Chapter 10: Inner Strength

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The Twins and I eventually escaped through the rubble that was left in the incident, and we found Benjamin who escaped as well. We discovered that Cy and the dark Unique, whom he said her name was Lila, were taken by the man on the spider with Amanda.

After I had a fit of rage that popped every light in a two mile radius, they finally calmed me down enough to start making a plan to rescue them.

We sat around an ancient looking table in a rundown old building we had walked a couple hours to reach. It was somehow nighttime, which we were grateful for. We look like the circus rolled into town, all this bright hair and strict black uniforms are hardly inconspicuous.

When we get there, Benny already had changes of casual clothes for each of us.

"Okay," Benny started, pulling out a slightly dirty map of the city. He pointed to the center and drew a circle with a broken red crayon. "This is the Facility we were in. This is the only one in the city, as we all know, but it causes serious problems travelling for obvious reasons." All three of us nod, understanding. The patrol around the facility was intense, and they will definitely a walk the streets looking for runaways especially after I cut down half the building like they've been telling me.

Isis turned to her very quiet twin, who sighed and spoke up. "My sister says at least half of the facility had the chance of escaping in the confusion since the guards were distracted by us."

Out of respect I kept my mouth shut, giving the normally silent Unique time to adjust speaking for her talkative sister. They explained the wall to me, which I was very grateful for. I usually just tuned other thoughts out like selective hearing, but being the only one in my head was so very nice.

For now though I had it down during our conversation to understand what everyone in our small circle was thinking. A small voice bloomed in my head while Nix and Benny were discussing routes to take, and my head whipped towards the direction I felt it from. I am so tired, we've been walking forever and the guards won't stop...

I jump up and startle the other three, running to the door without explaining and slipping into the alley. I open my mind further to pick up everyone's thoughts and a few feelings, the rush automatically putting pressure on my head. I never work this power out much, because I was never supposed to have it, but now I needed it. I need to find those Uniques I heard, it sounded like there were more nearby in the one thought.

There! I pick up three different whispering thoughts of fear, ones I dimly recognised. Darting towards them, I peer around the crumbling wall of the alley behind the building we were in towards another, darker one.

Three matted heads of insanely colorful hair beneath dirt and sweat were pressed close together as they snuck around behind a dumpster. "Psst." I hiss, aiming to get their attention. They jump, and the tall girl who I recognize as one of the many in my hall places her hands on her mouth to keep from squealing.

"It's okay, it's just me. C'mon, hurry!" I whisper while waving my hands to rush them over. After a moment's hesitation and the distant scream of a Unique getting caught, they run to me and nearly knock me over in their fear.

I herd them like frightened cattle into the abandoned building we had settled in for now, drawing my friend's attention. "I found a couple strays outside." I grin, earning a glare from Nix and a smile from Isis.

Benny slides smoothly from his stool and starts to set up the old sink so they can clean off. "We have a couple rags to wash with here, and a pile of clothes to change into. Amanda and I hoped others would join us here so we over prepared."

His sad expression tore at my heart and I tried unsuccessfully to fight the guilt eating at my gut.


After the newcomers got settled we again started to plan our mission. Nix, Isis and Benny had started a good path to the underground base Benny had found before with Amanda, and Copy Cat had been too proud to move after that, but we had no idea what to do to get inside.

I sit back in my chair and can almost smell the wheels turning as the three people across from me think, making the corner of my mouth curl in a smile. I can't think of a thing myself, but I'm hardly the most intelligent one here. A fist hits the table and and I suddenly find myself face to face with Isis. "We don't even know what this place looks like or how it operates. It's gonna suck, but the best thing right now would just be to scout it out. We need a stakeout."

I groan inwardly, and feel my anger rising at the delay. He could be doing anything to her, and the longer we wait the more she could be in pain. Or worse... Sparks suddenly scorch the floor as my vision darkens and Isis leaps back, fear on her features for a split second before I calm back down.

"Isis... That's a good idea." I almost whisper, balling my hands together to regain better control of myself. Nix stands up to glare at me. "Damn right it was." Was all she said, and I noticed everyone in the room staring at me. I guess I have to say something, by the look of Nix's vein in her forehead she's a bit too angry at me to translate this time.

As I explain, I notice that they all seem to be looking up at me to lead the plan, since the only one making any suggestions is the mute ice queen. I feel my heart skip a beat at the thought of being the leader, and my palms get sweaty. I wasn't meant to lead, I only want her back.


Cy tried to scream, but her voice had gotten so hoarse the sound could no longer form at all in her weary throat. She had been poked by the evil man's needles for what felt like hours now, and each time she was reminded of her horrible past. Whatever he did to her made her writhe in pain, though it seemed minimal compared to the agony Lila was displaying.

"So you're becoming immune to this one too, huh?" The man sneered at her, picking up a clipboard he had recorded odd looking numbers on. "Interesting. You must almost be pure then." He mumbled, scratching something else down idly. "What?" Cy mouthed, a scratching sound fighting past her dry lips as she tried to speak again, the pain slowly wearing off once more.

"Nevermind, it's getting late. Normally I would leave you here, but I think I'll be nice tonight, since it's your first day and all." He grins, peeling Cy's limp body from the webbing stringing her up. He takes Lila as well, carrying both of their tired bodies with ease. Cy tried to fight but her fists were useless, they didn't seem to be doing much damage. He laughed and came to a small cage and pushed them both inside.

"Nighty night!"

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