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After I don't know how long, I found myself waking up in a strange place yet again.

This time, my body jolted upright as soon as my thoughts became active. Finding I was no longer in the meadow, I looked around quickly to get my bearings.

This time, I seemed to be in a room. An elegant one, at that. Red curtains and silks adorned the windows and a crimson canopy draped over me and the bed I was currently laying on.

All too cautious, I stood up from the bed and immediately made my way toward the door only to stop in my tracks when I realized I wasn't in my pajamas anymore.

A vivid blue silk dress cupped my bodice and fell down my legs, scraping the floor where I walked and leaving behind a bright shimmer.

I detected the faint remnants of magic on my new clothes and frustratedly ran a hand through my hair.

Spent both mentally and physically, I opened the bedroom door and swiftly left it's crimson glory behind me and made off to reunite with Klaus.

"Your Grace, where are you going?"

And there was that voice again.

"Theo? Is that you?"

As expected, Theo flittered around my head and into my line of vision. Briefly I entertained the idea of swatting him like a fly.

"My Lady, you mustn't leave your room! His Highness is not ready for you!"

"At this moment in time, Theo, I quite frankly don't care." I sighed, waving him aside and continuing forward with little to no idea of where I was intent on going.

This time a new voice, a feminine voice called out to me, "My Lady, please wait!"

Against my own better judgement, and mainly out of curiosity, I hesitated a moment before turning back to the voice.

A sweet little fairy, adorned in a pink maids dress and white apron, zoomed toward me and stopped just before my eyes.

"How do you do, Your Grace? My name is Nora and I am ever pleased to meet you." She said sweetly in a high pitched voice, dipping elegantly into a curtesy.

Instinctually, I returned the gesture. Then, my temper still quite short, I stood and addressed them both.

"Enough of this keeping me in the dark. What's with all this 'My Lady' and 'Your Grace' stuff? I'm nothing special; perhaps you have the wrong person." I said, hoping and hoping it was the truth, though the past few weeks gave me reason to believe otherwise.

"Oh no, My Lady!" Theo interjected quickly, my point completely flying over his head. "You are more than special!"

Before I could speak up with a witty retort, Theo turned to Nora and said, "You came to get Her Highness just now, didn't you?"

Nora nodded, rapt.

Theo looked at me with bright eyes then.

"Right this way, My Lady. The King and Queen await you."


Dragged against my will down a series of what appeared to be gigantic castle hallways, we suddenly emerged into what appeared to be a grand throne room. And a bustling one at that.

Fairies of all kinds fluttered and zoomed around the room, and loud chatter and buzzing filled the walls from floor to glass domed ceiling.

Fantasy ~ A Klaus Goldstein StoryWhere stories live. Discover now