His Real Name...

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I wake up the next morning, a delicious smell in the air. Pancakes.. I think to myself, and the only other person who knows my secret recipe is b/f/n. I change into a random f/c tee shirt and some folded ripped jeans. I rush down the stairs when- "ow!" I say as I fall down the seventh step. "Y/n? You okay? What happened?" I hear b/f/n yell, "I'm good!" I yell back at her/him.

As I sit down on the kitchen stool I keep thinking about last night. Bill Cipher, why are you so mysterious? What are you hiding? And most importantly, what do you want from me? "Here you go, y/n!" B/f/n snaps me out of my thoughts by placing a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. "Thanks, secret recipe?" "Yeah, I hope you don't mind, though." "Nah, it's fine. Plus, you know I trust you." "Heh, yeah.." She/he says while spacing out. I leave her/him there and start eating. When I'm finished I clean up and place my plate in the sink.

As I'm walking through the woods, I hear someone lurking around. My mind start twisting and turning, and of course goes to the worst possible thing. My cousin...he's here. I stand there, paralyzed, unsure of what to do. I'm scared to death, b/f/n isn't here, I have no resources, and I'm about to be killed by one of the people I hate most. Then a head pops out, "Dipper! I found y- oh! It's y/n!" Mabel says as she comes out of the bushes. Her legs all covered with bandaids and scratches. She has grown, they all have.. "Hey! Whatcha' doin' around these parts y/n?" She asks, and I stand there awkwardly. "I'm fine, I guess.....sooo, what are you doin' here?" I ask back. "Nothing, I lost Dipper and I'm trying to find him. Soo, you know.." "Yep, I get it...so, umm, I gotta go now, Mabel....see you later?" "Bye...." "Bye." I say and run towards the Mystery Shack, that was awkward.. I think to myself.

After some time I hear a knock at my door. I walk up to it and open up, revealing Dipper. "Heyyy, Dipper!" I say awkwardly, wanting to hide in a closet or under something. "Hey, look, I wanted to apologize for yesterday-" "No!" "Huh?" "I mean no  as in you don't have to apologize for that." "So Bill knows you?" "Yep, ever since I was a little girl...I've been having those terrifying dreams..." I start to choke on my words, "They all called me freaks, no one cared. My parents tried to figure it out but they never understood.." Next thing I know I have my arms around Dipper and I'm sobbing uncontrollably in his chest. "It's fine, y/n... I get it. I was called a freak for a lot of things..you're not alone y/n" He whispers in my ear while rubbing by back. "T-Thanks D-Dipper-" "Mason." "What?" "My real name...it's Mason." "Dipper- I mean Mason..." "shh...just stay here.." He continues whispering in my ear.

So I do. I let him hold me, I let myself throw my arms around him and stand there. Why? I don't know, no one might know...

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