"So, do we have a deal?" I didn't know what to say. I stare down at his hand, which was inflamed, but the color was blue. I stare at him once more, and a disgusting smile decorates my lips. I quickly take his hand, and nod. Why did I have to do this...
《a/n..I would just like to clarify these things before you continue reading. H/c = Hair color E/c= Eye color F/f = Favorite food Y/n = Your name Those are just some things, I will try to add more in the future. Goodbye now! ;3》
Y/N's POV I keep running until I find myself at a dead end. Afraid, I turn around and throw rocks at the monster, giving me a few seconds to run. I turn to my right, and see a cave. Without hesitation, I run towards it and go inside. Inside, I see crystals everywhere, and some places to hide. There's one that catches my eye. I go up to a crystal, and look around it. It was huge, and behind it there was a path. I smile brightly and run into it, my H/C hair flowing beautifully behind me.
It lead me to a beautiful shack. I look up at it, and see that it's called 'The Mystery Hack', oh wait. Nevermind, it's called 'The Mystery Shack'. I just realized the 'S' fell off. I go inside and see loads of people looking at something. I go up to the crowd and see what all this commotion is about. "Ladies and gentlemen, presenting...the Baticorn!" A man said while pulling a cover to reveal a fake unicorn with bat wings. People believe this? "Fake!" I yell, "We all know it's fake, right?" I say, but no one answers. Everyone just starts whispering, and I feel embarrassed, so I try to hide in the crowd. But it seemed that the people had other ideas so they left to go focus on something else.
Then the man came up to me, "Hey kid, look. Don't be sayin' that stuff all up in here. It's called business, and if you don't take it seriously then I'll have to kick you out. Look, I'll give you anything, just don't ruin this business." He whispers. I smirk, "Anything....?" I whisper back. He nods, "Name it and it's yours" "Okay" "What do you want kid?" "I have a name you know." I cross my arms and pout slightly. "Fine, I've been needing for a place to stay. I was wondering if I could you know..maybe chill here?" The man looks at me, then smiles. "Too easy. Done. I'll set you with my niece and nephew. Kids! Come down here! There's someone I want you to meet!" He yells. Two people, that look around 16 《yesh I changed their age :3》, come down stairs. The guy groans as he walks down with I'm guessing is his sister.
"What's up Grunkle Stan?" The guy says while groaning. Stan, eh? That's his name. "This is...." "Y/N" "Yeah, y/n, and she'll be staying with us for a while" he looks at me , and I frown. "But you said-" "Okay! Do you have anything on you or..?" "Nope. I found this place from a monster chase. Luckily I threw a rock and ran all the way through a cave just to get here." I say, proud. "Oh, I've been rambling again. It's nice to meet you guys!" I say with a smile on my face, going up to them. The teenage guy smiles as well as his sister. "It's nice to meet you to. My name's Dipper and this is my sister, Mabel." He points to a girl that looks around my age. She goes up to me with a huge smile on her face. "Hi I'm Mabel! I could tell that we're going to be best friends!" She giggles as I join along. "So...? What now?" I ask. "Let's go shopping!" Mabel squeals, and Dipper rolls his eyes. "Okay, then. Let's go....I guess" He mumbles the last part which I couldn't hear. "Yeah! Let's go!" I say, and put a fist in the air. Then I look at them. "Too much...?" I whisper, and blush in embarrassment. They laugh, which makes my face even more red.
We walk all the way to what I'm thinking is the mall. Once we are there I look around. I've never felt safe around people so I cling onto the person right next to me, which was Dipper. I look up at him as his face turned a light shade of pink. "What's wrong?" I hear him say, I look down and I was about to answer him when I heard the click of a camera. I look at see Mabel there, holding her phone and taking pictures. I hide behind Dipper and wait for the clicks to stop. After a while they did. But I open my eyes to see that Mabel is right in front of my face. "Meep!" I say, and jump back a little.
《Time skip brought to chu by an adorable lil Dorito ;3》
"This is the one!" She says, and brings me out with a chill outfit.
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《a/n, ya'll could choose which one you want. If this is not your style, feel free to change into whatever you'd like :3》
As I walked out, I saw Dippers jaw drop. I twirl and giggle as nod. "This is the one." I say, and we walk out of the store.
《Time skip brought to you by a chubby lil Gideon ;3》
We walk home a few hours later. "Movie?" Mabel asks, and Dipper nods. "I'm down" He says. "Yeah, I don't care. How about horror?" I suggest, and both of the twins nod in agreement.
As we continue watching the movie, my eyes get heavy, and I fall into a deep sleep...