Chapter Seventeen

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"–And then that time that you told Louis I was pregnant, and he came home with a collection of unisex baby clothes?"

Harry snorted out a laugh as Quinn shook her head, a smile creeping across her face.

"Oh my God, I forgot about that." Harry laughed again, throwing his head back against the mattress. "He lost it."

Quinn couldn't help her laughter either as the giggles came from her mouth. They had been lying beside each other on the bed for a half an hour since Harry had calmed down, falling into a comfortable silence until they began recalling old memories, which pulled at the corners of their mouths.

"Harry it's not funny!" She laughed as she hit him playfully in the arm. "We were at that party after the iTunes festival and he ran up to me and grabbed the bottle of beer from my hand!"

Harry broke out into another round of laughter as he clutched his stomach and closed his eyes.. Quinn muffled her own laughter, pressing her face into his side while she shook with laughter beside her.

"–Shit, I forgot." He huffed as he caught his breath. "I remember the look on your face when he ran up to you, screaming about how you were a baby murderer and grabbing the wine from your hand while everyone watched."

Another round of giggles shook through her as she pressed her face deeper and deeper into his t-shirt, tears in her eyes as she laughed.

"Oh my God." She sighed, pulling away from him as she wiped under her eyes. "Still can't get over that."

They fell into a comfortable silence as they both caught their breath. After a moment, Quinn could smell the noticeable aroma coming from down the hallway.

"Roast is almost done." She poked him in the cheek.

"You think?" Harry asked, putting his arm behind his head. He took an exaggerated sniff of the air, rolling his head to the side to look at her. "I think it's spaghetti."

"Nope, roast. I can smell it."

The corner of his lip pulled up into half a smile. "I think you're wrong, Ms. Parker. I smell oregano."

Quinn snorted. "Well you're dumb. I can clearly smell gravy and mash and the garlic salt for the roast."

It was a moment later that they heard Mrs. Parkers voice from somewhere down the hall.

"Supper's ready!"

Quinn was up in a flash, hopping off the bed, paying careful attention to her cast as Harry took his time, groaning as he stood.

"Let's go, mister!" She said, her stomach rumbling for her Mother's pot roast. As she started for the door, she felt a smack to her bum, spinning around to find a messy-haired Harry with a sly smirk on his face.

"You fuck!" She squealed, rushing to the door and sticking her tongue out at him. Harry put his hands out in front of him in surrender, eyebrows high.

"You're a five year old, I swear to god." He said mockingly.

Quinn shot him the bird before shaking her head as they both left the bedroom and headed into the kitchen.

As they rounded the corner, the smell of mashed potatoes and pot roast filled the air, making Quinn's mouth water as she turned to Harry and smirked.

"Told you." She grinned cheekily as Quinn's mother finished setting the meat on the table.

"Time to dig in, you two." Sandra smiled, pulling out a seat for herself as Quinn sat on the other side of the table. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten a home cooked meal quite as good as her Mom's.

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