Chapter Eleven

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'"–And most of all–" Harry cleared his throat into the microphone, squinting into the spotlight before flashing a smile to the crowd. "I'd like to thank my beautiful, supportive–"

"--and dedicated girlfriend," Will, their manager, mouthed along with Harry from the seat across the table from Quinn. She did her best to hold the smile on her face, hearing the rest of Harry's speech in her head just like he had practiced it on the plane ride to LA.

Of course it was scripted, of course Will had shoved a piece of paper into Harry's hand, telling him that this was what he had to say when he won the award, adding in all those adjectives that rightfully described Quinn–the Quinn everybody knew and loved.

"–Quinn Parker!"

She looked up, pulling herself from her revery as she felt every single pair of eyes in the room land on her. Harry was smiling towards her, a playful grin–his dimple prominent in his cheek.

A soft sigh came from the audience as Harry continued, holding up the AMA award with a grin. "Couldn't have come this far without you, baby."

End Scene.

The audience broke into a roaring applause, fangirls in the higher seats screamed like crazy as the boys shot the audience one last boyish grin before heading off stage, cameras following their every move.

"At least it was cute." Eleanor leaned into Quinn's ear, speaking softly next to her. Quinn rolled her eyes but kept her fake smile plastered across her face, in case the cameras were still lingering on their table.

She was still clapping her hands politely, leaning back over into Eleanor's ear to speak through clenched teeth. "Yeah, too bad none of those were his words."

A bit of guilt flushed through Quinn as she pulled away and took a look at the frown etched across her friend's face. She always hated putting people in awkward, uncomfortable situations and nothing was more awkward than getting caught up in hers and Harry's bullshit.

Quinn sighed, giving Eleanor a sheepish smile which the brunette returned gratefully.

Two more awards were given out before the boys made their way back to the table. Harry silently pulled out his seat beside her, sitting down and flashing her a smile before turning his attention to whomever was performing on stage.

Leaning into his shoulder, Quinn whispered into his ear. "When are you guys performing?"

He turned his head slightly, catching her eyes before leaning into her, his own lips brushing her ear. "Towards the end, they'll come get us."

Quinn couldn't help the shiver that flew up her spine. Her forearms covered with goosebumps as Harry pulled away, turning his attention back to the stage as he brought his hand up to the table to take a sip of his glass of untouched water.

She blamed her stupid reaction on his stupid closeness to her, telling herself that her reaction would have been the exact same if it had been anyone brushing their plump lips against her ear.

Quinn turned her attention to Harry's hands, which now rested on the top of the table, wringing them back and forth as he watched the performers on stage.

Without giving it much of a thought, she reached over with one hand and placed it gently on the top of his enfolded ones, stopping his fidgeting as he turned his head to look at her.

Her eyes were still locked on her hand, a rush of disbelief crossing over her as she put together what she had just done. Had she reached to hold his hand? Well, she knew him well enough to know how nervous he got before performing. She knew he was anxious and that his fidgeting was because of his nerves.

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