Chapter 7

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~chapter 7~

Harry lead me to his car and opened up the passenger door for me.

"Where are we going?" I ask rather scared of what he might do to me.

"Some place quieter. How can I get to know someone in a loud club filled with a hundred people?" I just nodded my head in agreement, scared that the handsome stranger could take advantage of me in any way that he wanted.

The ride was awfully quiet and the feeling of awkwardness permeated throughout the car. I looked down at my lap and picked at a loose jean string to keep me occupied. It's nearly 1 a.m. Where on Earth could we possibly be going?!

The car swerved into a parking lot in front of a 24-hour IHOP, which contained about 4 other cars. I guess we're not the only crazy ones to get breakfast this early.

Harry got out of his side of the car and came around and opened the door for me. He then liked his arm around my waist. Woah. . . Am I on a I-wasn't-notified-about-a-date date?!

An old waitress wearing an old table-clothish 50's dress. She has dark circles under her eyes and has short brown volumed hair. She walked slowly to us dreadfully.

"How may I help you." The woman (with a name tag of 'Beth') groans.

"Table for two." Harry tells the waitress. Beth then leads us through the rows of tables to a two person booth in the corner of the restaurant. She drops two menus in front of us and then goes back to the cash register where she chugs down coffee to give her a caffeine boost.

I open my menu and start scanning down the lists of mouth watering breakfasts. Harry opens his and pretends to be reading it but is really staring at me. Anytime I look over he continues reading the menu.

"What?" I say after I catch his eyes in mine.

"You're just so beautiful." Harry says after a while, and then looks down at the table rather embarrassed of his remark.

How do you reply when someone calls you pretty? Do you say something like 'thanks you too'? I suck with boys. The fact that Harry Styles is sitting across from me and just called me beautiful amazes me. He could have someone a million times prettier sitting in my position right now. I just blushed instead of answering. My face probably looked like a tomato instead of a cute tint of pink across my cheek.

Beth comes back with a notepad asking for our desired drink. We both ask for a coffee and then she shuffles away.

"Tell me about yourself." Harry says once Beth leaves.

"Umm, there's not much to know. I'm Chelsea Rae Evans and I'm 18. I get B's in all my classes. Umm, Is that good enough?"

"No. Who's the real you? Like what are the things that make you you?" Harry questions. Omg I'm living in a The Fault In Our Stars moment.

"Well, I want to be a singer one day. And be on a huge stage and hear people chant my name so loud it overpowers the music. People in the crowd will be wearing t-shirts with my face on it as they sing along to my songs. Too bad I have stage freight. It'll never happen though; dreams like that don't ever come true." I finish my boring dream with a sigh as I stir my coffee with a spoon that Beth had just brought over.

"How do you think I've become who I am? I was just a regular high school student in a small band with my friends. We were popular enough to win school talent shows and that's about it. I auditioned for the X-factor and surprisingly made it in. Then I was put in a group with the other four boys. We came in third place. Even though we didn't win, we still worked hard and believed we could make it big. And look at us now." He responds. One Direction really isn't as full of it as I thought they were.

"I'm just scared to sing in front of someone. I can't even sing in front of my dog." I say lowly.

"Then how will people get to know your voice? How will people tell you how to improve? Tomorrow, you're going to sing for me."

"What?! Harry! No, I can't!" I panic at the thought of someone having to judge my singing.

"Come on. Sing in front of me? Pleasseeee?" He pouts his lips and widens his eyes to mimic a puppy's pleading look.

"Maybe." I finally say, shrunken under the peer pressure. He just smiles at my answer.

"So if you're a Belieber, why were you at our concert? I mean I'm happy you were there and everything. I'm just wondering."

"I won these concert tickets from a radio station. I came because I've never been to a concert before and I wanted to see what it's like. I loved it. You were amazing! You sing so good and it was just perfect." Did I really just tell him he was amazing and perfect?

"So is Miss Belieber moving to the Directioner side?" Harry smirks as he takes a sip of his coffee. I just roll my eyes at his comment but I know that it's true. The Beiber Fever is slowly coming to a cool as the Direction Infection takes charge.

We never actually ordered breakfast. We just sat there, for about 3 hours, talking about everything; our life, school, dreams, friends, past, everything. We sat there and sipped on black, cheap, diner coffee as we grew to know each other. We laughed about pure nothingness and being myself just came natural around him. I think I'm falling for Harry Styles.

* * *

Beth started to get annoyed with our loud laughter so we decided to leave. Harry said that he was tired and it had been an extremely busy day for him. I had asked him to drive me home so he did. He also said he'd talk to me tomorrow so we could hang out again. I, of course, agreed to hanging out. He pulled up in front of my house on the corner of the street, leaned over, and lightly pressed his lips against my cheek. I blushed, smiled widely, got out of the car, and went inside to my room where I then squealed in excitement and stayed awake for hours more. God help me, but who knew a night could make me fall in love with Harry?


HELSEA FEELS ?!?!! Hahaha.. anyway, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter! I appreciate it when I get feedback because it gives me motivation to keep writing and try harder to become better. I hope you all are enjoying. ~hanna

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