life sucks

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Have You Ever wondered to yourself WHAT IS LIFE?

Well I have the very answer you look for; it is everything.......

You must be thinking, 'life cant be everything' but it is unfortunately

this is unfortunate because these things ARE LIFE

for example: These are how much time you spend doing things during your life.

Taking the average life expectancy to be 25, 915 days (71 years), an average human would spend:

0.45% (or 117 days) having sex - given it's prominence in our everyday thinking and pursuits, that doesn't seem like such a great success rate.

On the other hand, humans spend 6.8% (or 1,769 days) of their lives socializing with someone they love. Germans apparently top this category at 10.48% (or 2,724 days). Spending 7-10% of our time engaged in some form of loving seems reassuring.

0.69% (or 180 days) of their life, people spend exercising, while 29.75% (7,709 days) sitting down, with the Russians sitting most of all at 32.9%. Maybe it's time we got up? A third of our life is just sitting somewhere and if you add to that all the time we are sleeping, it really seems like a giant waste.

Another sobering number is how much time we spend staring at some screen, be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop or TV. That's 41%! Again, Germans appear to do this the least, around 8,995 days, probably spending the extra time with the loved ones.

More random, intresting things are:

Mexicans are most proud of their bodies (38.6%), average the longest before breaking a New Year's Resolution (3.6 months) and laugh on average 24 times per day (more than anyone). Perhaps, all these facts are related.

Americans challenge themselves to do something physically tough the most (9.84 times per month) and spend the most money on fitness at $16.05 per week. They are also the most adventurous, trying some new thing about 7 times per month.

Russians sleep the most per night (7 hours 5 minutes ) and also dance the most per month - about 15 times per month.

Anyway the last 3 paragraphs were bullshit but I'm getting back to the topics....

Life is pretty bad. Full of sadness, loneliness and misery. Not mine in particular, but Life in general.

Lately I have been hearing a bit too often how great Life is and how we should all enjoy it to the fullest, how happiness is a choice and we need to learn to appreciate what we have I doubt anyone truly believes that.

I think that somewhere deep inside most people know that Life sucks. But for some reason they prefer not to admit it. They ignore the obvious facts, act like everything is fine and pretend that they love it. I dont love it. Ive tried but I cant. For a number of reasons. -life is too short

-you cant have everything

-suffering exists

thoughts of 2 random children (and brydee)Where stories live. Discover now