Chapter Twenty Two

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Harry Styles calling.

The corners of Quinn's lips turned downward as she stared back at the screen of her phone, fighting the internal battle on whether or not to answer it.

"You going to get that?" Dex asked from across the table, wiping his greasy fingers off on his napkin. His burger was already half demolished while hers was still sat in front of her, untouched.

"I'll call him later." She mumbled, hitting the decline button on her phone and tucking it back into the pocket of her hoodie.

She glanced up to Dex, whose eyebrow was raised slightly in accusation.

"What?" She asked innocently, picking up her burger and taking a bite. They had mission-ed it all the way over to the McDonald's on Fleet Street, grabbing a few bags of munch to go.

Of course, Quinn had Dex had been stopped on the Tube as Quinn sipped from her Diet Coke and people casted her sideways glances. Some girls came up to her when they got off at their stop, asking if she was the real Quinn Parker. They asked where Harry was, how he was doing and if they could get a few pictures.

Dex had stood back, holding her bag of a McDouble and small fries while she tended to the needs of the girls. She said her cheerful goodbyes before they made it back to Dex's small, dusty flat.

Now, he still watched her with that smirk on his face and a bit of ketchup in the corner of his lips. "Why are you ignoring him? I thought you two were good." He wiped the ketchup away with the back of his hand. "Well, I mean, at least at Christmas you two were good."

It was a few days after Harry and Quinn had returned from Cheshire. In fact, it was New Years Eve. Ever since the night of the 'incident', Quinn had made an effort to avoid Harry. She wasn't necessarily ignoring him, and she'd speak to him when they were both home. It wasn't much, maybe a hello or a how was your day, but it wasn't like she wasn't speaking to him at all. She just avoided situations that called for her to have to speak to him.

Her cheeks felt warm as she swallowed a bite of her burger, avoiding Dex's accusing eyes at all cost.

Of course though, he gasped.

"Tell me." He said in disbelief, palms dropping flat on the table before him. "Tell me, God please, tell me that you didn't sleep with him."

She had never been much of a liar.

"Quinn–" Dex groaned. She finally looked up at him, cheeks still rosy with a flustered smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay?" She panicked. "I just–Ugh, we were drunk and we were in Cheshire and I don't know!" She threw her hands up. "It just–I guess it just happened!"

Dex slapped his palm against his forehead, jaw hanging open slightly in shock. "I can't believe it. I can't believe you had sex with him."

"Ugh." Quinn groaned, covering her eyes with her hands. "Can we not talk about it? I mean, it's already awkward enough."

"Is it awkward though?" Dex asked, sounding curious. "I mean, it's not like you two didn't go at it like bunnies when you were together. When this whole goddamn management deal thing started up, the first thing I wondered was how you two would live in the same house together without having sex."

Quinn's jaw dropped as she pulled her hands from her eyes. "Dex, come on! He broke up with me!"

Dex smirked a bit, leaning back in his chair. "Doesn't mean shit, really. You're still the girl he's been sleeping with for the past few years. It's like quitting cold turkey, I mean. It shouldn't be awkward because it's so normal for the two of you."

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