7 | Dangerous Minds

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Briar Rose and Nick Valentine walked into Diamond City slightly battered; they received some curious looks since Nick carried a wounded Dogmeat, had fresh burns on his coat, and she had her upper arm wrapped in bloody cloth. Her form was also slumped from weariness and hunger—they had walked the entire way back from Fort Hagen without stopping; Nick had offered, but she wanted to get back.

They passed by Publick Occurrences—Piper's office—and went straight to Valentine Detective Agency. Ellie sat at the desk furthest from the door; she looked up as the door swung open, then jumped to her feet in alarm.

"Nick, what happened to Dogmeat? And Briar Rose? Your arm?" She hurriedly motioned Briar Rose to sit. "You look about ready to fall. Let me get some food and water." She rushed to the back room to find what she needed and returned; Nick put Dogmeat down and Ellie placed a plate of dog food before him so he could eat without trouble. She handed Briar Rose a glass of water and some kind of soup with pieces of meat in it. "Now, what happened?"

Nick sat down in the chair behind his desk—he didn't look tired at all. "We found Kellogg at Fort Hagen; killed him and his brainless synths. The maniac shot Dogmeat and this one almost got burned to a crisp."

She scowled at him. "It's just my arm."

"A crunchy wing."

She would've thrown her spoon at him if she wasn't eating with it; she settled for an eye roll.

"What about Shaun?" Ellie asked.

"Shaun wasn't there; he's in the Institute."

She gasped. "The Institute? But how—" she cut herself off with a glance at Briar Rose.

"That's why we're here," Nick began, "we're going to talk with Piper and hope she's got answers for us." He looked directly at Briar Rose. "But tomorrow; you need to rest."

She agreed, being too tired to argue; she finished eating, told them all goodnight, then collapsed on the couch.


They left Dogmeat under the care of Ellie; he whined as they left him, but Nick knew he would get over it because of Ellie's doting and more-than-likely become spoiled—she was too soft, and he had trouble remembering that she was still a girl. Not at all like the fiercely determined woman walking beside him; Briar Rose probably had her soft spots, like any woman, but she was strong and serious. Kellogg had been surprised she was surviving, but Nick saw no reason to doubt.

And she was so beautiful; he wasn't picking when he compared her to a rose, but far more radiant, especially when she smiled. He couldn't believe anyone could be prettier than Jen— He shook that thought away; if only he could get her out of memory and mind—she wasn't his.

Publick Occurrences was the first building on the left when one entered Diamond City; Piper's little sister, Nat, stood out front, hawking the newest newspaper. Nick held the door open for Briar Rose to go in to Piper's office/home.

The black-headed woman, wearing her usual red trench coat and newsboy cap, was seated on a couch and proofreading her newest article. Her eyes lifted to see her visitors, then her eyebrows rose in surprise at who had come through her door.

She tossed the paper on the coffee table before her and stood. "Nick Valentine; how odd it is to see you come into my office."

Nick politely inclined his head. "Piper; we've come to ask for your help."

Her eyebrows really rose then. "Really? Well, go on then: tell me what you and Briar Rose have been up to. Everyone saw you two come in with her and her dog wounded. Rumors have been flying." She looked like she enjoyed spreading the gossip, but then her smug expression faltered when she remembered something; she looked at Briar Rose. "Wait, is this about your missing son?"

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