and pull Cy out, but she didn't have a choice.

Copycat already knew Benny would be back for Amanda, and Syd had a feeling he took Cy because of her connection to one certain Unique that took down a facility. He wanted a fight, and she would give him one.

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