🔸🔽⏩ Leo ⏪🔼🔸

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It's Khione.

"K-Khione, wh-what're you . . . doing here?" I stutter.

She places her hand on the door frame, her dark hair hardly moving from the motion, "Came by to see how you've been. It's been, what, a year? How are you, sweet pea?"

She smiles warmly. The light is bouncing off her white skin, her icy eyes dazzling. She wears a blue dress, more delicate than Echo's, whom I look back at to see confusion in her eyes.

I look at Khione. "You need to go." I say coldly (pun unintended).

She frowns, "What's wrong?"

I glare at her, "Don't act like everything is suddenly okay, after pretty much breaking up with me and than almost killing me!" This is unbelievable. She has no right to just come here unannounced and act like this!

"Oh, sweet pea, it was just-"

"A knife to my throat! I swear if you tell me it was an 'accident' I am calling the cops."

She sighs, "Oh, Leo. Don't be so cold, hmm? I'm simply just catching up with an old friend."

I hate her. She knows what she's saying is wrong, and she's saying it in such a villainous way, and her voice so restrained... Why did she come here after all that time to bother me?

Suddenly, footsteps can be heard from behind Khione.

A/N Another cliffhanger :p

And I bet none of you suspected that, right? Lol

Red Roses 》Valdangelo 》Book 2: The Apocolypse (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now