Living In a Nightmare...

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I wake up with a start, remembering what happened last night. I smile, and pull out my phone, and go into my gallery. I have some pretty weird pictures in there. Like some about f/f (Favorite famdom) and such. I scroll down until I get to the picture. Its beautiful. I dress myself up and jog downstairs to show mom the picture. Only to find her on the table, her head in her hands. "M-Mom.?" I slowly walk up to her. And she flinches, and scoots father away from me. "G-Get away from me!" She yells. I look at her, confused. "What the...Mom! It's me! Y/n! Please tell me you remember me!" Mom gets up in fear and looks at me. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" She yells and runs up the stairs.

Suddenly, I hear the voice again. 'She's brainwashed. We all are. This generation is all brainwashed. The tvs, music, internet, it's all fake. Brainwashed, that's all she'll ever be. She thinks you're a freak, y/n. She's a fake. She fakes that she's okay, she fakes that she's not hungry or tired. For who? Not you, that's of course.' Then my vision starts to get real blurry. I decide to call my best friends, Dipper and Mabel. (...;3)

"Hello?" I hear Dipper through the phone. "Dipper! Please help me! My mom's going crazy and I don't know what to do!" I say, tears forming in my eyes. "Don't cry! It'll be fine! I promise!" He says, reassuring me that everything would be fine. I smile, and nod. "Okay...", I start, "But Dipper I-" Then I heard a loud shriek. It sounds my mom. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I hear him yell, and I panic. "STAY THERE!" I yell back, throwing my phone on the ground and running up the stairs. I break the door down (y/n stop being Garroth xD) and scream. And there I see- her, laying on the ground. Dead. With a knife and pills next to her.

-Then I wake up. What the-? I jog downstairs in the same clothes that I had in my dream. Weird, I think. I go downstairs, and I see mom, just there on the table. When she looks at me she seems scared. I tilt my head in confusion. And go up to her, hoping to get an answer from her. Her eyes widen, and she scoots away from me. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" I hear her yell at me. And I flinch, and back up as she gets up and runs upstairs. Almost tripping in the process. I tilt my head in confusion, and decide to call Dipper, my best friend.

"Hello?" I hear his voice say, and I smile. "Hey! I need some advice. My mom's been acting weird this morning and I need your help! And I don't mean like crazy, I mean crazy crazy. I tried to talk to her but she looked scared and ran upstairs. I'm guessing to her room. Look, I understand if you're busy right now, and I apologize if you are dip-stick, but I really need your help!" I almost yell at him, and clear my throat, hoping that he could help me. I hear some moving around and finally he speaks. "Sorry, Mabel tried to get my phone. She says hey and gives a big hug to you. Anyway, do you know why?" "No, I don't. It's really scaring me Dipper." "Why don't you check up on her?" "I'm scared that she's gonna turn all crazy on me again. I don't know what she's capable of when she's like this!" "Okay, I guess you're right on that one.." "Why aren't you thinking right Dipper! I'm scared! Cmon! Aren't you supposed to be like, you know, Einstein or something?" "No! Look, I don't know what's going on, but I'll try to think of something okay y/n?" "Okay, then. Thanks Dipper and if you need anything I-"

Then I hear a scream. A scream of pain. I flinch and quickly finish my sentence. "WHAT THE HECK! DIPPER, STAY THERE!" I yell and drop my phone. Not caring if I hear him yelling my name. "MOM!" I yell, running up the stairs as fast as I can. I end up falling, but I get up again and keep running. "MOMM!" I yell again, no answer. I run to her bedroom door and bust it open. There, I see her, lifeless. On the ground with a knife and pills next to her. I scream, but stay there, paralyzed.

I'm living in a nightmare..

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