Chapter Fifteen

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It was a little after 1 am that Quinn's phone buzzed on her side dresser.

She had been locked up in her room for the rest of the night, checking her laptop, laying in bed and biting her lip to hold back the lump in her throat that threatened to turn into a sob.

Harry hadn't bothered her.

Not once.

It was funny, she thought as she stared at the ceiling, how they had fought so much when they were together and she had never felt this low about it.

Maybe it was because she knew he wouldn't come knock on the bedroom door. Maybe it's because she knew it was something that wouldn't be forgiven tomorrow with a peck on the lips and a promise of a date at the fanciest restaurant.

She realized the reason that she is so upset, is because he doesn't care if she is anymore.

So when her phone rang, she huffed a great sigh of relief and snatched it from her side table, grateful for the distraction.

To her surprise, it was a text message from Carson.

Hey, you up?

Quinn smiled down at the phone, a bit of heaviness leaving her chest at the thought of Carson and the kiss they had shared earlier. She was thankful she had told him the truth. She was thankful for this chance to move on with her life.

Yup, why are you still up? lol

Couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. Thought I needed to see you again.

Again as in now? haha

Yeah, if you're up and want to go for a walk.

What sounded more tempting than leaving that shitty apartment to spend some more time with Carson? Quinn jumped out of bed, wiping under her eyes as she reached for her hoodie that hung on the door knob.

I'd love to

She replied, smiling slightly to herself. Before she left, she knew she had to check over herself in the mirror. She didn't want Carson to change his mind about her because of the damn mascara smudges under her eyes.

After cleaning up as best she could, she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst as she raised her chin and sucked up some confidence.

Quinn turned the doorknob, opening it up and stepping out into the hallway, praying, praying that Harry had turned off all the lights and finally gone to bed.

He was the last person on the face of the earth that she wanted to see right now.

As silently as she could, she tip toed down the darkened hallway and crept into the living room. The silence coming from the rest of the house made her believe that he had gone to bed, and she let out a little sigh of relief as she stepped into the kitchen and grabbed her wallet off the counter.



Turning around slowly, Quinn noticed his dark silhouette in the darkened living room, still sat on the couch while the lights of downtown shined through the glass window behind him.

Quinn swallowed hard, willing herself to answer but before she could, Harry was standing and walking towards her, slowly coming into view.

"Quinn, where are you going?" He asked in a throaty voice. His hair was disheveled on the top of his head and he looked paled then normal, she noticed. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the sight of him, taking in the fact that he had just been sitting in the dark living room alone like a creep, and then shook her head from the thought.

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