🔸🔽⏩ Leo ⏪🔼🔸

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I didn't explain everything. But I explained enough.

I woke up to his smell, a scent you could only describe and identify as him--Nico.

"Nico?" I ask before thinking. I feel a set of two hands helping me to sit up, and I look to who I'm sitting by.

"You okay?" Nico asks, looking me warmly in the eyes. Only would he look me in the eyes like that.

I nod, "Bad dream." I scooted closer, to where my leg was pushing his to the side by the knee.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asks soothingly, placing his hand on my back and moving it in circles.

"No." I shake my head, rolling my shoulders back and forth to wake myself up. It was just a dream.

"Okay." he says, still watching me. He's here for me, why don't I tell him?

I think about the dream. I was running through a forest. The ground suddenly crumbled in front of me and I was then falling. I fell into water, and I sunk to the bottom. Suddenly, the water lifted, giving me oxygen that I gasped. I sat up, and looked in front of me. I saw Khione. She snapped her fingers and the water came down on me as snowflakes, littering the ocean floor. As the water hit me, I looked up above and it was rain. Khione stood in the drizzle next to me, when I looked back down. She bent by me, and cupped my face.

"You little rascal." she whispered.

She touched my forehead and I saw myself then, falling back into her arms, suddenly unconscious. She smiled, "Cold?"

She touched me again, tapping my nose, and I shot up back in the forest I was running in. I look back, and I see Nico.

And then I woke up.

"You want some water?" Nico asks. I shake my head. I try to think of yesterday, the part without Khione.

"Where's Echo?" I ask, feeling guilty.

"She went home last night. She said she'll talk to you later." Nico explains.

I nod, Okay. I lean into Nico, and let him play with my hair.

"We should do something today, get our minds off things." he suggests. Our minds. He said our minds.

I crunch my eyebrows together, "Are you okay?" He puts his face to my head and kisses my head.

"Yeah." he says. I know he's lying. He's been lying our whole relationship; he's been hiding things. This trust feels one-sided. He won't talk to me, so who will he talk to?

"I worry about you." I say.

"Me? Focus on yourself, Leo, you just went through a lot."

And what are you going through?

I simply nod, not sure of how to respond right. I guess I should have spoken up, but I didn't feel like speaking up. At the end of the day, he and I are selfish, and I understand that, so I'm okay with it. As long as I have Nico.

A/N Sorry this was short and boring. The main point of it was to hint as certain things, and. . . And I just lost my train of thought. *punches everybody around me in frustration* I had the perfect thing to say, you loud idiots!
Anyways, the point of this chapter was to hint at some things, and really, truly begin the apocolypse, MWAHAHA! If that makes any sense. Lol.

Also, I have a new fanfic out. It's a Nico X OC. It's called "Blue Eyes."

Thank you for reading! Enjoy next chapter!

Red Roses 》Valdangelo 》Book 2: The Apocolypse (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now