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That night Klaus and I trained on my balcony with my new wand, and surprisingly enough, I was instantly able to control my magic better.

"I believe you're more compatible with this wand," Klaus said once we'd finished for the evening.

I grinned, placing it gingerly on my nightstand and nodding to him, "I think you're right."

Klaus's eyes were warm as they looked at me, and when he sat down on the sofa before my fire and motioned me over, I knew what he wanted.

Coming over to him, he pulled me into his embrace and I nestled into the crook of his arm, the two of us staring intently at the fireplace.

I hadn't truly realized how worried Klaus had been for my sake since my abilities were discovered, and I also hadn't taken into account the fact that he was only protecting me from myself.

But that's the way things were with Klaus. He knew me better than I knew myself. And if he could foresee my reaction, he could fix the outcome. That's just how he always had been.

I looked up at Klaus, and like always, the way his eyes gazed into mine spoke words I didn't need to hear.

We shared a passionate kiss, and eventually I fell asleep in the comfort of his arms, Klaus carrying me peacefully to bed.


In the confines of my subconscious, I found myself in dream that night. Leaves swayed in the wind, and I looked around to see an open field before me.

Flowers freshly bloomed told me it was summer, and I knelt down to take a closer look when suddenly the earth begin to quake, and then—

I woke up.

Somehow wide awake, I sat up slowly in bed and looked to my right. Klaus was still sound asleep, which told me it was probably earlier than I'd expected.

Standing, I padded over to the window and drew the curtain back ever so slightly to reveal that it was still dark as night outside.

I checked the time: 3AM.

I couldn't understand why, but I was definitely wide awake now. Sleep was a fruitless dream at this point.

Sighing in defeat, I donned a thin nightgown and took to the couch with a book. It was only after I'd sat down, however, that I realized my brain was much too active to read.

What's my deal? I asked myself lamely. It seemed all I was capable of as of late was worrying.

Worrying about my strange abilities.
Worrying about Silas and Klaus.
Worrying about my memories.

I took a deep breath, and allowed myself to momentarily linger on the sour thought of Silas.

What was his problem anyway? Coming onto me in such a forceful manner, knowing full well I'm happy with his brother.

Silas was many things, I realized then, but I had to admit that he was not a complete idiot. Like the entire Goldstein family, Silas was skilled in magic and academics- I could tell.

It was then that my thoughts came to a halt as I faintly recollected something he had said to me the other day.

"So you can control nature."

I hadn't known what he meant by that at the time, seeing as I only knew of my healing abilities. But since I'd seen what I could do with fire, his words lit a spark in my mind that sent my thoughts on a frenzy.

I could heal flowers, summon a fire at will, and what else? My power seemed to flow from my core and through my hands, as most magic would, but this was different somehow. And every time I did it, I always had found myself wishing from my very heart for it to happen.

Fantasy ~ A Klaus Goldstein StoryWhere stories live. Discover now