No One Understands You

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"Morning, Mel," Frank yawns from the kitchen table. It's been a week since I tried to rid the world of me. I try not to think of where I have to go today.

"Morning." I drag a stool over to the counter. I climb onto it, and grab a mug. "Can you fill this up for me, Papa?"

Taking the mug from me, he asks, " Are you ready for today?" Absolutely not.

"Yeah, I guess," I sigh heavily. I jump when I hear a voice behind me.

"Remember, your appointment is at 11, and right now it's 10." Do you even realize how much I hate what you're making me do?

"Yeah I remember," I snap, running out of the room and up the stairs.


"Yeah I remember," Mel snaps at me, running out of the room and up the stairs. I sigh and sit down with a mug of coffee in my hand. Frank and I sit in silence for a few minutes, then I hear him speak.

"Should we really be doing this? I mean, we both remember what it's like to be forced to do this. Why is it okay to do it to her?"

"Frankie, she tried to end her life."

"Yeah. So did we. That doesn't give us the right to just-"

"Frank. It helped us. As much as I hate to admit, it helped. It might help her."

"It might not." I jump, and see Mel fully clothed with her make-up on. Her hair was straightened. Right as I am about to say something she says, "Let's just go." Stomping, she makes her way past me and out to the garage. I hear the truck door slam shut.


"Frank. It helped us. As much as I hate to admit it, it helped. It might help her."

"It might not." I see Gerard jump and turn around. I see he is about to say something, but I say, "Let's just go." I stomp around them and out the garage. I jump, and yes I literally jump, into the truck and slam to door as hard as I can. I put my ear buds in and Just Like You by Three Days Grace is the first to come on. I see Gerard and Frank (which from now on will be Gerard= Dad and Frank= Papa) get in. Papa is in the driver's seat. As we pull out of the driveway, I see Dad turn around and try to talk to me, but I turn up my music to the highest volume and stare out the window.


"So, Melanie, I understand you are here on account of an attempted suicide? Is that correct?" I glare at my therapist with hatred. Does she really think I'll just say 'Yup I tried to kill myself and I will openly tell you about it, stranger'?

"My name is Mel. Don't call me Melanie. Okay?"

"Oh, certainly, Mel. My apologies. If that makes you more comfortable- " I cut her off.

"I will never be comfortable with you, Miss Whatever-Your-Name-Is," I bark with fury.

"Do you want to talk about where your anger might be coming from, Mel? Also, my name is Ms. LeRoy. But you are more than welcome to call me Sherry," she says calmly. She's so annoying, she even pronounces the 'h' in 'where'! Who even does that!?

"Gladly! My dads think I need to be here!" My voice rises with every word to the point where I'm basically screaming with tears running down my face and my dads have to come in, though I don't realize they're there. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO KNOW THAT YOUR PARENTS THINK THAT YOU'RE SO SCREWED UP THAT YOU HAVE TO SEE A COMPLETE STRANGER!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS!?"

"Yes. We both know that, and if you feel that way, you don't have to come here anymore, okay?" I turn around and see them standing there, and Gerard is the one that said that. All I can do is collapse onto the floor, and sob.

"Why am I so f**ked up? Why can't I just be normal and happy and not ruin everything?" I sob.

"You're not, Mel. Trust me, you're okay. You know Gerard and I were the same way when we were young. You know what? In a couple weeks we're going on tour to promote the Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge album. Would you like to go with us?"

"Really? You mean it? OMG OF COURSE!" I jump up and hug them. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" They laugh and hug me back. "Can I invite Anna? She's a huge fan!"

"Yes, of course," Dad  says, chuckling.

(Mel Anna)
Hey girl hey
Wanna know something cool
Meet me at the park and you'll find out
Awww why not now
Cuz I'm a great friend like that 😂
Gee thanks 😂 what time
Does 1 work for you
Yeah see you then
K byeee


"Hey Anna!"

"Mel! Hi! What's your news?"

"God so pushy." I nudge her playfully. "But the news is this: I'm going on tour with My Chemical Romance and Frank and Gee said you could come!"

"Oh my God Mel I love you you're the best friend ever!"

Flipping my hair, I say rather sassily, "I know."

"Omg stop being so sassy," she replies, trying to match my sass. I gasp.

"We should have a sleepover!"

"Mel you're a genius (IF CRAZY=GENIUS)!" We walk back to her house. When she gets her things, we go back to my house for the sleepover. It's great to have a friend, I have no idea what I would do without my friends.

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