How to breed cows 101

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Hello there!!!! I am here to tell you how to breed cows.

What you need is:
• both sex of cow
• lemons
• dirty infected water
• a pan full of grease
• a mirror
• toy cows
• some magic and a witch
• 1 million witch dollars
• and lastly a very poor person

So now that you have gathered your ingredients it time to breed baby cows!

1. Get your self a daddy cow and a mummy cow
2. Get your self a toy daddy cow and a toy mummy cow
3. Get a witch and link the toy cows and the real cows together!
4. The witch will need you to get a lemon, a pan full of grease and some dirty infected water. If you don't want to do that get your self a really poor person and pay them to do it.
5. The witch will mix those ingredients together and pour them in both the real and the toy cows.
6. The witch has finished that so she will allow you to play with the toy cows for 1 million witch dollars which is rare!
7. Once you have payed the witch you can now play with the toy cows and put the real cows back in the paddock full of identical cows to them.
8. When you play with the cows you have to make sure for them to make babies so you know what happens there....
9. Once you finish that, you go out into the paddock and find the two cows you cast a spell on in all of the identical cows. If you don't want to do that then go find your poor person and pay them to do it.
10. Once you have found those cows you get the mummy cow and lock her up for five months til she's ready to give birth to her baby cow.
11. Five months later she is in labour ready to give birth
12. You get a mirror then to look at yourself in while you pay your poor person to deliver the baby
13. Once the baby is born your poor person is now a rich person and if you want to complete that again you have to find another witch and another poor person because your poor person is now a rich person.
14. Enjoy have baby cows and playing with your toy cows😏😉

Now you have finish the cycle of making baby cows you now relax and watch this next videos

Well cya!!!

Well cya!!!

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