Chapter Five

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'"I love this song."


"I said, I love this song!" Quinn shouted, pulling Dex into her by the collar of his button-down shirt. He laughed as he heard her, nodding his head to the infectious beat as he pulled away.

The crowd was pulsing. Bodies were pressed up against each other, sweat glistening from their skin as they danced in ecstasy to the beat of the dance mix. It was just another night at the Funky Buddha.

"Do you know where the others went?" Dex asked, leaning forward to yell into her ear over the obnoxious music. She looked over at him as she leaned her elbows against the sticky bar top, waiting for her drink.

She shrugged her shoulders at the boy, taking a glance around the busy club. They had all come together, picking Dex up along the way as he stood awkwardly on the curb outside of his flat, waiting for the car. His hands had been shoved into the depths of his jean pockets, his button-down plaid shirt looking slightly wrinkled.

Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis were pumped for the evening, all chatting away in the car excitedly as Eleanor spoke quietly to Quinn about her lecture that morning and Dex just sat on the opposite side of her, ogling the brunette.

The only person who hadn't been in the car on the ride over was Harry and Quinn was actually relieved.

He had claimed that he'd go to Nicks for a few drinks before hand and he'd eventually meet them all at the club.

"Two Rum and Cokes." The bar tender said gruffly, sliding the two glasses across the counter and into Quinn's hands, who gave him a tight smile.

"Here." She said, turning to Dex and handing him a glass. He smelt it first, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"You know I hate Rum." He whined, sloshing the liquid around in his glass.

"And you know I hate watching you stare at Eleanor from across the room, at least now you might be able to get drunk enough to hold a real conversation with her." Quinn smirked, taking a sip and relishing the burning liquid that warmed her belly.

She turned, not caring for Dex's reaction of disbelief, as she looked through the crowd in search of the boys' table.

She spotted the lot of them, all sitting in a private table at the far end of the club.

"There they are." Quinn huffed, turning back to Dex who she hadn't realized was in the middle of ranting at her as he stared into his Rum.

"–and what do you think will happen? I mean, it's better that I don't embarrass myself because then I couldn't stand to be around her and oh God, I wouldn't even be able to be around Lou, like ever again. I'd be absolutely traumatized and–"

"Dex." She rolled her eyes, grabbing the sleeve of the boy's plaid shirt and dragging him behind her as she pushed through people.

A few curvy woman in short skirts nearly elbowed Quinn in the head as she brushed by them on the dance floor, but they successfully crossed the sea of sweaty bodies and to the table in which everyone sat at.

Niall was the first to look up from his pint, giving them an 'Aye! There you are.' and then gesturing to the seat beside him in which Quinn gratefully took.

She was squeezed in between Niall and Zayn, who were both apart of different conversations around the table.

Eleanor smiled at Quinn from her seat beside Lou. Quinn's eyes flickered to Dex, who still stood awkwardly behind Zayn and Louis.

"Jamie, take a seat!" Eleanor giggled, gesturing to the empty seat beside her. Quinn almost burst out in laughter as she looked back up at Dex who shot her a painful glare and then swallowed hard. His cheeks were stained red as he nodded, taking a seat in the spot beside the brunette.

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