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Nicki POV

"Wow you really about to against his word Nic" Candi says stepping in my room as I was in bed just getting my baby girl to sleep. "Shhhh close the door behind you and stop talking so loud." I say before laying Nasira down on her side of the bed careful not to wake her. "Yeah so get comfortable and watch her" I say getting up grabbing my jeans stepping into them. "Wow your husband is going to be pissed I swear you're so stubborn cookie" she says shaking her head as I shrugged.

"Oh well this shit has to end, tired of looking over my shoulders. Busting a cap in somebodies ass won't take long sis. I'll be back before 4" I say considering it was already 12:35 in the morning. "I can't with you" she says as I sighed placing my hoodie over my head before putting my hair in a high messy bun. "Hand me that duffle bag please, it's beside Nazzy night bag" I say grabbing my phone and keys sitting down on the bed placing my shoes on.

"Damn what's in here" she says handing it to me as I unzipped it showing her the money. "Onika are you serious" she says gasping looking at me shocked as I bit my lip. "This is for the person I hired to keep dirt off my name" I respond zipping it back up. "Boy boy boy you just can't let your brother and the boys handle shit. What about her" she says pointing at Nasira who was squirming and grunting moving her head around trying to find her pacifier.

"Her daddy's already hurt she don't need her mommy hurt too" she says as I walked over placing her pacifier in her mouth patting and rubbing her back so she would lay her head down and go back to sleep. "Candi I'll be fine okay just watch her and I'll be back in no time alright" I simply say grabbing the duffle bag walking towards the bedroom door. "Be safe Nic" she says as nodded leaving out quietly heading downstairs.

"And where you think you're going" I heard making me jump. "Oh shit who...momma" I say squinting my eyes in the dark seeing she was laying on the couch. Cutting the light on sure enough there she was looking back at me with a disappointed look. "I thought you were upstairs sleeping" I say as she shook her head. "I was but overheard you talking about handling business. Didn't Nasir not call here a hour ago checking on you and the baby and now you're about to leave. Onika its late" she says as I rolled my eyes heading to the door.

"Look y'all gone have to just deal, damn I'll be back." I say opening the door before looking back at her. "And don't tell Nas" I say leaving out getting in my car driving off. Arriving outside an abandoned trap house I seen a black truck with lights on. Pulling up beside it I rolled my window down. "Here" I say holding the duffle bag up tossing it outside the window. Watching them take it I reached in my dashboard grabbing my gun going inside.

"AYO QUAN, where yo bitch ass at nigga" I say jumping when I felt hands wrap around my waist tightly squeezing me and my ass. "Right here baby, so glad you could make it." He says in my ear before placing me in a choke hold. He ended up snatching my gun so now I'm in trouble because whatever it is that he wants he's going to make me do. "Damn nigga your breath stink how many beers have you had" I say as he chuckled placing kisses on my neck.

"See don't worry bout all that just get ready to fuck..." he slurs as my eyes grew. "Nigga hell no I'm married as fuck LET me fucking GO!" I yell trying to get loose from his grip but he was too strong. "Bitch you better stop squirming before I shoot yo ass and I don't give a fuck about that nigga of yours. His pussy ass took you from me so now I'm about to get back what was mine." He says as I thought to myself should I just play alone then when things get too far charge for the gun and kill his ass.

I don't know why he want sex from me when he doesn't even have shit to fuck with but we'll see. "Didn't I blow ya shit off nigga, how the fuck you gone have sex with me when you're dickless" I say as he let me go placing the gun in his back pocket. "Baby I got my shit fixed so don't worry bout all that. My other hoes ain't complaining" he says as I just looked at him in discuss. "Damn ma you done got all famous nshit, ass fat as FUCK....come here" he says snatching me by arm pulling me closer to him licking his lips.

"Don't be scared baby I'm not gone hurt you only if you cooperate with daddy you'll be fine." He says trying to kiss me as I jerked my head back. "You gone stop pushing me away girl matter of fact" he says before picking me up throwing me over his shoulder carrying me to the couch. Plopping me down I hit my head but he didn't care. "Owwww, damn nigga that shit hurt" I say slapping him in his shit hard as fuck as he held his face. Seeing I made his lip bleed he smacked me back pulling the gun back out as I held my hands up in defense.

"Wait wait wait...I'm sorry" I say on the verge of tears from anger. "Yeah that's what I thought bitch but shiddddd I also like that shit so smack me as much as you like while I'm deep in this fat pussy of yours" he says while going down on me trying to get my jeans down. Coming up with a plan I stopped him pushing him back. "Sit down" I smirked as he looked confused. I was act as if I'm bout to strip and get on top of him but really I'm about to grab my gun and bust a cap in his ass.

Removing my hoodie exposing my black laced bra he smirked at me as I was about pull my jeans down gun shots fired as I fell to the floor. Looking up Quan had been shot multiple of times but there was no one in sight. Standing up grabbing my gun I searched around until bumping in to something. "Oh damn it's a female up in this bitch" I heard the familiar voice say as I lowered my gun watching him remove his mask. "Wait....oh hell no onika what the fuck" doobie says as I smacked my teeth. "shit" I say under my breath as he lowered his gun.

"What the hell you doing out here this late yet alone where's yo goddamn shirt at. I know damn well yo ass was not about to fuck this nigga" he says as we both looked over at him seeing he was unresponsive. "Nigga no I wasn't I was out here to kill his ass....." I say as he cut me off. "I don't give a fuck. Nas told me to make sure you were at moms house and that's what I told him but really yo ass out here" he says as I sighed walking over grabbing my hoodie. "Look don't tell him, please" I say as he shook his head.

"Yo lil hardheaded ass needs to get back to moms house asap. Some more niggas are coming out that me and the boys are about to handle...damn he slapped you." He says as I totally forgot he did making me run to the wall mirror checking out the side of my face and sure enough it was bruised. "Dammit" I say as he came over checking it out. "He lucky he dead" he says as I held my cheek. I know I'm going to have to his this with makeup before I go back up to the hospital to visit Nasir.

"I'm gone" I say heading out to my car driving home. The lights were out when I pulled up except for the one in my room so that only meant Candi was up with the baby. Going inside I headed upstairs hopping in the shower, again, because I felt dirty as fuck. Once I was done I dried off glancing at my face in the mirror shaking my head at the mark. Placing my night clothes on I walked in my room seeing Nasira laying on Candi's chest both of them sleep. Taking her placing her in her basinet I got in bed turning the lamp off going to sleep myself.

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