Chapter One

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'"I think we should break up."

If this had been a romantic sitcom or movie, Quinn would have probably begun crying her eyes out. She would have begged him to stay, tell him that she could change or that they were meant to be together forever. She would have closed her eyes, in hopes that this was all just a dream and that when she opened them again, she would be on the couch, cuddled into his side.

Wasn't that supposed to happen? She was supposed to be an absolute wreck, but as she stared into his soft, but cautious green eyes and watched the way he shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot in anxiety, she realized she was-

Well, she was fine.

"Quinn?" He asked after a moment, speaking her name as though he were in a house alone in a horror film, calling out and asking if anyone was there. She realized she hadn't said a word as her startled eyes looked up to lock with his.

"Oh, sorry-" Quinn mumbled, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "-erm, okay."

A look of confusion crossed over his face as he stared down at her. Quinn stood a few inches shorter than him, as he furrowed his eyebrows slightly and studied the girl's face.

He spoke softly, almost as though he was caring for a wounded animal or baby.

"Okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows, repeating her answer as though he was trying to understand it.

She shrugged her shoulders again, sucking back her lips and smacking them together bored-ly.


It wasn't the answer you would expect to hear from a girl who had just been dumped by her boyfriend of 2 years, she realized.

Those words- the simple 'I think we should talk.' or 'I don't think this is working out', well they were supposed to be the worst possible thing for a girl to hear, especially coming from the lips of the green eyed teen heart throb named Harry Styles.

Maybe she did feel something, she thought briefly. Perhaps, a certain emptiness somewhere in her chest, or stomach. It felt hallow, but it was the same feeling she got after every single one of their fights. It was the same feeling she got when he came home at 3 in the morning without one word of a warning.

It was the same, constant feeling, that never seemed to go away.

Maybe that feeling was realization.

Realization that this hadn't been working out for some time now.

Quinn Parker studied Harry's face, taking in the relief but concern written across it. Maybe he had been expecting her to break down as well.

She almost chuckled at the thought. He should know her well enough to know that she's not the type of girl to fall to his feet in tears and expect him to take her back.

"So, we're good?" He asked, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his chinos. Quinn did a quick glance around, taking in the very sentimental place he had decided to end this relationship. The middle of their kitchen, the moment she had walked through the front door on her way home from the gym.

How nice of him.

"Well, I don't think we've been good for awhile now." She tried joking, sounding lame in the process as his eyebrows quirked at her. "I mean, that's why we're ending this, right?"

Harry looked down at his white converse, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah." He chuckled half-heartedly, "I guess you're right."

Was she going to be soppy and take the moment of silence to reflect on their time together? Sure, why not, she thought bitterly to herself.

It had been a long 2 years, full of craziness that she had never expected. For the last 2 years of her life, Quentin Marie Parker had been a household name to every teenage girl on the planet. She'd been on the cover of every magazine. She'd been the face that every girl envied and every guy wanted.

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