Chapter 1: Unsteady Flame

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Every person has at least one moment in their lives that determines who they are going to be. For some, it's their first day of school, their wedding day or the day their child was born.

Me? I had three before I could take my first steps.

One: My father was murdered shortly after I was born in front of my mother.

Two: My mother went insane and did everything she could to supply her old drug habits, including letting me be experimented on in a bioengineering lab for creating people with special abilities.

And finally Three: The experiments worked.

Now I live in a facility dedicated to raising us, the gifted, the Unique Ones.

I only know about my past because of my excellent talent for snooping. It isn't really a special gift, I just had great practice trying to get the things I want. And you have to be resourceful in a place like this.

The name I have to identify me in this facility is C5119, but my real name is Sydney Williams. I'm an electrokinetic with extra telepathic abilities. My handler, Agent Riley only knows about the electrokinesis because that's all she needs to know. And besides, the last kid who had telepathic powers on the side was eliminated.

I have always been taught to survive no matter the cost.

I woke up this morning in my small sleeping tube, concentrating on containing my urge to listen in on our professor's schedule for us today.
It's hard when he thinks so damn loud.

My eyes drift to the small mirror beside me, catching my bright yellow eyes and white streaked orange hair in my reflection. The report I once saw as a child said that I was born with brown hair and brown eyes, utterly boring but something I would kill for now. Just to be normal, and not this monster hidden in a prison for weird children.

Sighing loudly, I pull open the clear hatch above my head and slip out of my now open tube.

Whoaaaaah Syd watch out!

I jump swiftly to the left, already anticipating my girlfriend tumbling out of her tube and nearly into mine, even before the mental warning. She does this every single morning.

She giggles and pushes her soft blond hair away from her one beautiful blue eye.

"I'll get the hang of it one day." she giggles.

I give her a wide smile. "You say that every day."

Her facility number is P7014. She doesn't have a real name, because she was born in a lab in Kentucky. Turns out the "advancement" program got a little out of hand there, and they very nearly destroyed every trace of the project. But when a cute little six year old floats into your arms because she wanted away from the needle monster, I guess you can find it in your heart to not shoot her in the face.

I call her Cy. She has telekinetic abilities, which is different from mine. Telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind. Telepathy is the ability to read another person's mind, hence her warning she sent to me when she flopped out of her tube like a three legged frog.

I smile again and help her up off of the floor, brushing back her silky hair and holding back the urge to breathe in her scent.

She giggles and tries to push me away, only to lose her balance again, this time being caught by another Unique one passing by. I don't know her real name, I only know her Facility name, which is 8P013.

I held my breath as her ebony hands gently gripped Cy's delicate white arms and held her steady.
Cy cocked a breathy smile and thanked her rescuer, trying to steady herself.

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