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Gerard and Frank both pulled away, and Frank had on a confused expression, while Gerard was standing in shock, his face going completely red. 

"Well let's go before that fatass finds us again." Frank said casually, looking down with his hands in his pockets. 

Gerard couldn't get himself to move right away so he ended up lagging behind Frank by a few feet. 

Frank didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to think, he was almost speed walking at this point. 

"Hey Frank, wait up!" Gerard hollered almost losing sight of Frank. He panicked and accidentally ran a little too fast, bumping into Frank which resulted in him falling to the ground. "Oh shit, I'm sorry!" Gerard blinked, opening his eyes to see Frank below him with a pained expression on his face. 

"Aw fuck, what are you some football player?" Frank asked sarcastically while rubbing the back of his head. 

Gerard was looking down at Frank, at his facial features that appeared soft but also rough at the same time. And then Gerard found his eyes drifting down towards Frank's neck, and it was too late to stop himself as he already felt the transformation beginning.

"Hey sweet cheeks." That same deep voice erupted from Gerard's throat, Frank's eyes widening at the familiarity. The transformation was a lot faster this time, Frank didn't have time to react leaving Gerard on top of him. " Did you miss me?" Gerard asked, his teeth wild and teeth sharper than ever. 

Frank tried to squirm away, but Gerard had his hands pinned above his head roughly, and his knees were on either side of the shorter boy. "I sure did miss you." Gerard purred, his long pointer finger tracing Frank's chin, making him look up. "Gerard thinks about you a lot, oh Frank, he's my only friend boohoo-"

"Shut up!" Frank interrupted Gerard's mocking tone, sending him over the edge. Frank's hands started to curl into fists, as he tried as hard as he could to escape the tight grip. 

"Oh that's cute." Gerard groaned out, only tightening his grip even more. 

Frank gave up trying to regain some sort of strength. "What do you want?" Frank sighed not really in fear, but more annoyance. 

Gerard's dripping mouth turned into an evil smirk, as he started dragging his nails across Frank's neck. He was barely scratching which made Frank shiver at the touch. "You'll see." Gerard said before bringing his sharp fangs towards Frank's neck. 

Frank started kicking around roughly, but Gerard didn't seemed fazed at all which only made Frank panic. "Get the hell off of me!" Frank hollered out, trying to escape, but Gerard got close enough to lick a long strip up the shorter boys neck. 

"Mhm.." Gerard moaned out, that same smirk never leaving his face.

Frank shivered, and for a moment Gerard stopped, his face relaxed. "Gerard?" Frank asked, a spark of hope awakening inside of him. 

"F-Frank, I'm s-sorry, I-I can't stop it, r-run." The real Gerard managed to choke out, before returning to his beastly form "Where were we?" Gerard asked tilting his head to the side.

"Fuck off!" Frank swore before he found an opportunity to push Gerard off of him.

And he ran as fast as he could.

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