Chapter 9

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~chapter 9~

Victoria carefully took strands of my brown hair as she wrapped them around the heated barrel. I sat on a chair with my hands crossed and I gaze into the mirror in front of me as she releases the clamp and a perfect curl falls from the metal.

"Come on. . . It can't be that bad!" Victoria chimes as she continues to curl my hair.

"But what if it is?! Ugh. . . I knew I should've never went to that concert!" I groan at the thought of Harry having some scandalizing secret that could ruin me wanting to be with him.

"Just chill out! Harry has millions of fans who are mainly little girls. He wouldn't do anything bad to influence them in any way. I'm sure he'll explain everything to you tonight." Victoria explains reassuringly.

I sigh and nod my head. Harry's a nice guy. . . What could he have possible done wrong?

DING DONG! The doorbell cries as Victoria runs to answer it. I hear low murmuring and then I hear two pairs of feet stamping up the stairs. I turn towards my door and see Harry standing behind Victoria.

"I can explain." He begins to say as Victoria returns to her position of curling my hair.

"When my ex and I started dating it all started when I took her to that exact club... And that was about three weeks ago. Now she wrote a song about me and it's super famous and it makes me look like a douchebag."

"Taylor Swift??" Victoria questions.

"Uh.." He rubs the back of his neck with his hand I easily. "Yeah."

Then it all clicked together. I Knew You Were Trouble is about Harry.

"What'd you do to her?" The question leaves my mouth before my brain can think thoroughly.

"She was being too clingy and management didn't like us together because we both have music careers. But she didn't understand that and she immediately thought I was cheating on her. And then she writes that stupid song and everyone hates me."

"I don't hate you Harry. She overreacts over everything and needs to learn how to understand things." I answer.

"I just don't want this to break us apart." He whispers but I can hear him.

"Wait. Us?" I ask completely overly excited.

"I uhh- look Chelsea. I really like you and I wouldn't want some stupid gossip to ruin my chances of being your boyfriend... If uh you're okay with that." Harry stammers upon his words but I smile widely.

"I like you too Harry." My heart completely skips a beat as I admit it to him. Victoria squeals and jumps up and down. All Harry can do is smile.

"So are we still on for that date?" Harry asks as he takes my hand and rubs circles in my palms.

"Hell yeah you guys better be! Do you know how hard this hair is to curl?!" Victoria exclaims as she jestures to my now perfect curls. Harry and I just laugh.

* * *

After nearly an hour drive, the car pulls up at a sandy shore.

"The beach!" I cry as I get out of the car. I haven't been to the beach since I was little because you know.. Pennsylvania is kind of landlocked. Harry immediately intertwines his fingers into mine. It feels so perfect. . . Just like that One Direction song about hands fitting perfectly into each other! I can't remember the words, or how it really goes. By the looks of it, I think we are in Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

Harry leads me to a romantic restaurant right on the coastline of the beach. The restaurant name is some crazy foreign name that I don't think the workers can even pronounce.

"Table for two. Reservation under Harry Styles." Harry speaks lowly to the waiter. The waiter simply nods and and walks towards our table. We both sit down and I gaze upon the menu.

"You have to be careful okay? There's going to be paps everywhere. The paparazzi heard about last night at the club and now they're going to be craving for more. Don't answer any questions and if they give you a hard time I'll deal with it, okay?" Harry whispers as he keeps eye contact the whole time. This must be serious stuff. I nod my head although I really didn't understand how paparazzi could be much trouble.

The waiter comes back and Harry orders a beer. I just ask for water. I'm not a big fan of alcohol it's just so bitter and gross. Harry laughs at me but I just wave it off. He thinks I'm a goody-two-shoes.

"Does everyone hate me?" I suddenly ask. That question has been pondering my mind ever since I learned that there was a news story behind me. Nobody knows my name, but the fans know that I'm (sort of) Harry's new girl. I hope all the "Mrs. Styles" out there are doing okay.

"We'll uhh. . . Not exactly. It's just hard for the fans when they learn that one of us are seeing someone. Every Directioner alive dreams of marrying us. I'm sure they'll love you once they get to know you. I mean who couldn't love you?" He smirks as I giggle at his comment.

The waiter once again comes back to take our order. Harry and I agreed on sharing lobster because apparently this particular restaurant has the best lobsters ever.

"Oh my god is that Harry?!!" A lady shrieks as we hear dozens of cameras flashing.

"Who's that girl?! What's your name sweetheart?" A pap tries asking but I just look at Harry for help. He mouths "Just ignore them" to me, so I did.

Cameras keep flashing as they get closer and closer to our table.

"Can you please back off?! I'm trying to enjoy a meal!" Harry bellows towards the paps.

"Can we just get her name?" A girl pap farther away calls out.

"Privacy first. Info later. Deal?" Harry says rather annoyed.

"I can't wait around all night for you! My son has a soccer game! Now give me that bitch's name right now or you both won't be happy with the story you see when you wake up in the morning." A tall man with a bald head shouts.

"Um excuse me did you just call her a f*cking bitch?!" Harry yells towards him as he abruptly arises from the small table, making it shake. He nears the reporter and grabs him by his shirt collar. "Don't you dare call her a bitch. You hear me?!" Harry's face got all close to the reporter and you could tell how angry he was. All I could do was sit there in shock. It was crazy to see Harry behaving this way. The pap muttered something below his breath that I couldn't hear, but next thing I know Harry punched the guy right in the face.

The man got up shorty later and wiped some blood that started oozing from his nose.

"Alright. Everyone lets clear out. These two aren't worth knowing about." He scoffs as all the paps follow him off of the beach. They all hop into one big, black SUV and drive away without another single camera click.

* * *

Dinner came and went rather awkwardly. It consisted of me telling Harry he didn't have to that. And then he would tell me that it matters that people don't treat me like crap and whatever. So far, the limelight isn't too much fun.

Harry and I started walking on the beach after he paid the check. We were walking closely to where the water licked the land. Suddenly, I hear faint music playing and it sounds a lot like . . . No. It can't possibly be! I listen attentively and then I hear it.

"As long as you love me we can be starving we can be homeless we can be broke."

I shriek as this over joyed feeling comes over me. I start screaming as I drag Harry to wherever my ears lead me. We near a stage with hundreds of screaming girls, me being one of them. I stand on my tip toes and there he is. Justin Motherfreaking Beiber.


Longest chapter I've ever wrote can I get a cupcake or something?!! Hahah.

Comment if you like these longer chapters and please please please remember to vote!!

Love you all(: -Hanna

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