Paper Slash

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The next week went by, Gerard would go to Frank's Monday and Wednesday, and Frank would go to Gerard's on Friday. Mainly because those were the days that their parents worked late, and they could kiss without anyone noticing, because once again, making out with a friend once in awhile is in no way homosexual at all. 

They weren't just hanging out to make out though, the two actually became close friends, and Gerard liked being able to come out of his shell around somebody, and Frank liked being able to talk to someone without panicking and running away out of pure awkwardness half way through a conversation.

What did they talk about though, that is the real question, your average teen boy conversations, bands, what kind of cologne they wear, theories of time travel, the usual. 

It was that Friday afternoon after school, and Frank was at Gerard's house as usual. After their incident with the one and only Mikey Way, they decided to work in Gerard's room in case any sort of awkward situation was to occur again. 

"We're almost done with the project, I'm so fucking pumped." Frank sighed out, noticing the three pages that they had left. 

"I say we celebrate after." Gerard said, lifting a glass up as if he was proposing a toast. 

Frank did the same with a jar he found on Gerard's desk full of pencils. "To finishing the project."

"To finishing the project." Gerard repeated, and they tapped glasses as if they were living in royalty, while in reality they were using cheap glasses that were most likely bought at a dollar store ten years ago, but that wasn't the point. 

As Frank finished the last problem on the last page of the terrible and stupid project, he backed away from the desk in victory. "At last! We're free!" Frank celebrated throwing his pencil across the room.  

At this point, Gerard thought Frank was going to start a mosh pit right there in the middle of his bedroom, but gladly that did not happen; although, Gerard wouldn't have been surprised if it did. 

All Gerard could think to do was laugh, he wasn't sure if he was laughing at Frank, or with him but that didn't really matter, this stupid project was finally done, and they could go back to being normal teenagers. But then Gerard realized that the only reason Frank and he were hanging out was because of this project. Are they even going to hang out after this now? 

"What should we do now?" Frank asked, putting the papers into the safety of his completely organized bag that was not full of crumpled papers and dried up pens. Knowing Gerard, Frank knew that he was most likely thinking that they were never going to hang out again, but there were two things wrong with that theory. One, Gerard was fucking rad and Frank would honestly consider him to be his best friend. And two, Gerard was his only friend. 

"I guess we should put everything away, it's not too late though we could go somewhere, or something." Gerard mumbled out, shoving papers in his drawers. 

Frank did the same, putting the rest of his papers away, when in the process the most unfortunate, and awful thing happend at that very moment. 

He got a paper cut.

A fucking paper cut.

And not just your average paper cut.

This called 'paper cut' was more like a paper slash.

The entire top of his finger was gushing blood, just a perfect situation isn't it. "Aw shit." Frank swore out, trying to stop the bleeding, this paper cut was the most hardcore paper cut Frank had ever seen, seriously the blood was dripping on the floor.

Gerard looked over worriedly, and that was a mistake of its own. His eyes immediately started changing color, and his head started throbbing out of control. The transformation was usually triggered from small things, but never blood itself, and Gerard didn't know what was going to happen before he was completely transformed. 

Frank knew he was fucked when he looked up from his bleeding finger to see the all too familiar beastly form in front of him with his head down. He popped his finger in his mouth, and got most of the bleeding to stop, but he knew it was too late at this point.

Gerard didn't even say anything, he looked up and was in front of Frank in the blink of an eye, holding him up against the wall by his neck. 

Frank didn't even have time to react as the taller boy moved so quick and smoothly. He grabbed onto Gerard's hand that was holding him by the neck to try to release the grip, but he knew that Gerard was much stronger than him in this state. He was struggling to breathe, and Gerard didn't seem fazed by any of this, he hadn't even bothered to look up at Frank.

But when he did, Frank was more than terrified, he had never seen Gerard look quite like this. His teeth were longer than ever, eyes bright red, and his ears had grown to long points. "I've missed you baby, been thinking about you all the time." Gerard moaned out, turning his head at obscure angles. He lifted Frank's wounded finger up and stuck the entirety of it into his mouth, swirling his tongue  around it before pulling it out slowly.

After the blood had entered Gerard's system, his eyes grew brighter, but his grip on Frank loosend, which resulted in Frank gasping for a breathe of air.

"So sweet, how about some more, yah?" The deep voice said, bringing his long nailed finger to Frank's neck, and scratching so hard he drew blood. 

"Ow Fuck!" Frank shouted out, as the nail went down farther, he was squirming rapidly trying to get out of the grip. 

"Squirm more baby oh yah, I love it when you struggle, more fun for me." Gerard laughed at the end, licking his own finger before attaching his mouth to the side of Frank's neck where the blood was running. 

Frank didn't know what to do at this point, the pain was excruciating  but he refused to let Gerard know that he was getting to him. And then Frank came up with an idea, fight evil perv with, pretend evil perv. "Oh yah, I've been thinking about you too." Frank moaned out, he brought a hand to run through Gerard's hair, which made Gerard take his mouth off his neck. 

"Really?" Gerard asked, his voice had gone slightly innocent, and Frank wasn't sure how to feel about that really, but he had a plan. 

He nodded his head and looked Gerard right in the eyes. "I like every part of Gerard, including you." Frank smiled at the end, his hand resting on Gerard's cheek lightly.

Gerard's evil expression had faded, and he was actually smiling back at Frank which surprised him hugely.

And then Frank found himself bringing Gerard's lips to his and started kissing him. It wasn't that different from kissing Gerard except the rather long fangs, but they surprisingly didn't really effect anything much.

Gerard had let go of Frank's neck and was kissing him passionately, with the shorter boy still backed against the wall. Before Frank could say anything, Gerard pulled away and his transformation left, leaving the real Gerard to collapse to the floor unconscious. 

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