Meeting Him.

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"Goodbye, Mom..." Is the last thing I said to her before she left to the hospital. A tear runs down as I watch the ambulance drive off. Who do I have now? My arms and legs, my whole body wants to give up. I'm no body. As I hear the faint cries of the ambulance driving off, I hear a slam of a car door. I look up to see someone, not just anyone.

It was b/f/n (Best Friends Name). A smile creeps up my lips as I run up to hug her/him. "I've missed you so much.." I say, sobbing into their shoulder. B/f/n rubs my back as I smile. "You know that I'll always be here for you. You know that I've move mountains, I'll do anything for you." ... I giggle a little, "Even kill...?" B/f/n laughs,"Even Kill." She/he agrees.

"Come stay with me at Gravity falls. It'll be fun y/n." They say, and I think for a second. Why? Then I remember Dipper and Mabel. Of course. "Okay.." I mumble. They laugh, "Okay then, its settled. Pack you're bags." "Now?" "Yeah, we leave now. To Gravity Falls, Oregon!"

When we get in the car sleepiness washes over me as I yawn. I fall asleep.


"Hey kid!" I hear someone say, I turn as I see a figure. A silhouette. They creep closer as the place gets cold. "Hello? Who's there?" I ask, and the silhouette creeps closer and closer, then I see it. "The names Bill Cipher, Dream demon and most powerful demon in the entire universe, yours?" A rather tall man with black hair at the bottom and blond at the top comes. He has a yellow tailcoat with black dress shoes, an eyepatch, and a cane. He was smirking. Odd., I think. "The only things that odd here is how such a beautiful young lady like you found themselves in the palms of my hands." Bill Cipher said. "You were the one that controlled all those dreams, aren't you? And....wait.-" Beautiful? I'm not beautiful. I'm a piece of trash in a large world. "Smart one, aren't you? And also, don't say that nonsense. You're the most beautiful puppet that I've controlled." He states. "Puppet?" I tilt my head in confusion. "Why yes, puppet. I've been ruling your dreams since you were just a little girl." "Why?" He looks at me, still smirking. "Well won't you look at the time? It's time for you to wake up!" Bill Cipher says with a snap of his fingers. And then I wake up.

The trip was quite short, due to that little "nap". But overall it was just same old same old. I take pictures, New life, new me, new people, new home. "We're here!" B/f/n says. I smile. It's beautiful.

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