we have a problem

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yeonhee was pacing the floor, biting down on her lip. eunji watched her from the hallway.

" yeonhee, what's wrong?"

" i'm worried about kimmy...she wasn't in her room and she isn't answering the phone."

" oh my gosh, do you remember where she was last?"

" yeah, because i know everything about her." yeonhee snapped in a sarcastic tone. 

" gosh i was asking, no need to be rude."

" sorry, i'm just worried about her. what if she...she." yeonhee started to crack. tears pooling in her eyes, she rubbed her eyes. eunji embraced her for comfort; she patted her back. eunji shushed her, " shhhh, yeonhee. it's going to be okay. we'll find her as soon as possible. now, if kimmy were to hide, where would she go?"

" i-i don't know..she never told be about a secret hideaway. "

" who knows kimmy better than both of us?"


eunji and yeonhee quickly run to minchan's room. " MINCHAN!!" they both shouted. minchan looked beyond confused. "why are you yelling?"

" kimmy's missing!" yeonhee panicked. minchan shot up from he spiny chair, "what?!" taesung started to hyperventilate, " oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! what are we going to do?! should we call the police? should we-"

minchan interrupted her, " taesung calm down. i know where she could possibly be. she used to sit down at this cherry blossom tree, far away in the park. she used to run to it after school. let's go. i know where it is." all of them rush out the dorm.

kimmy laid under a tree, looking up at the sky. it was so calming to her; the way the purple and orange blended together. the sky was gorgeous. her deep thinking was interrupted by minchan and the others. she glanced at their faces, they didn't seem to happy with her. 

" choi minhyo, what are you doing?!" taesung questioned. kimmy fumbled to get up. she dusted herself off and pulled an innocent face, " well i was just...clearing my head."

" clearing your head? if you were going out, at least tell one of us or answer yeonhee's texts.  she was worried about you, we all were. next time don't be so forgetfull!  gosh you almost gave me a heart attack, kimmy! don't ever...ever scare us like that." minchan snapped. kimmy gripped on the bottom baggy shirt. she felt it, she felt the tears coming. don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. too late. tears streamed down her cheeks. the other members exchanged glances.

" guys i..i don't think i'm fit for the idol life."

" WHAT?!" the others shouted in sync.

" i don't belong here, with you guys. i can't get on a stage, room full of fans without having the fear of disappointing them with my performance. i don't wanna disappoint them or you guys. i'm not talented enough, i'm not strong enough to be in a group with you guys. i just...can't anymore." kimmy began to break down, the emotions were pouring out like molten lava.

" kimmy, you wanted this ever since middle school," minchan began to talk in a softer tone, " you've talked about your dreams of being a star. don't let your stage fright be a barrier. break that damn barrier, okay? you're one of the most talented person i've met. we need you kimmy. we're not Q-UEEN without you. please stay with us." minchan opened her arms up for a hug; she embraced her as tightly as she can. " group hug! " taesung shouted. the three members wrapped their arms around kimmy.  she began to smile through her tears; her smile turned into laughter.

" i-i love you guys, thank you so much." kimmy said, smiling. all the others said " i love you" at different times, so it kinda overlapped each other. but, it was still sweet. they broke up the group hug. kimmy whiped  a few tears away and got in the car to get ready for their concert.

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