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As she fiddled with her braid in one hand, Briar Rose watched the news with a frown creasing her forehead. All the news talked about now was the possible ending of the world in an atomic blast; after all the countless predictions, the doomsday experts never suggested it to happen in 2077. The United States had found itself on a precarious footing with countries armed with nuclear missiles: the USSR, China—it sounded like any of them could just turn one day and bomb them.

She lived right outside of Concord, Massachusetts. The media had turned most of their TV shows into 'atomic preparation videos', educational programs of how one could survive fallout. If only one would want to survive such horrors nuclear devastation would bring. Vault-Tec sponsored them; they were also an advertisement for residency in their vaults.

Briar Rose chewed on her braid as she thought; the allure of living out the unknown underground in the safety of a vault became bigger every day. Nate shrugged off the thought every time she suggested it—he always said there was nothing to worry about; those countries liked to flex their muscles but really didn't want to start another war with the U.S.

But they had Shaun to worry about; they had a child to protect. He was only a newborn; he deserved to live and be prosperous. They had to do whatever they could to keep him safe and give him a future. Vault-Tec had vacancy in a vault built near their Sanctuary Hills. Vault 111 was the answer.

"I really wish you would stop that," Nate said as he walked into the living room.

She pulled her hair out of her mouth. "Sorry; it's a habit."

He sat down on a stool at the island she sat at. He gave her his small smile. "I know; it only happens when you're worried." He grabbed the hand that had fidgeted with her dark red hair. "We're going to be fine; I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Shaun."

She looked at him: as ex-military, he could absolutely ensure their safety—her father had taught her how to shoot so she could help—but even as heroic as her husband was, he couldn't stop a bomb from falling.

"I won't let anything happen to you either, but I think the best way for us to do that is by living in the Vault." She touched his face, feeling the smoothness of his morning shave. "Don't you think it'll be wise to take precautions? I'm not trying to insinuate that you can't protect us—I know how macho your ego is." Nate chuckled. "I want to protect you both, and this is how I can. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. This is for Shaun."

He looked at her for a while; eventually he took a big sigh and she could see the resignation in his eyes. "If you think we need to do this, we will."

She felt so relieved; she leaned up to kiss him. "Thank you."

Shaun suddenly started crying in the nursery; Codsworth, their Mr. Handy—a domestic servant robot—flew into the room. He had three robotic arms—all armed with various household tools—three eyestalks, flew around on a jet thruster, and was a shiny chrome. The old-time name fit his proper mannerisms.

"Mr. Nate, my attempts at settling Shaun have been unsuccessful. I believe he requires the paternal affections you are so adapt at."

"Alright, Codsworth." Nate got up and headed down the hallway to the nursery.

Codsworth turned and looked at her. "Good morning, Mrs. Rose. May I fix you some coffee?"

"Good morning, Codsworth, and yes, please."

He floated around the kitchen, starting the coffee pot, retrieving the milk, creamery, and sugar, and grabbing two mugs. Because of his knack with technology, the coffee became ready faster than normal; after doctoring her cup to how she liked it, he set it and a folded newspaper before her.

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