And It Ends...

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Gerard and Frank looked up to see two adults who were unfamiliar to Frank, but all too familiar to Gerard.

"Gerard? Who the hell is this?" A tall woman asked, one hand on her hip, looking at her husband in fear, and shock.

"M-Mom it's not what it looks like I-"

Gerard stood up to talk to his mother face to face, but was soon met with a slap to the face by her, her hard rings stabbing into Gerard's cheek.

"You're fangs are still there Gerard! An you are clearly not in vampire form, what the hell did you do?" Gerard's mother was almost screaming at this point, her husband standing in the background not really sure what to do when his wife was on a raging rant. 

Frank stood up after Gerard, standing back in shock of what the older woman just did, but he didn't want to get into this family situation. 

"And who the hell are you?" She asked, her voice still full of anger towards her son.

"Oh um, I-I'm Frank, Gerard's friend..." Frank trailed off, noticing Mrs.Way's eyes grow bigger, and he could guess what she was staring at.

"Oh my God what happend to you, did Gerard do this?" She pointed towards the gauze that was protruding from his red flannel. 

"I-It was an accident, I know he didn't mean to or anything like that-" Frank tried to explain, but Mr.Way cut him off before any other explanation could be said.

"Gerard, you didn't consume his blood did you?" Mr.Way said, slowly and almost calmly, but Frank could tell that he was in complete fear for something that he was not sure of.

Gerard was looking at the ground, not responding to what his father just said, he knew what could come of this, and he was not prepared at all.

Frank didn't know what was going on, but when Mr.Way asked him to leave, he knew it was the best idea to just leave the family to their business, he would only get in the way.

Frank was walking home much slower than usual, but he just couldn't get his legs to move any faster. He was so confused, and had no idea what the Way family was talking about, but he could only assume there were going to be big consequences. 

The weekend went by so slowly, Frank tried to get in contact with Gerard but he wasn't answering, but he knew once Monday came around he would see Gerard in school, at least that's what he hoped.

But when Monday came around, and Frank awaited in physics class for Gerard, the bell rang signaling that the class had begun and the boy with raven hair and beautiful green eyes had not shown up. Frank didn't realize how lonely he was without Gerard, he honestly felt completely empty, with only memories of what happend Friday still lingering. 

Tuesday went by, then Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. They were all the same, school, no responses from Gerard, and then a night sleep of what felt like complete emptiness.

That Friday night Frank found himself curled in bed crying, he couldn't even remember the last time he cried, the trembling feeling in his throat so unfamiliar and painful. The tears fell down his cheeks in long streams, but he was holding back the shaking breaths that were trying to force their way out.

And that was how Frank spent his Friday night, before he eventually fell asleep and woke up early that Saturday morning. 

He wiped his eyes and face that had dried up tears sticking to them, and got out of bed too quickly, which resulted in him collapsing on his backpack and chair. "Ow Fuck." Frank groaned out while rubbing the side of his head. He was about to stand up when he noticed an unfamiliar blue piece of paper sticking out of his bag. He pulled it out and saw his name written across the front in an all too familiar writing.

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