Chapter 14

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Litch was in living room writing something while your in the bathroom taking a bath ofcourse. The lazy car just form of soft fur ball laying in the couch while lawless was looking at Litch.

"Litch-tan, what are you writing?" Lawless ask happily.

"This!" Litch said as he hand over the files to Lawless, kuro jump to lawless shoulder and they both read the files.

To: Father.
Heres the information you ask.

Name: Amina Jekylland

Information: She as lovely as a girl. She had blonde hair and a angelic face, but sometimes she can be a devil too. She has ever green eyes in total.

Skills: She is good at aiming a perfect target, either she use bow and arrow or guns. It will be a bulls eye.

"Wow Litch, I didn't know you mom can do that." Lawless said.

"Be terrifying, can't deal...Such a pain" Ash said.

"Well, that's my mom for you." Litch said. After lawless turn the next page.

Name:Litch Jekylland

The first son of the twins. His lovable, and and an angel. He has blue icy cryztal eyes, black hair with some white strand on it. He always had an hedgehog pet in him, ALWAYS. WARNING: Never call him a devil or anything that is related to the word 'devil'.

Skills: His good at piano.

"What kind of information is this!?" Lawless ask. "Are you doubting my information!?" Litch gave a dead glare look at Lawless, but lawless look away and continue reading the files. Ash stay quiet.

Name: Y/n Jeklylland

Information: She is nice but in a bad way, she has cute lovely navy blue icy cryztal eyes, she has black hair with navy blue stripe on her. Mostly been ignore by everybody. She always had a cat on her,always. The second twin to be exact. WARNING: Touch her and I'll swear to God that I'll bring you down to hell!!!

Skills: She is good at everything but not cooking. Unless you want to die.

"What the hell? What is this information? Don't you think that this is overreacting Litch-tan?" Lawless said.

"Huh? Why? Is something matter!?" Litch gave a bad aurora on Lawless. "Such a over protective brother" Ash said enough to hear litch. "Tsk, say that again kitty and your going out to the sun" Litch said as a warning. "Ah.. Such a pain in the neck kid, Can't deal" Ash think.

After that you went down to them and start chit chatting putting aside the files.

"Nii-san? Where are you going again?" You ask.

"I'll go somewhere to give this information to someone. Wanna come?" Litch said.

"Sure" You said.

"Ah...Can we just stay here" Kuro said.

"Well, if its ok for you Nii-san I could just carry you?" Lawless offer. To Ash surprise his eyes was shock, he didn't even notice that Lawless already lift him up. "Tsk, Your such an annoying pain" Ash commited and together you leave the house.

As soon you got to the location, your senses was ringing like hell, it gives you head ache.

"Y/n, I know your senses sense something bad is here, can you tell me what is it?" Litch ask.

"Yes, My senses do sense that something bad is gonna happen, its ringing like hell enough to give a headache. But yeah, they are close who ever they are" You said.

"Senses?" Lawless question.

"Yeah, apparently I have a strong sense, that means I can sense whenever danger is here or no." You said.

"That was great, I wish I have too." Lawless said happily.

"Ah.. Annoying brother of mine, you forgot that were vampires? such a pain..." Ash said.

"Yeah.. I forgot!" Lawless said while awkwardly laughing but stop when an surprise attack was done.

"Shit! I shouldn't let Y/n and the others come!" Litch said.

"What are you talking about Litch-tan?" Lawless said.

"None of your-" Litch was cut when someone kick him and send him to lawless which lawless caught him dropping Ash.

"ow.." Ash said.

"Sorry Nii-san" Lawless said.

Ash back away slightly and transform hi self to a vampire form seens its nightime already.

"How dare you hurt Litch-tan like that!?" Lawless said.

"Hyde, wanna break there bones?" Litch said.

"As you wish my Eve." Lawless said.

The greed pairs attack as somehow they manage too attack the sloth pairs too. All of you fight but suddently someone got your head off guard and you fell to the ground but Ash catch you. And everything went black for you.

He calls your name to wake you up but failed, Litch also shout your name but can't go near you seens the guys are still attacking.

"Hey sloth, Is she ok?" Litch said.

"Yup, I think she is just unconscious" Ash reply, Litch sighed in relief. But he gave each one a dead glare.

"For someone who touches my Sister shall pay the prize, that is hell," As litch activate his lead, his boots.
He started to attack all of the mens until they all down.

"Few, Your scary Litch-tan" Lawless said.

Litch ignore and pick one of the guy," Tell your master to be careful around Jekly Familgia next time, cause I swear your messing with the wrong enemy." Litch said as he let go of the mans hands.

Then a man just arrive. "Nufufu~ What happen here Litch-sama?" The man said.

"Ah... Revano-san, nothing Its just our enemy mess with the wrong Familgia" Litch said as he face Revano.

"Nufufu~ Looks like they made an surprise attack. Anywho I need the files and I' ll be going because your father is freaking out." He said.

Litch hand over the files, Revano say goodbye and disappeared. "What was that!?" A question form from both of the servamps lips.

"Lets go home" Litch said as he walk away.


Thanks for reading 😄
Hope you enjoy it 🙂

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