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Silas left the room without a word, leaving me dumbfounded and nearly oblivious to Klaus's presence.

I trust all the wrong people? How could he say something so incredibly cryptic and then refuse to explain himself?

My breathing was shallow as I dung deeper in thought, my anxiety controlling me as I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

"I hope he kept his hands to himself," Klaus said then, but I barely heard him.

Frustrated, I shook my head. I trusted Klaus and his Father. I believed in them and Silas' petty words wouldn't shake my resolve.

"Aurelia? Are you alright?"

I lifted my head quickly and jumped in surprise. Klaus has come and sat beside me while I was lost in thought, and now I watched as his amethyst eyes bore worried holes in my head.

Quickly I nodded, "Yes, yes, I'm fine! Just a little dazed."

Petting my hair, he let out a relieved breath, "And Silas? He behaved?"

I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes, "More or less."

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long. Mother was deep into her daily gossip and insisted on talking my ear off."

I giggled, flashing a small smile and looking up at him, "It's fine really."

Then a thought dawned on me, "And also, I didn't need a babysitter."

Klaus sighed and dropped his hand, "Aurelia, I asked Silas to sit with you more for my sake than yours. I couldn't bare to leave you so distraught."

Briefly Silas' warning entered my thoughts and just as quickly I flushed it out.

"Do you... have any idea what it is? The.. scar?"

Klaus looked at me with partially surprised eyes; I hadn't said a word about the scars since Klaus rushed into the bathroom to catch me.

Klaus's eyes clouded over then, and he bit back a look of assurance and replaced it was false uncertainty.

What a fool he took me for.

"I can't say I do. But I'll speak to Father and—"

"Don't you dare lie to me, Klaus Goldstein."

Then, livid, I stood and wailed on him.

"I can read your expressions like a book. Do you really think of me as so naive I couldn't possibly tell when you're lying to me? I'm not as much of an idiot as you seem to take me for!"

Klaus opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly rambled on further.

"You're a smart man, Klaus. Surely you must notice the emotional toll this is taking on me, and yet you stay silent? When you clearly know so much? Why are you lying to me? If you don't care about me enough to tell me than—"

"Don't you ever say that I don't care." Klaus shouted, having stood up while I was lost in my words.

I only then noticed how close he was to me, and my spine tingled dreadfully when Klaus leaned even closer and said in the coldest and most deliberate tone I'd ever heard, "Don't you dare for a moment even consider telling me that I don't care about you."

Hoping to appear unshaken, I stood my ground, "Then why are you lying to me?"

He sighed, and dropped his head along with his angry expression into his hand, "I can't tell you the truth. Not yet."

I folded my arms over my chest in a resigned manner, "Why?"

"Aurelia I can't—"

"Why, Klaus? Why can't you tell me?"

"I just can't, okay? Please, just drop th—"

"Why, Klaus? I won't stop until you tell me!"

"Aurelia, I—"

"Why? Why?"

"Aurelia—" His tone was warning but I refused to give in.

"Klaus just tell me why—"

"Because it's the law, Aurelia! I can't tell you anything!" He shouted then, catching me off guard and effectively silencing me.

Many emotions filled me, the most significant of which was shock.

"What does that mean?" I asked a few silent moments later, my voice barely a whisper as I choked on the words.

Klaus didn't look at me, nor did he explain himself. Not knowing the toll the action took on my heart, he barely said goodnight and left me alone in my room.

It wasn't long after that I turned out my lights, climbed under the false protective warmth of my bed covers, and allowed myself to weep.


Klaus found himself laying in bed that night— the first night he'd slept in his own bed since their arrival— and tossed as sleep skillfully evaded him.

He had been too rash earlier, said too much, and spoke much too cruelly. And then he left her to her devices, probably confused and terrified.

Klaus could think of nothing but of how much he truly loathed himself for hurting her.

Now, hours later, he figured she was asleep but decided nevertheless to slip into her bedroom to make sure she was alright.

Although a lot of good that would do him if she refused to speak to him.

As he padded down the hall to her door, he took in a deep breath and poked his head into her room.

Just as he had predicted, she lay sleeping peacefully on her bed, curled unusually into the fetal position.

Klaus couldn't help himself— he approached her silently and looked down fondly on her sleeping face.

It was only then he noticed the stains on her pillow from where her tears had landed on the fabric.

He felt his heart sink low into his stomach.

Kneeling down, he cupped her cheek in his hand and brushed a tear from the corner of her eye.

She stirred, and Klaus couldn't say he was regretful to have woken her.

When she saw his face, her eyes softened a bit, and slowly she lifted her hand to his that still held her soft cheek.

A single tear fell from her eye as he looked at her, and smiled so sadly at him that he was sure his heart would shatter.

She moved over, making room in her bed for him, and Klaus quickly climbed in next to her.

Pulling her close as to show her through his warmth how much he loved her, he held her as tight as he possibly could and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

It wasn't long before the two of them were both asleep.


The next morning, Klaus awoke early like he always did. Rubbing his eyes like a child, he looked out the window to find the sun barely beginning to peek over the horizon.

Aurelia would love this, he thought. Reaching over to wake her, he felt nothing but empty bed and quickly turned to look.

The sheets and blankets were exactly as they were when she had fallen asleep, untouched by movement or exit. But Aurelia was not next to him, and her day clothes were not off their hanger.

Klaus, instantly knowing, rushed to his Father's room in a panic.

Fantasy ~ A Klaus Goldstein StoryWhere stories live. Discover now