15 | The Molecular Level

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They returned to Sanctuary Hills in hopes that Preston could give them help with what to do with Virgil's schematics. The Quincey survivors had been hard at work because a high mismatched gate met them as they crossed the bridge. Equal walls surrounded the settlement and prevented view. Machine gun turrets looked down at them when they approached, but didn't fire. An unfamiliar face appeared at the top of the wooden guard tower beside the gate.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Briar Rose and Nick Valentine; I helped out Preston when they were trapped in Concord."

"Oh, it's you! I'll get the gate for you." He disappeared to unlock the gate. The gate swung open, and they went in.

Sanctuary Hills had become a major settlement for displaced settlers. Normal people, along with Ghouls, walked around everywhere. The holes in the homes were now patched up where you couldn't see all the way through. Wooden shacks had been erected where ruined homes used to be. Corn, some kind of mutated fruit tree, and other vegetables grew in situated gardens. Briar Rose had trouble recognizing her old home.

Even though it was almost unrecognizable, every face she saw had a smile, or the people looked at ease. They felt safe here; they didn't have to struggle to survive. Two women sat at a patio table moved from the back to the front yard, talking. Children kicked around a pre-war kickball. Happiness was rare in the Commonwealth, but they had it here. Peace had returned to Sanctuary Hills, and it filled Briar Rose with delight.

The man that had let them in relocked the gate then stepped up to them. "I'll take you to Preston. Did you really kill a Deathclaw?"

She told the story of how she helped out at the Museum of Freedom as he led them through Sanctuary Hills. Every house they passed was occupied now and everyone seemed to have a certain job: providing defense in guard towers, working on maintenance, gardening, and others. The man walking with them—Timothy—told them they even had a few stores if they were running low on anything.

"Miss Rose!"

Codsworth's exclamation brought her from admiring a worked-over house to see her Mr. Handy flying down the road to her. He stopped in front of them—if he had a mouth, he'd be beaming.

"Oh, Miss Rose; how glad I am to see you again! Even the pup has returned and a new friend, I presume." Dogmeat barked at being acknowledged and Nick inclined his head.

"Yes; this is Nick Valentine. He's a detective and has been helping me track down Shaun."

"Well, how do you do, Mr. Valentine? Thank you so much for assisting my mistress."

Nick chuckled. "It has been an honor traveling with her."

Codsworth looked back at her. "I have thought about your well-being since that day you left. I worried about where you would obtain purified water and if you were eating properly. Long have I wished you would've allowed me to accompany you, for I can purify my own water supply and I can carry far more than any man. But, I am pleased to see my worry has been for naught. It is a good thing I do not have hair or it would be all gone from stress." He laughed.

She chuckled with him. "Yes, that is a good thing. And yes, I have done just fine, Codsworth. As has Preston and everyone here, I see."

"Yes, mum; Mr. Preston is quite resourceful and his improvement here has strengthened his resolve to rebuild the Minutemen. He has begun to bring that noble cause back." Codsworth's eyes searched around her and his peppy mood fell. "I had hoped your long absence meant you were chasing clues about young Shaun's whereabouts, or that you had even found him. But I see that is not so. Is there still no news?"

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