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Okay so, I don't know how you guys feel about smut, but I put some in there. I stopped before things got too intense, but let me know if you want more than that. If you DON'T like smut, you'll be able to tell when it's coming on and you can skip it without missing much of anything. Also sorry for such a slow update. Just bare with me for a bit.
Love, me.


Papa cleared his throat, his voice growing a bit pale and his eyes averting from mine.

"Aurelia, dear," Mama said to my side, her eyes suddenly soft when she looked at me. "You may want to hold off and asking that. It's a sensitive subject for all of us."

I was tired being lied to. No more secrets. With this thought, I strengthened my resolve.

Scowling at her, I sharpened my eyes just the slightest bit, "I won't wait. All I've done is wait. If I'm to rule this kingdom at all, I want to know everything. And I mean, everything."

Klaus' head turned quickly to me when I spoke, his eyes wide and his face set in what looked like barely suppressed anger. I quirked an eyebrow at him, but he turned away.

Anxiety began to build up in my chest, but I refuses to give in. I had to know what this was. If I was fated to rule a kingdom, I was going to do it right. From the very beginning.

Mama sighed, "Aurelia, I'm so glad to see you taking this seriously but it's in your best interest to–"

"Flesh eaters."

All of our heads flew toward Papa as he stared blankly at the wall. His face was set in stone, his eyes cold. My heart began to race as I thought about what he'd said. And what kind of danger I'd truly been in back at the Goldstein mansion.

"Raoul, what are you–"

"Be quiet, Diane."

Mama, taken aback, looked purely angry after her husband snapped at her. But, obediently, she remained silent.

Papa continued then, turning to face me with predetermined eyes, and his voice rough and accusing.

"The Fae used to be just like us. Protectors of the land and forest, bringing and changing the seasons. But they grew tired of such a responsibility and left Gedonelune to fend for itself.

Nature began to wither. Humans far and wide began to die of excessive cold or heat. There was no limit to what the Fae could ignore, and the very land they vowed to protect was apparently the easiest.

Then one day a faery man, who loved the earth more than himself, couldn't stand the injustice any longer. The power of land put hope in him that he would win, and with that power he rose to retake the land that his people had abandoned.

And so rose the first king of a new race, the Fairy King Gregor, my great great grandfather. Oberon and his rotten Fae, unable to live off the land any more, began searching for humans to devour in order to keep their power. Hence why I refer to them only as what they are– Flesh eaters."

After this he stood, leaving me to wallow helplessly in all the horrible information he'd given me, and took his wife the hand as she stood.

"I'm sorry, dear. But talking about such things takes a great deal out of me. Please excuse us for now. We'll have Theodore and Ottoman show you back to the Goldstein estate."


"Worry not, child. I have sent many military reinforcements to guard the house and those inside it. You are safe from the Fae."

Fantasy ~ A Klaus Goldstein StoryWhere stories live. Discover now