Chapter 8

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~chapter 8~

I looked up at his deep green eyes to find him staring down at my dull brown ones. He raises his hand and slowly touches my cheek as he tucks my loose hair strands behind my left ear. I gaze into his mesmerizing eyes, and then I find him slowly starting to close the gap between us . . .

DING DONGGG!! The doorbell cries as it's screech permeates through the house and awakens me from my slumber. I groan as I check my iPhone's clock. 8:39 Saturday morning. What could someone possibly want this early on a Saturday morning?

I shuffle down the stairs, my eyes half open, and I have to grip the stairs railing or else I'd fall over. After a night full of clubbing this was not how I imagined waking up. I swung open the door and outside stood Victoria.

"Where were you last night?!" Victoria asks me as she invites herself in and kicks off her shoes.

"Oh. . . Sorry. I was at IHOP with Harry..." I say slowly as I bite me lip to keep myself from screaming about the jubilant memory.

"You were at IHOP with Harry?!!" She says in disbelief. "I thought you hated him?!"

"I did but now I'm not so sure. He's just so sweet and hot and-" Victoria cut me off by her loud screaming/fangirling.

"Omg omg!!! Give me all the details!" She squeals excitedly as she jumps up and down.

I told Victoria all about my crazy date with Harry and how he wanted to hang out again tonight. I told her how he gave me his number and put a heart next to his name. She listened to my story intensively as she nodded her head to show she's paying attention every now and then.

"So... How was Louis?" I ask almost forgetting that Victoria and Louis were dancing the whole night.

"Oh my god! He's so sweet! We were dancing all night long! He said I'm beautiful and calls me love a lot! I even got his number!" Victoria squeals. I could see the way her eyes light up as she talks about him. Lictoria? It sounds weird as hell but who cares, I ship it.

"Oh my god Victoria that's great! You two should hang out again tonight!" I cheer. I was excited to hang out with Harry again, but I wanted Victoria to have fun with Louis again. She hasn't been happy in a while so I'm glad to see her smile.

"I'll ask him later. But what kind of food do you have in this joint?" She asks as she rummages through cabinets filled with food.

"Um... Cereal? I haven't went shopping in weeks. Why didn't you just eat at home? You always have good snacks." I ask Victoria but she looks down in shame.

"My parents were fighting again.." She whispers and I can see her eyes starting to fill up with tears. I rush to her side and hug her tightly.

"Don't worry Victoria. They just need to work things out. All couples fight. You can stay here as long as you want. My mom is always out anyway."

My dad left me when I was a couple weeks old. He could be dead for all I know (and care). My mom works nonstop to try to support me and her. I don't know what she does, but whatever it is she better not stop because we are financially doing great. We have a big house, food, cars, just about everything a normal family would have. Except for the fact that I love alone... And almost never see my mother.

"Really Chelse? I can stay?" She looks up at me with drops of happiness forming in her eyes.

"Yes of course! It'll be so much fun! It'll be like a sleepover every night!!" I exclaim as I hug her again. I was overjoyed; now I won't be alone anymore!

"I'm helping you get ready for your date tonight. And yes, you're wearing a dress!" Victoria says as I groan. I always hated dresses and I almost never wear one. I press the home button on my phone as Harry's name is there, including the heart he put next to it.


good morning love! dinner tonight around 8. Ill pick you up around 7 (: xx

I squealed in excitement as I replied back agreeing and Victoria read the conversation over my shoulder.

"He called you love!! And a smiley face and two x's!! Oh my god Chelsea he's so into you!" Victoria screams.

"But isn't the whole calling people 'love' just a British thing?" I ask in return. I really hope he likes me though.

"So? Harry Styles just called you love. Be happy with it."

I took my phone and sent Harry one more text.


tell Louis to take Victoria out tonight(;

Victoria saw what I was typing, screamed, and tried to snatch my phone away from me. But it was no use; I already pressed send.

My phone buzzed again and I begged Victoria to stop so I could read the message.


he was already planning on asking her out later. we should all double sometime but tonight is just us. ok babe? xx see you soon (:

BABE?! Woah. Double?! Wait... Are me and Harry together?

Victoria clicks on the TV and the news flips on. Victoria and I stare at the screen once we heard the news title...

"One Direction was spotted at Club 21 the last night in New York. The interesting thing was that two girls were reported to be seen with them. A girl was recorded to be leaving the club with Harry, but none of the other boys had followed him. Is Harry Styles at it again?"

At it again? At what again? Harry is going to have some explaining to do tonight. . .


Sorry if this chapter was a little boring. Little steps add up to the good stuff. The next chapter will be good I promise(: Vote so I know to keep updating chapters and comment if you liked it or not! Thanks loves! ~hanna.

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